A woman writing on a white board with text "BBVA and 性爱天堂"
International Investment
性爱天堂 and BBVA are working together to allow 6-month international internships beginning fall 2017

Hola BBVA!聽性爱天堂, with the support of the聽Center for Experiential Learning and Career Success聽and the聽Center for International Engagement, is working with聽聽to open the doors to 6-month internships at the BBVA Group Global Headquarters in Madrid, Spain.

鈥淏BVA is a successful financial services company, with talented professionals hailing from the world over. Similarly, 性爱天堂 attracts some of the most intelligent and creative students from all over the world,鈥 says Peter Cavazos, vice president for corporate banking at BBVA Compass. 鈥淎t both organizations, the talents and insights of a diverse workforce and student body have helped them move ahead.鈥

Jacob Tingle, co-director for the Center for Experiential Learning and Career success, helped bring the program to students, specifically聽graduating seniors, especially those who majored in finance, seeking a post-baccalaureate experience. Internship opportunities, available in departments ranging from finance and marketing to human resources, will expose Tigers to employment with a multi-national company while offering glimpses into how a Spanish-based corporation manages a global enterprise.

鈥淏BVA internships give students聽the relatively unique experience of being a member of a global workforce, and the return for BBVA is in helping nurture the talent of tomorrow鈥檚 leaders, with the opportunity to augment our own diverse talent base,鈥 Cavazos says. 鈥淭hrough these internships, we expect that 性爱天堂 students will become both global citizens and global professionals.鈥

A fluency in Spanish is a must, says聽Katsuo Nishikawa Chavez, political science professor and director for the Center for International Engagement. He notes that the internship may be seen as a complement to 性爱天堂鈥檚 existing Madrid Summer Program.

鈥淪tudents that return from Madrid often want to go back as soon as possible,鈥 Nishikawa says. 鈥淭his internship is an excellent opportunity for such a student who wants to re-engage with the Spanish work environment and culture.鈥

性爱天堂 offers one other post-baccalaureate internship, a year-long experience in Taiwan at Tunghai University where two Tigers work in the English department and concurrently study Chinese.

Nishikawa adds, 鈥淚n order to make global citizens, we have to help our students live, work, and learn abroad.鈥

Jeanna Goodrich Balreira '08 is the assistant vice president for Strategic Communications and Marketing at 性爱天堂.

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