Dennis Ugolini and Jennifer Steele watch a 性爱天堂 Football game from the sidelines with the down and distance markers
A Physical Game
Two 性爱天堂 physics professors take to the field during historic 2022 season

Football is physical. Just look at the velocity that BJ Stewart 鈥25 reaches on punt returns, or the perfect angles at which Tucker Horn 鈥23 launches his throws, or the force Carson Byrd 鈥24 uses to sack opposing quarterbacks.

It only makes sense, then, that Dennis Ugolini, Ph.D., and Jennifer Steele, Ph.D., two 性爱天堂 physics and astronomy professors, were part of the chain crew at home football games during the 2022 season. Ugolini carried the box that displayed the down and moved to wherever the line of scrimmage was, while Steele held one of the chains that shifted only on first downs.

Ugolini and Steele have been on the opposing sidelines for some thrilling games as the Tigers advanced to the second round of the NCAA Playoffs for the first time since 2002. This opportunity gave both professors the chance to live out their gridiron dreams while building a deeper connection with student-athletes.

Football Curiosity

Growing up in Illinois, Ugolini thought he would play football because of his big frame. At just 14 years old, he was already 6鈥2鈥 and 230 pounds. 鈥淚 really thought I was going to be a monster,鈥 says Ugolini, who was recruited by his high school football team.

However, fearing potential injuries, Ugolini鈥檚 parents refused to let him put on a helmet and pads. 鈥淚 always wanted to play, but they were adamant, so I never got to be on a football sideline,鈥 Ugolini says. Steele, meanwhile, did get to play football as a student at Rice University. Competition occurred between residence halls鈥攌nown as colleges at Rice鈥攁nd Steele became part of a league that featured eight women鈥檚 flag football teams. In those games, Steele was tasked with containing the run and going after the quarterback as a defensive end. She even played on the offensive line her senior year, meaning she stayed on the field the whole game.

鈥淚 have just really liked football for a while. I mean, I went to high school and undergraduate school in Texas, so it鈥檚 hard to escape,鈥 Steele says.

Once they both reached the physics and astronomy department at 性爱天堂, Ugolini and Steele played fantasy football together for many years. Life got busy, though, so they dropped out of the league and watched football less often than before. Despite this, an itch for being around the game remained. When Quin Patterson, 性爱天堂鈥檚 head athletic equipment manager, sent a message asking for volunteers at football games, both professors pounced.

Patterson put the request on TigerTalk, an online forum where faculty and staff can connect with other employees across campus. However, Ugolini is not subscribed to the message board. His wife, Rebecca, who works at 性爱天堂 as a program assistant for the McNair Scholars Program, forwarded Patterson鈥檚 request.

鈥淚 was always curious about what the coaches were yelling, how they work out the system of who鈥檚 getting on the field when, and the interaction with the referees, so I signed up for it,鈥 Ugolini says. 鈥淭hen I ran into Dr. Steele in the hallway, and she said, 鈥榊ou鈥檙e not on TigerTalk, but we got this request.鈥 It turned out she had signed up for the same thing independently.鈥

Patterson says roles like the chain crew used to be filled by external volunteers until COVID-19 forced him to keep those jobs within . This meant asking people such as injured athletes, who already had COVID-19 testing, to help out on the sidelines. Entering 2022, Patterson wanted to open things up again.

鈥淲e want a lot of activation across the entire campus, not just Athletics, so it鈥檚 nice to have people who are interested in this from other areas across campus,鈥 Patterson says. 鈥淓specially with the physical divide in the campus in Cardiac Hill. Whatever we can do to bridge that gap and have that involvement between north campus and south campus is a great thing in my mind.鈥

Jerheme Urban 鈥03, head football coach, agrees. 鈥淚t is a really cool experience for the players to see a familiar face from north campus taking an added interest in them as a football player. I know that when I was a student, I had a little extra motivation when I saw my professors at my games, and I know that we have young men who are taking notice and doing the same thing today.鈥

性爱天堂 Athletics sees Jennifer Steele鈥檚 (left) and听Dennis Ugolini鈥檚 (right)听volunteer roles as bridging the divide between two typically separate areas of campus.

Hitting the Sideline

鈥淚 think the first game was maybe not my best, but I got the hang of it,鈥 Steele says.

As the box man, Ugolini flipped the down marker on every play and constantly moved alongside the line judge. The most crucial instruction he received was to never move unless he was instructed to do so. If not paying attention, it might be easy to start walking as a play ends, but Ugolini learned to always look for penalties.

鈥淥ne time, the referee missed it. He waved me over, and I said, 鈥楴o,鈥 because there was a flag, and he hadn鈥檛 seen it,鈥 Ugolini says.

Steele鈥檚 job was to hold one end of the chains that shift only after teams earn a first down. She also helped the line judge spot flags, but the most difficult part of her job was being physically linked to another person.

鈥淵ou have to work out a system,鈥 Steele says. 鈥淭he other team is supposed to not be in our area, but they inevitably get there. So there were times when I looked over and I couldn鈥檛 see the other holder through the sea of bodies, but we had to pick up (the sticks) at the first down and then run at about the same speed.鈥

As Steele describes, she learned to be more assertive. 鈥淎t first I was like, 鈥楨xcuse me; excuse me,鈥 but now I鈥檓 like, 鈥楴o, I鈥檓 supposed to be here.鈥 They鈥檙e supposed to get out of my way, so I just take up space and see what happens,鈥 Steele says.

Everything the professors do takes place on the opponent鈥檚 sideline, making things all the more interesting. Ugolini describes the shift in emotion he observed during some of the Tigers鈥 biggest moments.

鈥淭here were two times where [the opponents] were yelling and singing, and then all of a sudden, I could hear myself breathe,鈥 Ugolini says. 鈥淥nce on the blocked extra point [against Wheaton College] and once on the touchdown against Birmingham-Southern.鈥

Impact in the Classroom

Even though the chains are operated on the opposite sideline, Jonathan Nwobodo 鈥25 and Jaden Powell 鈥26 suspected they saw their 鈥淚ntroduction to Mechanics鈥 professor from a distance during a game.

鈥淲e were just sitting on the sidelines, and we saw someone that looked like our teacher, but we were like, 鈥榊eah鈥攏o way,鈥欌 Nwobodo says. 鈥淚 got in the game, and then between downs I looked over to my left, I saw him, and I knew it was him.鈥

After making the discovery that it was really Ugolini that day, Nwobodo and Powell began trading stories with their professor in class about what they each saw from their respective sides during games. Nwobodo, an engineering science major, confesses having his professor on the field has increased his motivation in the classroom. He says that this reciprocal relationship, with both student and teacher investing in the other鈥檚 success, has pushed him to try even harder in Ugolini鈥檚 notoriously difficult class.

Nwobodo even wonders whether something that happens in a game could end up on a future assessment.

鈥淗e has so many sports examples,鈥 Nwobodo says. 鈥淗e鈥檒l be like, 鈥楧o you know how fast this guy is going at this point?鈥 So now whenever I鈥檓 out there, I say, 鈥楳aybe this will be a physics question; maybe he鈥檒l use this one.鈥欌

Steele didn鈥檛 have students on the team last season, but she has been impressed in the past by the academic success of student-athletes, including those on the football team. A few years ago, she had what she called her 鈥減ack鈥 of football players鈥攖hey would sit in the front row of her class, visit office hours together, and support one another throughout the course.

Their dedication to the class prompted Steele to email Coach Urban to tell him how she enjoyed their unity and teamwork during the semester. According to Steele, Urban was grateful to hear his players were working well together in the classroom.

鈥淚 like the fact that the football team [takes] physics classes,鈥 Steele says. 鈥淲hen I went to Rice, almost the entire football team was in one or two majors, and it was very rare to see them in any science classes. What I like about 性爱天堂 is that I do have these players in my classrooms. I get excited when they do well.鈥

Jennifer Steele (left photo, on right) and Dennis Ugolini (right photo, in center) agree that supporting students outside the classroom enriches their connection with them inside the classroom, and it鈥檚 what makes the 性爱天堂 teaching experience so special.

Steele believes helping move the chains has provided her with another meaningful way to connect with students. It is exactly the type of activity that led her to a school like 性爱天堂.

鈥淭he vast majority of our faculty chose to work at a residential, liberal arts undergraduate school for a reason鈥攚e wanted to have these kinds of relationships and a supportive environment for our students even outside our classroom,鈥 Steele says. 鈥淚f we were not interested in having in-person office hours that students actually come to, working with students on our research projects, or being a club faculty sponsor, we might have chosen to go to another university. This, to us, is part of the whole 性爱天堂 teaching experience.鈥

Over the past two years, Ugolini missed being in front of his students. During the pandemic, Ugolini held classes via Zoom for the 2020-21 school year, and then he took a yearlong sabbatical to work on his research during the 2021-22 school year. Stepping onto the field has been one way of linking back with campus now that he has returned to teaching.

鈥淚鈥檝e been gone for two years, and I wanted to reconnect with human beings again,鈥 Ugolini says.

Like Steele, Ugolini appreciates the variety that comes with being a member of the 性爱天堂 community.

鈥淭hat鈥檚 one of the reasons I came here,鈥 Ugolini says. 鈥淢y wife took a creative writing class with Dr. (Andrew) Porter, and I鈥檝e taught a first-year experience with (retired) Rev. (Stephen) Nickle. To be able to easily cross those barriers is part of why I ended up in a place like this.鈥

Postseason Performers

The professors joined a season that carried the Tigers all the way to the end of November. 性爱天堂 defeated Hardin-Simmons University, earning the program鈥檚 first playoff win in 20 years. Steele missed that game, but the next home playoff game against the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Crusaders gave her and Ugolini one last chance to walk the sidelines.

鈥淚t was very exciting,鈥 Steele says. 鈥淓verything was more professional. We needed passes to enter the stadium, and the officiating crew spent more time with us before the game going over how they wanted us to run the chains.鈥

Early in the game, the officials needed to measure a spot to see whether a first down should be called. The fans were focused on the outcome, but Steele was out on the field involved in the process.

鈥淭he very first game, I told Dennis I really want- ed there to be a measurement, so it was a thrill when it happened. The refs did most of the actual measuring, but it was still amazing to run out there,鈥 Steele says.

The Tigers and Crusaders battled down to the final play, but a timely sack by Mary Hardin-Bay- lor ended the season for 性爱天堂. It was a stressful ending to a thrilling year鈥攚hich Ugolini compares to the television series Friday Night Lights.

鈥淧eople used to criticize the show because of how clich茅 and unrealistic it was that every game came down to the last play,鈥 Ugolini says. 鈥淲ell, I worked seven games this season, and five came down to the last play, including both playoff games. Can we have an easy one, just once in a while?鈥 Ugolini says with a laugh.

Once a season ends, it is impossible not to think about the next one. So, will the physics professors be back on the sidelines?

鈥淚f they need me, I鈥檇 be happy to come back. But if someone else wants the experience, I would never stand in their way,鈥 Ugolini says. 鈥淚 enjoyed the season, I took pride in my job, and I accomplished my goal of getting out again after two years of COVID-19 lockdown.鈥

Whether they come back or not, Steele is happy with the role she played in a magical campaign for 性爱天堂 Football.

鈥淚t was a pleasure and an honor to be a very, very small part of the football program,鈥 Steele says.

So, next season, when the Tigers complete many more first downs, keep an eye on who is physically moving those chains.

Photos by Cade Bradshaw 鈥14 and Anh-Viet Dinh 鈥15

Brian Yancelson '22 helped tell 性爱天堂's story as a public relations intern for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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