Student draws blood
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Tigers give blood in response to recent tragedies

In response to a string of disasters ranging from Hurricane Harvey to crises in Puerto Rico and Las Vegas, more than 50 性爱天堂 students gave blood Wednesday.

The blood drive, organized by the 性爱天堂 Volunteer Action Community (TUVAC) and the Student Government Association, partnered with the South Texas Blood and Tissue Center (STBTC) to send much-needed blood to area hospitals and medical centers. The 51 donations will be able to save up to 153 lives, according to STBTC personnel. While the blood will be directed toward local patients in San Antonio and along the South Texas coast, national and international tragedies in recent weeks all motivated the 性爱天堂 campus to give, too, says Erin McGee 鈥19.

鈥淭his is saving lives,鈥 McGee says. 鈥淎fter Harvey, and (Las) Vegas, I think that if anyone has the power to do something鈥攚hether that鈥檚 giving blood or donating something else鈥攖hey should just do it.鈥

McGee was one of several Tigers huddled in the Fiesta 聽Room, waiting in line to register as other students strapped into blood-drawing machines that whirred, hummed, and clicked as more and more donated blood flowed.

Sitting next to McGee was Aidan Windorf 鈥21, cool and collected as he prepared for the process.

鈥淭his can be intimidating - my brother had a bad experience and passed out his first time,鈥 Windorf says. 鈥淏ut I enjoy helping people; after you鈥檝e done it before, you can even enjoy the feeling of giving blood.鈥

The entire process takes about 45 minutes, according to South Texas Blood and Tissue Center personnel on hand. That鈥檚 about 30 minutes of registration and about 10-15 minutes in the chair.

Alex Love 鈥21, another donor, calmly squeezed a stress ball to keep his veins flowing smoothly while hooked into a machine. Love, a Houston native, 鈥渏ust kind of wandered in鈥 to the blood drive on his way from class in Northrup Hall.

鈥淭his is just blood,鈥 Love says. 鈥淥ther people need it more than me, so I might as well give it.鈥

This need, according to Jessica van Zijll 鈥15, now STBTC donor recruitment consultant, amounts to about 500 donations every day.

鈥淭hat鈥檚 just for our area in South Texas,鈥 she says. 鈥淕iving like this is important because we need this blood before emergencies happen.鈥

Scott Brown, assistant director for experiential learning at 性爱天堂鈥檚 Center for Experiential Learning & Career Success, says the event is just one of many chances Tigers will have to give back over the course of the school year.

鈥淭he 性爱天堂 community has always been eager to help after disasters like Harvey and Vegas,鈥 says Brown, noting that the TUVAC team had to extend the blood drive an hour due to overwhelming interest. 鈥淪TBTC knows they can come here and fill 40 spots whenever they need us, because our students don鈥檛 hesitate to step up to the challenge.鈥

The next chance to give blood on campus will be during the spring semester, Zijll says.

鈥淭here鈥檚 a great culture of giving here,鈥 Zijll adds. 鈥淎nd we鈥檝e had a great response today.鈥

Jeremiah Gerlach is the brand journalist for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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