Dirk Elmendorf portrait
Racking Up Success
性爱天堂 alumnus is tech exec who is passionate about encouraging and advising new start-ups, improving his community

Here鈥檚 a shocker: one of the founders of the internationally known cloud computing firm Rackspace came to 性爱天堂 without a computer intending to be a chemist. San Antonian Dirk Elmendorf says that although he 鈥済ot involved with computers early,鈥 it didn鈥檛 seem like a field that would turn into a job. He couldn鈥檛 have been more wrong.

Although he ended up majoring in economics with a focus on Russia and Eastern Europe, Dirk couldn鈥檛 suppress his fascination with the emerging technology and remembers spending a lot of time in the computer labs. 鈥淭he web exploded while I was at 性爱天堂,鈥 he recalls. 鈥淭he first web page I saw was just a screen with text, but I quickly realized that this was a frontier. I remember convincing IT services to give access to web servers at 性爱天堂 so I could learn to build web applications on my own.鈥

Dirk honed his computing skills during a summer internship with a small import/export company in Dallas, where he bartered free Internet for the company in exchange for doing MAC technical support. He also built them a shopping cart for one of their customers. 鈥淚 spent several months building it and they never paid me for the work, but I learned an important lesson about making business deals and getting things in writing.鈥 He also learned that he loved to build things.

After a semester in Russia, Dirk and a roommate had planned to get international MBAs together and then pursue their idea for introducing TexMex to the Eastern Bloc.That idea was put on hold after Dirk met Richard Yoo, also at 性爱天堂, who had heard about Dirk鈥檚 鈥渨eird web projects鈥 from a mutual friend. He decided to stay in San Antonio and join Yoo in a venture he thought would be 鈥渁n interesting project for a year or so.鈥

Interesting, indeed! The 鈥減roject鈥 became Rackspace, the international managed cloud computing company famous for Fanatical Support庐. 鈥淚 had no concept of what an amazing impact it would make on my life,鈥 says Dirk. (The company went public in 2008, was purchased by Apollo Global Management LLC in 2016 for $4.3 billion and taken private again.)

Evolving from a small computer consulting business, 鈥渢he first version of Rackspace was really just us packaging up what we wanted鈥攖he right equipment, on the Internet, at a great price,鈥 he says modestly. 鈥淭he idea of fanatical support came later, and it made all the difference.鈥

Looking back, Dirk sees all the mistakes and long odds that could have meant failure, but says he was too young and inexperienced to know any of that. He believes his naivet茅 worked to his advantage because it allowed him to get started. Although he says there鈥檚 no special formula for success, he acknowledges that it takes a combination of an idea, execution, team, and timing, but adds, 鈥淣othing happens if you don鈥檛 start.鈥

Since moving on from Rackspace, Dirk is focused almost exclusively on San Antonio and improving all aspects the city. He is involved with math and science education at UTSA and serves as vice chairman of the Witte Museum. Generous with his time and expertise, Dirk speaks frequently with individuals and groups and stays engaged and available to entrepreneurs just getting started through r26D, a local consultancy, where he helps select and develop product ideas that have spun off into new start up ventures. Currently he is helping get Brokerage Engine, a new start up, off the ground. Designed as a tool to help real estate brokerages thrive in an increasingly competitive environment, this start-up puts Dirk back in the role of lead tech and his enthusiasm is palpable.

鈥淚 love seeing my ideas put in motion,鈥 he says. 鈥淚 gravitate toward situations and problems that are blobby and undefined, which allows me to design a framework to address a problem and improve the outcome.鈥澛 聽 聽聽

Married with two 鈥済reat kids鈥 Dirk lists his hobbies as a mix of video, card, or board gaming, cooking, and鈥 ever the technophile鈥斺渇iguring out how to duplicate things I鈥檝e seen on the Internet.鈥 Passionate about encouraging young entrepreneurs, Dirk insists building and creating companies has never been easier. 鈥淥nce upon a time it would have been impossible or financially impractical for an individual to reach 10 million people. Now it can happen by accident. A lot of times people are daunted by the expectation and pressure to make something massive, but everything starts small. Even if it doesn鈥檛 work out, that journey is amazing. I believe the future belongs to the creators and I hope more people will put what they have to give into the world.鈥

Dirk and fellow Rackspace co-founder Pat Condon will deliver the Keynote address at the annual 性爱天堂 on Tour event, to be held this year on April 21, in Washington, D.C. You can contact Dirk at dirk@r26D.com.

Mary Denny helps tell 性爱天堂's story as a contributor to the University communications team.

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