illustration of blue and white headphones with a yellow cord
Live Long and Podcast
Alumni bring words to the masses through earbuds and apps

Jack Newman 鈥13聽is the driving force behind seven 性爱天堂 graduates who podcast about all-things media鈥攆rom movie reviews to watch-along series to Dungeons & Dragons adventures鈥攁nd they鈥檝e done it all without ever being in the same room.

鈥淧odcasting was mostly an excuse to stay in contact with friends,鈥 say Newman, who hails from Durham, N.C. 鈥淧eople appreciate having a reason to stay friends over a long period of time.鈥

But this particular mashup of podcasting pals didn鈥檛 take shape until a couple years after graduation. Newman messaged friends and classmates he thought might be interested in podcasting together鈥攑eople he knew from TigerTV, from the media communications lab, or from mingling in residence hall common rooms late at night.

鈥淎 lot of us were media lovers doing projects like media storytelling in Professor Patrick Keating鈥檚 courses,鈥 Newman says. 鈥溞园焯 had a nice way of putting people together and giving you the opportunity to meet different people.鈥 Today Newman is a simulation technology and media specialist in the Department of Anesthesiology at the Duke University School of Medicine.

A handful of friends responded, and now the crew has created six podcast shows under the network name Tuscan Shed Media Network (an inside-joke reference to kitschy wineries). After all, they do dub themselves 鈥渁 podcasting company with a little heart and a lot of wine.鈥 Each series is marked by witty, friendly banter along with reviews of new films, TV shows, games, and anything media.

illustration of 10 members of tuscan shed media, including jack newman, ben haworth, sarah becker, trevor flynn, peter dancy, and bobbye pyke
A Comfortable Niche

鈥淚 want every episode to feel how it felt when I was at 性爱天堂,鈥 says Newman, who was an executive producer of TigerTV鈥檚聽Newswave. 鈥淵ou got back to your dorm room after watching a movie, you sat back with friends, and you just had a good conversation.鈥

Podcasting offered Newman鈥檚 group an outlet to continue their great conversations, but with a lighter production load than a video series. Best of all, podcasting meant they did not have to be together in the same space to make an episode: None of the seven 性爱天堂 podcasters live in the same city.

鈥淰ideo provides something scripted, concise, and driven,鈥 says聽Ben Haworth 鈥12, who majored in communication with a minor in film studies. 鈥淏ut podcasting is more free-flowing and conversational, and Jack wanted to recreate the discussions we had back in college.鈥 Haworth was a host and producer of TigerTV鈥檚 Studio 21, an arts, entertainment, and pop culture show.

Tuscan Shed鈥檚 first series was Movie Gang Podcast, a panel of rotating hosts who analyze a newly released movie each week, from popular releases to contentious franchise entries. The Movie Gang Podcast released its inaugural episode in February 2016, in which they discussed and rated聽Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens. Now, they鈥檝e released more than 120 episodes of the show.

鈥淚t gets me to see movies I might not see normally,鈥 says聽Sarah Becker 鈥13, a music major from Ft. Worth, Texas, who minored in psychology. In addition to being a key member of the Tuscan Shed team, Becker is a church organist as well as a staff accompanist at a community college in Dallas.

Geeking Out

The team applied a similar format to another podcast show, Animania, in which Newman, Becker, and聽Trevor Flynn 鈥14聽review and analyze their favorite anime. 鈥淭he anime community is expansive,鈥 says Flynn, a theatre major who is immersed in performance, dance, and poetry. 鈥淥ne contentious issue among anime aficionados is 鈥榮ubs vs. dubs鈥: Should non-Japanese speaking fans watch anime with overdubbed dialogue, or with subtitles?鈥 he says.

Tuscan Shed鈥檚 independent status lends artistic freedom to embrace niche topics, as it did with its show Geek Space Nine, a watchalong series in which the hosts watch all seven seasons of the television series聽Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. 鈥淚t鈥檚 a small, devoted topic,鈥 Haworth says. 鈥淓ither you watch it, or you don鈥檛.鈥

Co-hosts Haworth, Becker, and聽Peter Dancy 鈥14聽were only acquaintances before the show kicked off, though they were longtime Star Trek fans. 鈥淲e all got super invested in it,鈥 says Dancy, who majored in communication and minored in business administration.

Now they鈥檝e podcasted more than 170 episodes of Geek Space Nine together. 鈥淚 got to be a lot closer with Ben and Peter, who I didn鈥檛 know very well during my time at 性爱天堂,鈥 Becker says. 鈥淲e鈥檝e created a bond over being Star Trek nerds.鈥

Tuscan Shed takes a dive from deep space into deep forensics with audio crime drama podcasts.聽Bobbye Pyke 鈥13, a communication major and former TigerTV lead anchor who is currently a law student at the University of Houston Law Center, is drawn to this genre. 鈥淏obbye has a passion for podcasts like Serial and Black Tapes,鈥 Newman says. 鈥淭uscan Shed Media Network gives her access to editors, to voice talent, and to people with acting backgrounds,鈥 without which Pyke might not be able to explore producing crime podcasts further.

So Haworth, Becker, and Dancy pine for Star Trek, while Pyke harbors a passion for crime podcasts. But that鈥檚 the beauty of Tuscan Shed鈥攕imilar to what their alma mater taught them, exploring a diverse array of interests makes for interesting鈥攁nd well-rounded鈥攕hows.

A Menagerie of Misfits

Newman鈥檚 biography at calls the team a 鈥渕enagerie of misfits鈥 ranging from music nerds to hardcore newsies to drama geeks and lawyers,鈥 and likens them to a second family. Many of the podcasters remarked Newman has a gift of rallying the group, and that they would not have embarked on this venture if not for his influence.

鈥淗is enthusiasm is infectious. It gets us on board and keeps us on board,鈥 Becker says.

Enthusiasm is just one key to successfully creating podcasts separately together鈥攅ach from respective hometowns, the hosts have a live conversation using Skype or Google Hangouts, and each person records only their own audio. The audio files are then compiled and edited. 鈥淢icrophones are important,鈥 Haworth says. 鈥淭here are times you lose entire projects because one microphone ruins the entire recording.鈥

鈥淓veryone has a dog, and they bark sometimes,鈥 he laughs. 鈥淏ut we just keep going.鈥

The team releases its podcasts on a podcatcher鈥攁n application such as iTunes, Stitcher, Soundcloud, or Spotify that lets listeners subscribe to podcasts鈥攕o as episodes are posted, they are downloaded to your device.

鈥淓ach of us has applied our own experiences, interests, and perspectives to the podcasts,鈥 says Dancy, whose full-time job in Houston is with 2nd MD, where he monitors and troubleshoots video conferences between doctors and patients seeking a second opinion. 鈥淚 know for me, if we are reviewing a Marvel superhero movie, I鈥檓 going to have a lot to say. Someone else may have more to say about the movie鈥檚 pacing, storytelling, or music scoring.鈥

Haworth suggests the least appreciated aspect of podcasting is finding natural chemistry among co-hosts. 鈥淵ou can be best friends in real life, but then you record yourself and it can sound like three strangers,鈥 he says. 鈥淲e are learning how to drop some of that formality and sound genuine, entertaining, enjoyable. You can hear Jack Googling things, fact-checking in the background. As long as we had a good conversation, it鈥檚 an easy-going process.鈥

Tuscan Shed鈥檚 raison d鈥櫭猼re has been maintaining friendships, but the team is still excited by the idea of creating a runaway series, such as 2014鈥檚 Serial. A true-crime podcast from the creators of This American Life, Serial captured the attention of many first-time podcast listeners.

鈥淲e always are looking to make the podcast that will take off and bring in that million-person audience, because it will help keep this group together,鈥 Newman says. 鈥淲e鈥檝e brought creative 性爱天堂 grads together, and a lot of good things have happened.鈥

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Nicolette Good graduated from 性爱天堂 in 2007 with a Bachelor of Arts in English and Music. In addition to being a traditional writer, she is a working singer/songwriter, as well as a staff musician for Home Street Music, a nonprofit that uses music to empower individuals who have experienced homelessness.

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