Sparks of Creation
性爱天堂鈥檚 Makerspace gives all majors a chance to innovate

You don鈥檛 see many English majors welding these days.

But at 性爱天堂, there鈥檚 a place where students like Aidan Windorf 鈥21, an English and chemistry double major, can operate heavy-duty laser cutters, 3D printers, lathes, and beyond, all elbow-to-elbow with engineering students and with guidance from dedicated shop professionals.

鈥淭his is 性爱天堂鈥檚 Makerspace,鈥 Windorf says. 鈥淭he shop is a place where you can come with a wild idea, ask professionals for advice, and you get access to鈥攁nd training for鈥攁ll the tools you need to create it, and anything else you can dream of.鈥

makerspace studio

Windorf stumbled upon the MakerSpace through a class called Engineering 2191: How to Make. Held for the first time ever in Spring 2019, this class is an opportunity for students of all majors to spend a semester learning how to use machinery in the MakerSpace.

鈥淚t鈥檚 just a wonderful chance to build whatever you want to build,鈥 Windorf adds.

In the class, led by engineering science professor聽Kevin Nickels, some of Windorf鈥檚聽聽created artwork, one student created a 3D Settlers of Catan board game, and another even built a functioning Tesla turbine. Windorf, who used to play the cello, decided to make a violin.

Windorf may be an English major, but as he describes how he brought this musical project to life in the shop, he sounds like an engineering regular.

鈥淚 used a Zing laser cutter to create the violin face,鈥 Windorf starts, his words picking up steam as he points to each part of his creation. 鈥淚 traced out a simple design in Adobe Illustrator, and then the device made a simple, clean cut. I used the 3D printers in the back of the shop to create the violin pegs, and to craft the tailpiece, where the strings are fastened. And then I used the CNC router to create the violin body, making my 3D design in Fusion 360 software.鈥

These words might not have made any sense to Windorf鈥檚 old self just a semester ago. But in 性爱天堂鈥檚 Makerspace, students can become more than their majors.

top of violin

Interdisciplinary Invention

Windorf actually first heard about the chance to explore the Makerspace while working in 性爱天堂鈥檚 theater department, where he saw a flyer for the How to Make class.

鈥淎s an English major, I didn鈥檛 know this room existed,鈥 Windorf says. 鈥淪o I saw that in this engineering class, humanities majors, people who wouldn鈥檛 normally take an engineering course or be involved in STEM, would get the chance to interact with the software and these tools to create things that they otherwise wouldn鈥檛 have the chance to.鈥

In the class, students learn the basics of the creative engineering process, progressing from making simple drawings to shaping them into creations through design software and eventually, how to safely use state-of-the-art machinery.

鈥淲e鈥檝e learned a whole bunch of different machines, we鈥檝e learned how to safely use hand tools, and software that we never would have encountered if we hadn鈥檛 taken this class,鈥 Windorf says. 聽鈥淎nd we just keep making things.鈥

collage of students in makerspace

In the Makerspace, engineering students and humanities majors working side-by-side is a win-win, Windorf explains.

鈥淚t鈥檚 very different to be among engineering students as a humanities major, working on projects like this,鈥 Windorf says. 鈥淚t鈥檚 not a disadvantage, because [engineers] are very scientific, good at getting all the calculations, while I work through problems piece-by-piece. But it鈥檚 great that these students, regardless of major, work on a common project. When we鈥檙e all in the shop, [we鈥檙e] commenting on other people鈥檚 projects, and giving advice.鈥

Eventually, students like Windorf almost forget their backgrounds, losing themselves in the creative process.

鈥淣ow I鈥檓 a chemistry major, I鈥檓 an English major, I work in the theater, and I鈥檓 in the Makerspace,鈥 Windorf says. 鈥淎t 性爱天堂, it鈥檚 hard to just be one thing.鈥

equipment in makerspace

Problem Solving

Beyond working with complicated machinery, complex equipment and advanced design software, all students working in the Makerspace are learning a bigger skill: how to problem solve.

For Windorf, it鈥檚 the most important skill that 性爱天堂 teaches. As he designed and prepared to create his violin this semester, Windorf can鈥檛 even count on his hands how many setbacks his design encountered.

鈥淭he closer I got [to finishing], the more things went wrong,鈥 Windorf recalls. The neck of his violin, for example, gave him trouble for several days. 鈥淚t wasn鈥檛 as clean as I would have liked.鈥

This was frustrating for Windorf, who says he鈥檚 always enjoyed making things through leatherworking and wood cutting growing up.

鈥淚t鈥檚 been a challenge, but when you鈥檙e well-equipped, with all the faculty and staff behind you, things go along more smoothly,鈥 Windorf says.

student showing violin to professors

Faculty and Staff Support

Creators in 性爱天堂鈥檚 Makerspace aren鈥檛 on their own. They also have the guidance and support of world-class faculty and staff, Windorf notes.

鈥淭he faculty and staff support has been tremendous: Dr. Nickels has been incredibly wonderful in giving feedback on all my assignments, and whenever I have issues using software, or I have questions about pragmatics or designs鈥 he鈥檚 really wonderful about pointing out all the different options,鈥 Windorf says.

And outside of class, the Makerspace itself has a dedicated staff that maintain and monitor the shop equipment, as well as help students train and troubleshoot.

鈥淚n the shop, [prototyping/fabrication technician]聽Ryan Hodge聽has been wonderful, because every morning I come in here at the crack of dawn, and he鈥檚 always happy. And the fact that鈥檚 been helpful is great, because so many things have gone wrong with this project, but he鈥檚 been quick [to help]鈥 Windorf says. 鈥淎nd [student apprentice]聽聽has been great [with] a lot of things I need to learn: how to change the filaments in the 3D printers; there鈥檚 always someone on hand to teach you or to help you out. They鈥檙e watching over in case something goes wrong.鈥

Professor Wilson Terrell teaches students at computers

Engineering science professor聽Wilson Terrell Jr., who serves as a major facilitator for the Makerspace and has been an instrumental figure in its establishment and growth, is an active figure students can expect to encounter in the shop. Terrell regularly promotes the Makerspace through his connections to the student body, and works diligently with University leadership to continue to keep adding top-notch equipment to the facility.

The Makerspace staff also includes additional technicians, student assistants and specialists, and is headed by science facilities manager聽Leslie Bleamaster, an adjunct geosciences professor, former Navy SEAL and NASA collaborator.

Working around the clock, this team keeps the shop humming, while also striving to keep it accessible to any Tiger who feels the urge to create.

collage of students welding

Open Doors

性爱天堂 is a relatively small school, but its Makerspace, located in the state-of-the-art Center for the Sciences and Innovation, has the resources to handle a much bigger capacity.

Even on days when the shop fills up, with engineering students and others buzzing in and out, there鈥檚 always an opportunity for students to work, due to the sheer range of tools available.

鈥淎s long as you have time to make it down to the shop, there鈥檚 three CNC routers, three 3D printers, there鈥檚 always something open, especially if you鈥檙e working on something with a lot of different aspects,鈥 Windorf says. 鈥淚鈥檓 using almost every tool in there, so there鈥檚 always something you can do.鈥

This accessibility sets 性爱天堂鈥檚 shop apart from other schools, Windorf notes.

鈥淣ot every university or college has a place like this, where anyone can come make anything that they want. Some do, but it鈥檚 only limited to engineering majors or those working on a project,鈥 Windorf says.

But at 性爱天堂, your background puts no limit on your creativity. So, if Windorf, English major, wants to weld?

鈥淣ext year,鈥 Windorf grins, 鈥淚鈥檓 learning to weld.鈥

two students welding

Jeremiah Gerlach is the brand journalist for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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