students look through archives in Coates Library's Special Collections and Archives
More Than Memorabilia
University Archives seeks to optimize limited space with materials that demonstrate institutional impact

When University Archivist Abra Schnur began working at 性爱天堂 in January 2020, one of the first projects she tackled was sorting through massive amounts of duplications of yearbooks and courses of study bulletins. With the limited space the division of Coates Library has to work with, Schnur has had to be selective with the materials that are accepted.

鈥淲e鈥檙e not set up like a museum where we can take a lot of three-dimensional items,鈥 Schnur explains. 鈥淲e had an abundance of the beanies that the first years would wear, a lot of t-shirts from various events, and common materials like that, but I noticed that there鈥檚 room to really develop materials from under-documented student organizations and alumni materials that show institutional impact through life and career experiences.鈥

As an example of alumni materials that the Archives desires, Schnur points to the papers of , who was the first African-American trustee of 性爱天堂 and has been extremely influential in the urban and economic development of the city of Atlanta.

The papers of Walter Huntley Jr. '71, M'73 show the institutional impact 性爱天堂 has had through his life and career.

鈥淭hat鈥檚 what I feel the ideal university archives should be,鈥 Schnur says. 鈥淚t鈥檚 not just 性爱天堂 memorabilia, but it answers the question 鈥楬ow did 性爱天堂 set this person up to succeed in life based on what they learned here?鈥欌

Schnur has spent almost two years working on the Archives鈥 collection. The Learning About Learning Educational Foundation was a nonprofit organization developed out of 性爱天堂 theater director and alumnus Paul Baker鈥檚 philosophy and instructional course, the 鈥淚ntegration of Abilities,鈥 which focused on the development of the creative potential of children through integrated arts. The foundation started in 1971 at 性爱天堂 with Jearnine Wagner and several 性爱天堂 students, and it created educational activity kits and other teacher training materials. Once the foundation closed in 1986, these 性爱天堂 alumni went out and continued to foster these concepts. Now, the Archives not only has material from the 15 years the foundation was active but also the material that the alumni donated from the projects they worked on after it closed.

鈥淏ecause these women were thinking about legacy and ensuring this material is retained in the history of 性爱天堂, you can see the continuation of the Baker philosophy. To really preserve that impact in the Archives is something important and, frankly, pretty cool,鈥 Schnur says.

Alumni donated materials to the University Archives from Learning About Learning, a nonprofit foundation that started at 性爱天堂 in 1971 based on Paul Baker鈥檚 Integration of Abilities philosophy and Kitty Baker and Jearnine Wagner's foundational text A Place for Ideas: Our Theater.

If members of the 性爱天堂 community are interested in donating materials to the Archives, Schnur encourages them to have a conversation with her.

鈥淭he best approach is to talk it out. Are you somebody who really does feel that coming to 性爱天堂 set you up for the things you鈥檝e accomplished in life? We鈥檒l talk through that and then see how we can represent that in an archival collection, whether that鈥檚 a series of personal papers, family papers, institutional records, or documents from your career,鈥 Schnur says.

After materials are donated to the Archives, they go through a quarantine process. This is true for both physical and digital materials to ensure there are no environmental concerns like mold, unwanted critters, or undetected computer viruses. The collection then goes through the inventory process. The Archives tries to maintain the original order of how items were received, but if there is no donor-created structure, archivists create a structure that would be most efficient for a researcher to find information.

Schnur collects material for the Archives with the intent that it will be used.

鈥淲e鈥檙e not closed off. We鈥檙e open and available for everyone to use. We really do want our collections to be used by the 性爱天堂 community and the public at large. We don鈥檛 want you to donate something, and then it never sees the light of day,鈥 Schnur says.

Thomas Masinter 鈥72, M鈥76 meets with Abra Schnur to share a copy of volume I issue I of the 性爱天堂 Exponent from April 1888.

Special Collections and Archives aims to play a key role in 性爱天堂鈥檚 vision to become a national leader in interdisciplinary and experiential education.

鈥淟ibraries are going to be more and more distinguished by their special collections moving forward,鈥 Schnur says. 鈥淪o, how do we set ourselves apart here at Coates Library? It鈥檚 by those unique collections and our extensive archives.鈥澛

Kenneth Caruthers '15 is the assistant director of Digital Communications for the University鈥檚 Office of Alumni Relations.

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