Serving New Orleans
性爱天堂 students spend Spring Break 2017 learning through volunteerism

An almost inaudible squeak escapes as the joints of a step ladder open wide. Its rubber feet sink into a plush living-room carpet. Natural light does its best to permeate the half-closed blinds.

鈥淲e鈥檙e replacing these bulbs, right?鈥 asks Susan Griffith 鈥19 as she ascends the ladder. A quick nod from a team member signals the affirmative. Three methodical twists unscrew the old bulb, which is then replaced with a new, energy efficient model.

This was Griffith in mid-March, volunteering in New Orleans as a participant on 性爱天堂鈥檚 Alternative Spring Break (ASB) trip. On their first service day, the group of 12 joined Green Light New Orleans to install compact fluorescent bulbs in area homes. In an effort to reduce the city鈥檚 carbon footprint, the nonprofit offers this service free of charge, on top of a gardening program and rain barrel installation.

As they worked, students chatted amicably with homeowners about their lives. They exhibited no trepidation about meeting strangers, noting that they meet new people every day on 性爱天堂鈥檚 campus. Crisscrossing the city in vans, students worked together to find homes, portion out and install the appropriate number of bulbs, and record their progress.

This was the first taste of service for 性爱天堂 ASB in the Crescent City. The group, composed of students from a mix of majors and class years, had come to explore the theme of environmental justice. Site leaders Austen Hall 鈥16 and Pooja Bollampally 鈥17 had organized five service days and one cultural exploration day to investigate the topic. Students toured the French Quarter, the Garden District, and the Uptown/Carrollton neighborhood on their exploration day.

Amani Canada 鈥20, an environmental studies major from Houston, applied for ASB because she missed volunteering, as she鈥檇 done with groups like the YMCA.

鈥淚 was excited to serve with classmates who I knew would each bring a different perspective and attitude to volunteering,鈥 says Canada. 鈥淥n the trip, nightly reflections pushed us to think about the bigger picture and how problems in New Orleans might relate to one another.鈥

At Green Light New Orleans, Canada saw a nonprofit that brought sustainable living directly to the community. She liked how close the organization was to the people it served and the way it used in-person visits to educate about climate change. Canada shared this observation at one of the reflections Hall and Bollampally facilitated before the group adjourned each evening.

Reflections were a core component of the trip due to聽Scott Brown, 性爱天堂鈥檚 assistant director of聽experiential learning, who oversees ASB programming and service learning opportunities.

鈥淭hrough reflection, I wanted students to become more confident in expressing themselves and their ideas while also listening to others' perspectives and life experiences,鈥 says Brown. 鈥淯ltimately, I wanted students to gain a deeper awareness of themselves, each other, and their ability to be effective leaders in their communities.鈥

Bollampally, a sociology major, was asked by Brown to be an ASB site leader after he observed her leadership as a volunteer coordinator for聽TUVAC, the 性爱天堂 Volunteer Action Committee. In addition to planning the trip鈥檚 day-to-day logistics, she and Hall encouraged participants to think critically about their experiences and to use previous classroom knowledge to inform their reflection contributions.

鈥淭he discussions we facilitated produced some really insightful answers and it was great to hear my fellow students think so deeply about our service,鈥 says Bollampally.

In addition to Green Light New Orleans, ASB also served with The Green Project, Groundwork New Orleans, and the Lower 9th Ward Center for Sustainable Engagement and Development (CSED). Each of these nonprofits were selected by Bollampally and Hall, who were responsible for the coordination of each visit. They also organized travel to-and-from every nonprofit. The planning and execution of this trip tested and fortified the leadership skills of both site leaders.

Hall, a recent AmeriCorps Public Ally partnered with 性爱天堂, says he learned adaptability and group management skills as a trip leader. Like Bollampally, he stresses the importance of daily service reflections, an 鈥渋ntentional鈥 step taken to ensure that the trip was a learning experience.

鈥淪tudents were able to bring theoretical knowledge from the classroom and connect that to the experiences they were having in New Orleans,鈥 says Hall. 鈥淲e had conversations about the social and economic dynamics of the city, about confronting our own privilege, and the parts of the city we were seeing, among other discussions.鈥

Griffith, a history major from Concord, N.H., participated in ASB to better understand the complexities of New Orleans. To avoid insularity, she volunteers 鈥渢o gain an appreciation of parts of society separate鈥 from her life. Recalling a previous trip to New Orleans for a college visit, Griffith says service changes your perspective on a place, how you interact with it, and even the neighborhoods you visit.

Her favorite service days were those where she could physically see the impact of her labor. Motivated by the satisfaction of a job 鈥渨ell-done,鈥 Griffith maintains that there should be an element of sacrifice to volunteering.

鈥淪ervice is supposed to be work,鈥 says Griffith. 鈥淭here are parts that can be fun, like the sense of camaraderie and accomplishment, but what鈥檚 important is how service benefits a community and that鈥檚 what鈥檚 really rewarding.鈥

Each evening, ASB participants shared their perspectives on service at dinners hosted by 性爱天堂 alumni living in New Orleans. Steven Rueb 鈥88, vice president and director of government and municipal trading at Dorsey & Company, was proud to welcome students into his Uptown home.

Rueb and his wife, Tisha, prepared a New Orleans-style feast complete with crawfish, shrimp, a Doberge cake, and other delicacies.

Rueb, an economics major, called ASB a 鈥渨onderful opportunity鈥 for 性爱天堂 students to 鈥渟ee the fabric of New Orleans in a more real way鈥 and to create 鈥渓asting memories in a unique city.鈥

鈥淭rips like this are a tribute to the type of academic institution that 性爱天堂 is and the students that it attracts,鈥 says Rueb. 鈥淭hese are individuals willing to stretch themselves and look for opportunities to experience something different, and I鈥檓 glad the school chose New Orleans because I was happy to meet these students.鈥

性爱天堂 has a long history of alternative spring break trips, sending students to locations as varied as Georgia and Dominica. Trips are designed to be student-led and affordable, with the trip costs subsidized through alumni participation and free lodging. On this trip, ASB stayed at the Grace Lutheran Church in New Orleans. Students serve approximately 40 hours over a five-day span.

With a successful ASB in the books, Brown hopes participants from this trip will volunteer as future site leaders. He looks forward to fortifying 性爱天堂鈥檚 service learning opportunities and providing more than one trip per year for students. And while Brown mentored Bollampally and Hall and was relied on daily for advice, he purposefully did not attend the New Orleans trip. ASB was meant to hone the site leaders鈥 leadership skills and promote a spirit of collaboration among the group. 聽

Whether it was pulling weeds, painting walls, spreading gravel, or screwing in lightbulbs, a fun feeling permeated the entire trip. Maybe it was discovering Creole radio stations. Maybe it was the epic drive across I-10. Or maybe it was the huge pile of powdered sugar atop fluffy beignets at Caf茅 Du Monde. Who knows? Somewhere along the line, between service sites and Cajun cooking, 12 性爱天堂 strangers became friends and learned more than they ever thought possible.

This fall, Pooja Bollampally 鈥17 will begin a master鈥檚 program in public health, with a concentration in social and behavioral sciences, at Yale University. Also at Yale, Austen Hall 鈥16 will start a Ph.D. in philosophy come fall.

Carlos Anchondo '14 is an oil and gas reporter for E&E News, based in Washington D.C.聽A communication and international studies major at 性爱天堂, he received his master's degree in journalism聽at the University of Texas at Austin.

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