Inspired Interactions
性爱天堂 Board of Visitors advises University working groups

The 性爱天堂聽Board of Visitors聽is refocusing its mission in an effort to better serve the University and bolster alumni-student connections. The Board, comprised of 性爱天堂 alumni and friends, is now advising four 性爱天堂 working groups tasked with campus improvement projects. Projects include a聽罢谤颈苍颈迟辞苍颈补苍听advisory council, a pitch for faculty use of open access content in assigned readings, a journalistic look at the stories and contributions of 性爱天堂 staff, and an alumni/employer network. Students collaborate with the Board in conjunction with an Alumni Relations and Development staff liaison.

Mike Bacon聽鈥89, vice president for Alumni Relations and Development, believes the working groups involve Board members in a new and effective way.

鈥淭he Board now engages around specific work where they can contribute their knowledge and expertise,鈥 says Bacon. 鈥淭hese groups are totally changing the way this Board does its work.鈥

The Board was founded more than 20 years ago to advise the President and assist the office of Alumni Relations and Development. Members are nominated and serve three-year terms. In 2016, the Board adopted a new set of bylaws and drafted a member expectations agreement. Members of the Board are encouraged to make a minimum financial contribution at the聽Associate level聽to 性爱天堂.

Philip Wetz 鈥73 chairs the Board and says members are 鈥渋nspired by every interaction with 性爱天堂 students鈥 and even more invested in the University鈥檚 mission as a result.

鈥淲e hope that the students will benefit in working with Board members by perhaps learning about how to work effectively as a team and how to develop plans to address challenges they have identified,鈥 says Wetz.

The four working groups are part of the Board鈥檚 revitalization. Nick Santulli 鈥18, president of 性爱天堂鈥檚 Student Government Association (SGA), is part of the working group advocating for faculty use of Open Educational Resources (OER) in their courses. Santulli鈥檚 group successfully advocated for 性爱天堂 to join the Open Textbook Network (OTN), which advocates for and curates peer-reviewed OER materials. These free resources replace expensive traditional textbooks, making college attendance much more affordable. The Board is advising the SGA group as they advocate for OER adoption to 性爱天堂 professors who are like to incorporate this model into their syllabi.

鈥淏oard members sympathize with us when we tell them that textbook costs are ridiculous,鈥 says Santulli. 鈥淭hey can relate to us. This has provided a great opportunity to form relationships and I really value how committed they are to 性爱天堂 and making the student experience the best it can possibly be.鈥

Board members convene on campus for two days every March and October. The biannual meetings let the Board offer advice, while still allowing the student groups to retain agency of their projects. Santulli says their insight has 鈥渄efinitely been welcome,鈥 as Board members come from a variety of professional disciplines and life experiences.

To learn more about the working groups or the Board of Visitors, contact the office of聽Alumni Relations and Development聽at聽alumni@trinity.edu聽or 210-999-8404.

Carlos Anchondo '14 is an oil and gas reporter for E&E News, based in Washington D.C.聽A communication and international studies major at 性爱天堂, he received his master's degree in journalism聽at the University of Texas at Austin.

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