Portrait of Brandon Smalls in front of 性爱天堂
Psyched to Help
Recent grad makes a difference for teens with the College Advising Corps, plans on psychology career

Brandon Smalls '17, B.S. Neuroscience and Psychology

He sings. He dances. He juggles (he taught himself last year). He watches anime and reads manga, the highly stylized Japanese graphic novels. He has an uncanny memory of childhood TV shows. He鈥檚 Brandon Smalls, and he鈥檚 currently making a name for himself as a college adviser to low income high school students who hope to attend college.

Born in Killeen, Texas, to military parents鈥攂oth were in the Army鈥擝randon grew up all over the United States. Deeply influenced by his parents and his grandmother鈥斺渟ome of the most caring and compassionate people I have ever met,鈥 he says鈥攁nd imbued with their strong work ethic, he originally dreamed of a career in law. Brandon鈥檚 focus changed while attending a health and engineering public magnet high school in Augusta, Ga. 鈥淚 realized that pursuing law would allow me an opportunity to help people, but not in the way that I wanted,鈥 he explains. Friendly, empathetic, and frequently sought out for his compassionate advice, Brandon considered his longtime interest in psychology and the medical field and concluded that psychiatry would be a good career. At 性爱天堂, that goal changed again.

Psychology professor聽Kimberley Phillips, his adviser, helped him discover his love of neuroscience. 鈥淪he also helped me learn how to critically analyze my own work to ensure the best product,鈥 Brandon says. He did research with her for a year and says 鈥渟he was always a joy to work with.鈥 During his junior year, Brandon studied abroad in Copenhagen in the Danish Institute for Study Abroad鈥檚 Cognitive Neuroscience of Consciousness Program. 鈥淭hat was one of the most amazing/life-changing experiences of my life,鈥 he says. So much so that he began looking for graduate schools abroad.

Despite his rigorous science curriculum, Brandon participated wholeheartedly in campus activities. He sang in the 性爱天堂 Choir for four years, which he says 鈥済ave me so much confidence to be unapologetically me.鈥 He credits choir director聽Gary Seighman聽with encouraging him to step outside his comfort zone when singing. 鈥淗e would always say, 鈥業f you are going to mess up a note, mess up loudly so we know what needs to be fixed,鈥欌 Brandon remembers. When Brandon wasn鈥檛 singing or studying, he might be found demonstrating another talent. As a three-year member of the Latin Dance Society, he participated in a number of dance showcases. He also participated in other dance groups and showcases that celebrated Diwali, Lunar New Year, and Momentum, among others.

After four tough undergraduate years, Brandon considered taking a gap year or two before entering graduate school. He wasn鈥檛 sure what that would entail but knew he wanted to do something 鈥渋mpactful.鈥 When he received an email from the chair of the psychology department outlining an opportunity to work with a chapter of the College Advising Corps (CAC) based at 性爱天堂, he 鈥渉opped on it.鈥 A non-profit organization that places recent college graduates in underserved high schools to help and inspire students to navigate the path to college, CAC deals with everything from FAFSA/TASFA, college application forms, and preparing for the SAT and ACT, to finding and understanding financial aid. For the last year, Brandon has worked with students at Sam Houston High School in San Antonio. 鈥淢y students are my favorite part of this job,鈥 he says cheerfully. He loves seeing their excitement about their next steps and watching them grow as the school year goes on. 鈥淚t鈥檚 hard to describe, but it鈥檚 a special kind of feeling you get when you watch someone become a stronger self-advocate for him/herself and you know you had a part to play in that,鈥 he says. 鈥淚 also love talking about their hopes and dreams for the future. It really makes me happy to see so many people with dreams and goals.鈥

Brandon鈥檚 success as a CAC adviser has not gone unnoticed. Recently the national organization, in collaboration with College Board, featured him in a promotional video with Joseph, one of his students who raised his SAT score by 310 points in the span of two and a half months thanks to Brandon鈥檚 guidance and encouragement. 聽鈥淲hen working with my kids,鈥 he reveals, 鈥淚 most often say, 鈥橧 believe in you.鈥欌 聽

Although Brandon loves working with his students, he鈥檚 not planning on a career in college access. He hopes to pursue his passion for improving mental health and plans to attend graduate school next year, with the goal of becoming a clinical psychologist. In this field, Brandon 聽will continue to abide by his family charge: 鈥淚f you are going to do something, you might as well try to do your best at it.鈥 But as he moves ahead in his career, he will also cherish his 性爱天堂 years. Although there were many great memories, he says his favorite collection of them were the ones when he sat around with friends and talked about where they came from, their feelings, or just life in general. 鈥淭hose moments hold a special place in my heart,鈥 he says fondly.

You can contact Brandon at brandonsmalls359@gmail.com.

Mary Denny helps tell 性爱天堂's story as a contributor to the University communications team.

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