Wilson Terrell Jr. teaches students at computer
A Place of Belonging
Wilson Terrell Jr. named Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs - Inclusive Excellence

Inclusive excellence is more than a value or guiding principle to Wilson Terrell Jr.鈥攊t鈥檚 an act of belonging.

And it鈥檚 one of the keys to 性爱天堂鈥檚 future.

As the University鈥檚 first-ever Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs 鈥 Inclusive Excellence, the concept is right there in Terrell鈥檚 job title. Over the next five years, Terrell will be charged with helping 性爱天堂 foster an environment where people can connect across differences, act with radical empathy, and nurture enduring relationships.聽

Why is inclusive excellence important? Simple: Terrell wants 性爱天堂 to be the best that it can be.

鈥淚f 性爱天堂 wants to be the best it can be, it needs to attract鈥攁nd keep鈥攖op students, faculty and staff,鈥 Terrell says. 鈥淲e want everyone at 性爱天堂 to have a sense of belonging, that people really feel when they come here, that they are really part of this community. If we want 性爱天堂 to keep growing, to keep rising in the national rankings, to keep striving for our moonshot, we can鈥檛 be missing out on talented individuals.鈥

Wilson Terrell Jr. teaches student in computer lab

Terrell moves into this new position in his 19th year with 性爱天堂, where he鈥檚 served as associate professor of engineering science. His record is rich with collaborative efforts, as Terrell has championed causes on campus through the same type of relationship-building he鈥檒l rely on in his new role. Terrell co-authored the McNair Scholars grant application, co-authored two National Science Foundation S-STEM grants (FAST and FASTER) for a total of $1.2 million to financially support STEM students, served tirelessly on outgoing President Danny Anderson鈥檚 Task Force on Diversity and Inclusion, and has been a regular advocate for student disability services. He will still talk your ear off about the entire slate of services offered in the Tiger Learning Commons, if you鈥檒l let him.

Alongside this track record of success, it is perhaps equally as important that Terrell himself shares the experience of having once been apprehensive about finding his own sense of belonging at 性爱天堂. 鈥淚 was born in the midwest,, and lived in 鈥楥hicagoland.鈥 I went to public institutions my entire life, from elementary through college. So if someone told me 19 years ago that I would be coming to Texas to work at a private university, I wouldn鈥檛 believe them, not at all,鈥 he says. 鈥淏ut if I could go back in time, I would tell Wilson Jr. in 2003 to have faith, that the things he's going to learn and the wide range of experiences that he's going to have at 性爱天堂 are going to be very important.

As he assumes his new role, Terrell plans to teach聽 one course each year, hopefully in 性爱天堂鈥檚 unique Makerspace鈥攁 place where students of all majors and backgrounds can create together in this same spirit of collaboration.

Wilson Terrell Jr. sits at laptop

Megan Mustain, Ph.D., provost and vice president for academic affairs, points to Terrell鈥檚 track record of creating meaningful connections as an invaluable resource to his position.

鈥淲ilson brings a passionate commitment to advancing diversity and inclusion at 性爱天堂, and puts that commitment into effective and transformative action,鈥 she says. 鈥淲ilson has shown that he is a powerful advocate, learner, and collaborator in identifying and addressing ways to rectify systemic barriers to belonging and flourishing.聽 I鈥檓 grateful that Wilson will be building on an already fabulous foundation of relationships that he has forged in his 19 years at 性爱天堂.鈥

Terrell minces no words about the immediate importance of the role he鈥檚 stepping into:

鈥淸At 性爱天堂], we will look at what systems are in place that prevent students, faculty, staff, from being the best that they can be. And we鈥檙e going to try to eliminate or decrease those systems as much as possible,鈥 Terrell says. 鈥淎nd we talk about belonging, but for some individuals, that's not the case. We need to do a better job on making them feel, really feel, that they do belong. We want them saying, 鈥業 do belong. I want to be here. I want to stay here, and I want to thrive.鈥

Wilson Terrell Jr. sits in the Doseum

Terrell, along with Mustain and the rest of academic affairs, will start this summer with a few specific goals. First, he wants to work to ensure a talented, diverse pool of candidates as 性爱天堂 looks to hire several tenure track positions. Terrell also wants to open discussions with the faculty senate, who will start discussions regarding student course evaluations and has DEI issues as a top priority for the senate鈥檚 agenda next year, and also has aims on setting out on a listening tour with faculty.

Mustain adds that academic affairs will also look to strengthen its ties with colleagues across campus, ranging from student life, human resources, and the Inclusive Excellence Advisory Council. This council includes Demi Brown, Ed.D., dean of students; Courtney Balderas, director of student diversity and Inclusion; Jennifer Henderson, Ph.D, associate vice president for academic affairs: student success, Juan Sepulveda, JD, the president's special advisor for inclusive excellence; Jim Hertel, chief human resources officer; and , associate vice president for academic affairs.

鈥淚 see myself as a facilitator,鈥 Terrell says, 鈥渁nd this is a group that's really thoughtful, caring, and has never looked at me as 鈥榓n amateur.鈥 They've embraced me, and we're going to move Academic Affairs forward.鈥

Terrell, center, alongside outgoing 性爱天堂 President Danny Anderson (left), and Sheryl Tynes, Vice President for Student Life

The good news for 性爱天堂, Terrell says, is the University won鈥檛 be starting its journey towards inclusive excellence from scratch.

鈥淲e're going to be doing some great things by just building on the foundation that's been laid these past seven years with what Danny's done,鈥 Terrell says. 鈥淗e started putting in the things that 性爱天堂 needed, not just diversity, equity and inclusion, but also our digital transformation, and our approach to student success.鈥

Terrell heavily emphasizes the importance of building on existing 性爱天堂 strengths.

鈥淲e are already a diverse campus. Now, we want to be a representative campus. We want to mirror what Texas looks like, and what this country looks like,鈥 he says. 鈥淚 want to be able to put things in place so that we are successful in terms of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. But this is not going to be something that we just add on鈥攊t's going to be integrated into the things that 性爱天堂 already does well.鈥

And while Terrell will be working with faculty and University leadership more closely in his new role, he wants to remind students that he鈥檒l be just as close to their voices as he was in his engineering classes.鈥淚 would say to all students, and in particular those students that are underrepresented and marginalized, you will start seeing things come next year.鈥 Terrell says. 鈥淲e want students to be able to see noticeable change for faculty and staff. We're going to be working on infrastructure, putting things in place that students will be able to see. And we will be involving them in the decision-making process.鈥

Jeremiah Gerlach is the brand journalist for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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