Florence Nguygen Tang with her family
Realizing the American Dream
Daughter of refugees paves career path that encompasses the worlds of journalism and architectural design

Florence Nguyen Tang '01, B.A. Communication

Florence Nguyen Tang Portrait

Born in the U.S and raised in Houston by Indo-Vietnamese parents who had fled communism 鈥渦nder cover of darkness,鈥 Florence Nguyen Tang was imbued early with a deep love for democracy. Well aware of the sacrifices her family had made to give their children a better life, she has not squandered her opportunity to make the American dream a reality.

Her first opportunity came at age 16. Faced with deciding between two simultaneous summer programs 鈥攖he U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md., or the听Houston Chronicle听program for aspiring journalists鈥擣lorence opted to try her luck at the latter. Winning a citywide prize for high school journalists led to a four-year scholarship from the听Chronicle. That, coupled with a Presidential Scholarship from 性爱天堂, work-study at Coates Library, and financial aid, enabled her to become the first in her family to attend college. 鈥淭his fortuitous propulsion changed the roads taken and not taken for me,鈥 she says. 鈥淚 credit much of who I am today to my education, especially the magical thinking years I spent at 性爱天堂.鈥 She also credits her mother鈥檚 鈥済rit and tenacity for doing all she could to gift [her] this incredible experience.鈥 Tang鈥檚 younger sisters followed her lead and also attended 性爱天堂: Karen Nguyen Cortez 鈥03 (married to Joe Cortez 鈥04) and Crystal Nguyen 鈥11.

Florence Nguyen Tang with Coleen Grissom, Rob Huesca, and Bill Christ

Florence's favorite professors include Coleen Grissom, Rob Huesca, and Bill Christ.

At 性爱天堂, Florence excelled academically, worked for the听Mirage, the听Trinitonian, and the听Looking Glass, was active in numerous organizations, and studied abroad in Milan. She loved all her courses, especially those with professors听Coleen Grissom, Harry Haines, Don Van Eynde,听Rob Huesca,听Bill Christ,听Michael Ward, Trish Simonite, and Moya Ball, and she was undeterred by professor听Sammye Johnson鈥檚 infamous /F policy. (Slash F means your work could earn up to an A, but if you misspelled an important word you got a /F.) 鈥淚鈥檓 relieved to say I never got one because I learned to triple check all names and places before turning in assignments,鈥 Florence recalls.

Another summer opportunity occurred serendipitously. Florence noticed a flyer in the art building about a summer program in architecture at Harvard鈥檚 Graduate School of Design. Her essay on San Antonio鈥檚 Majestic Theatre, inspired by a night at the symphony, earned her an acceptance, 鈥渂ut it was really the 性爱天堂 campus and the architecture of O鈥橬eil Ford that sparked my interest in architecture,鈥 she admits.

Despite that interest, Florence began her career in two newsrooms鈥The Facts听in Brazoria County and the听Houston Chronicle听鈥攚here her first week was a 鈥渂aptism by fire.鈥 The terrorist attacks of 9/11 immediately immersed her in 鈥渢he gravitas of covering the impact of a world changing event at the local level.鈥 Not surprisingly, she holds ardent beliefs on the role of a free press in American society. 鈥淭hrough journalistic storytelling and multimedia, we can incite change, shine light on dark corners, and improve this condition called humanity,鈥 she says.

Florence Nguygen Tang talking with construction workers

In 2005, Florence entered the master鈥檚 program at Rice University鈥檚 School of Architecture and subsequently worked at several large and small design firms. Currently, she is a project manager at Kendall/Heaton Associates, Inc., a design and planning firm in Houston. She had a part in refresh and renovation projects at the Menil Collection and Williams Tower, which houses the headquarters of the global real estate investment firm Hines, where, coincidentally, fellow Trinitonian Jesse Carrillo 鈥88 is senior vice president and chief information officer. One of her favorite past projects is the Brooklyn Studio in New York for artist Sean Kenney, whose art with Lego bricks will be exhibited this fall at San Antonio鈥檚 Botanical Garden. When she took her family to visit the project, she says, 鈥渕y kids were amazed that you can grow up to build sculptures with Lego bricks.鈥

High profile design projects haven鈥檛 kept Florence from using her daily newsroom skills to 鈥渢ranslate spatial infrastructure into lay speak.鈥 She also makes time to write 鈥渄eeper dive鈥 articles about urban planning, landmark projects, and interesting people in the realms of urban politics and architecture. One article, written while under mandatory evacuation after Hurricane Harvey, will be presented at the state architecture convention in Fort Worth, Texas, in November. 鈥淭he training and work I have been doing since 性爱天堂 has afforded me double vision lenses to see contemporary issues through the eyes of both a journalist and an architectural designer,鈥 she says.

Frost Tower with a cloudy sky in the background

Florence led a visit with RDA to San Antonio's Frost Tower in late September.

During her career, Florence, who speaks five languages, has traveled the world to experience, observe, and research various cities and natural conditions, and was struck by the similarity between the Mekong River Delta in South Vietnam and Houston鈥檚 delicate bayou system. Passionate about youth education, especially providing opportunities for girls, she helped build schools in the Mekong Delta with Sunflower Mission. She also volunteers at her children鈥檚 schools and has taught ESL at St. Thomas University and Vietnamese language and culture to kindergarteners at Khai Tri Academy. Active in her profession, she is an associate member of the American Institute of Architects and involved with Women in Architecture, a vitalizing group that mentors women as they encounter various choke points in their careers. She currently serves on the executive board of Rice Design Alliance (RDA), a nonprofit dedicated to the advancement of architecture and urban design in the built environment. She led RDA鈥檚 inaugural road trip to San Antonio in late September to visit such architectural gems as the 性爱天堂 campus, the new Frost Tower, Ruby City (founded by late art patron Linda Pace), as well as the River Walk and the Pearl. Florence will return to 性爱天堂 this Alumni Weekend, where she will be recognized among the Tower 5, an inaugural award that recognizes five young alumni who exemplify what it means to be a 性爱天堂 graduate.

Florence Nguyen Tang with construction workers with Frost Tower in the background

Florence visited the under-construction Frost Tower in late September.

Florence met her husband Hans, an electrical engineer, when they both served on the board of Youth Leadership Council. Thinking ahead to their three children鈥檚 futures, she says, 鈥淎lthough he bleeds burnt orange (University of Texas), I would be over the moon if our children would want to study at 性爱天堂 some day. Statistically, I figure I have a one-in-three chance of success.鈥

You can contact Florence at florence.k.tang@gmail.com.

Mary Denny helps tell 性爱天堂's story as a contributor to the University communications team.

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