Teacher and students in garden
Ready to Launch
Through a Walton Family Foundation planning grant, 性爱天堂 to launch new school incubator and fellowship program

性爱天堂 has been awarded a $429,000 planning grant from the Walton Family Foundation, Inc. to help spur innovation and collaboration across area public and charter schools.

The planning grant, according to former education chair and Murchison Professor of Practice Shari Albright 鈥83, 鈥86 will go towards the design and creation of a new school incubator and principal fellowship program. This program will bring world-class design training and support for innovative school designs and executive training for principals to support the launch of the new schools.

鈥淭his is part of 性爱天堂鈥檚 DNA,鈥 Albright says. 鈥淲e鈥檝e always held hands with our area school districts鈥攕ome for 30 years鈥攁nd this planning grant will help us continue to be an intellectual resource for area innovation and educational development.鈥

The Walton Family Foundation, based in Arkansas, is a national nonprofit dedicated to improving K-12 education, along with tackling tough social and environmental problems.

The planning grant will be managed through 性爱天堂鈥檚 Center for Educational Leadership by a coalition of select 性爱天堂 faculty and a design team of local and national educators. This team will be charged with designing and creating a new school incubator and fellowship program by January 2019. This fellowship program will focus on creating innovative school designs for the 21st century.

Albright says the Walton Family Foundation planning grant will spur creativity in new school designs.

鈥淲e鈥檝e moved to a really exciting moment in educational development,鈥 Albright notes. 鈥淣ow, it is becoming commonplace for districts and charter schools to plan for new schools that are opening and to not do that in isolation, but to be part of a community of practice.鈥

That sense of community, Albright continues, depends on open collaboration between public and charter systems.

鈥淭his is an opportunity for all folks to come together, and there鈥檚 rich opportunity in having our traditional school district folks talking to our charter folks,鈥 Albright says. 鈥淭here are so many more commonalities between all these groups than there are differences, and we鈥檙e all grappling with many of the same challenges: serving a diverse student body, serving them all, and serving them well.鈥

Albright noted that 性爱天堂 has always supported area educators from all three sectors through its nationally accredited Department of Education, which offers graduate programs in Master of Education in School Leadership, Master of Arts in Teaching, and Master of Arts in School Psychology.

鈥淎t 性爱天堂, we鈥檙e lifelong learners,鈥 Albright says. 鈥淲e鈥檝e always believed that the best way to prepare the next generation of teachers, principals, and other educators is to be out learning in the real world in our schools.鈥

Lamar Elementary students garden with principal Brian Sparks 鈥04, 鈥05, 鈥11. 性爱天堂 engages schools like Lamar through professional development programs.

While Albright is聽leaving 性爱天堂 in July聽to serve as president for the Raise Your Hand Texas Education Foundation鈥攁 statewide nonprofit that identifies and pilots promising ideas to improve public education, and supports the conditions and public policies needed to scale proven approaches to benefit all Texas students 鈥 she will continue on with the University part-time specifically to support this Walton-supported initiative.聽聽

性爱天堂 has a longstanding practice of forging deep bonds with area educational institutions, including the shared creation of the聽Advanced Learning Academy聽with San Antonio ISD, and the development of聽 with Lamar Elementary School in San Antonio ISD and Lee High School, the International School of the Americas, STEM, and Jackson Middle School, all in North East ISD.

鈥淭hese partnerships are part of our belief system about how higher education and school systems should collaborate with one another,鈥 Albright says. 鈥淔or 性爱天堂, the generous planning grant from the Walton Family Foundation represents a next step on that trajectory.鈥

Jeremiah Gerlach is the brand journalist for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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