Andre Storey in a suit sitting in an office chair behind a desk. An elephant statue and coffee mug full of pens are in foreground. a whiteboard with writing on it is to his left.
Healing Hands
Andre Storey M'12 meets community needs in Lake Charles

Andre Storey 鈥12 practically beams through the phone when asked about his time in Lake Charles, Louisiana.

Storey spent nearly four years as regional vice president of Ancillary Services for Christus St. Patrick Health System, which operates a series of medical centers and hospitals in the Lake Charles area. As he rattles off fact after fact about the 鈥渂lue-collar town鈥 of 300,000鈥攊n the midst of an economic boom with international interests, an ability to export natural gas, and nearly 50 percent job growth expected over the next decade鈥攐ne might forget that this same area was battered by Hurricane Harvey in August 2017.

Hurricane Harvey was more known for the havoc it wreaked on Texas鈥 coastline, but the storm hit Lake Charles and the Louisiana coast hard, too. Harvey dropped 18 inches of rain on Lake Charles, felled hundreds of trees, and left thousands without power as the storm came ashore in Louisiana and headed northeast toward Mississippi.

Storey鈥檚 hospital system served as a bulwark against this disaster not only for the Lake Charles population, which Storey says is 鈥渁ging, like the rest of the country鈥 and 鈥渞equires a diverse and complex approach鈥 to healthcare, but also for patients from other parts of Louisiana and Texas.

鈥淭he national guard was flying people in from other parts of Louisiana, from Texas, dropping them off at our hospital,鈥 Storey says. 鈥淎nd our employees weren鈥檛 going home鈥攚e had doctors, nurses, workers, all these people staying here at the hospital, bringing clothes and sleeping bags, working extra shifts and staying to help.鈥

Instead of focusing on the fatigue, the long hours, and the crowded space inside the hospital, Storey says he saw a team of medical professionals at their best when the hospital鈥檚 patients were at their worst.

鈥淲e all just rallied together鈥ecause that鈥檚 what you have to do,鈥 Storey says. 鈥淔or patients coming in at a time like that, they鈥檙e at their lowest point. So for us in the healthcare profession, that鈥檚 when you have to be at your best.鈥

Storey notes that in times of crisis, visitors to hospitals might tend to place all their attention on physicians, but medical care relies on a deep, varied roster of professionals, many who work behind the scenes.

鈥淭hat鈥檚 what 鈥榓ncillary鈥 means,鈥 says Storey, who heads ancillary services for his hospital system. 鈥淚t鈥檚 specialized medical care that complements primary care.鈥

Ancillary services include therapy such as physical rehab, diagnostic imaging such as X-rays and MRIs, and custodial care.

鈥淓verything we do at our hospital takes an entire team,鈥 Storey says, 鈥渨hether it鈥檚 the people serving food in the cafeteria or the physicians and nurses.鈥

Every employee at Christus St. Patrick had a hand in keeping patients safe and healthy during the storm. 鈥淭hey鈥檙e just like the first responders who brought our patients in,鈥 Storey says.聽 鈥淲e鈥檙e all part of the same process.鈥

Being part of that process has been a lifelong journey for Storey, who grew up in La Quinta, Calif., and then bounced around the Southwest before graduating from Oklahoma State University in 2009. As a first-generation college student, Storey says he wanted a career where could make an immediate impact on his community, and settled on the medical field as he prepared for the post-graduate phase of his career.

Storey ultimately chose 性爱天堂鈥檚 Health Care Administration program after he kept seeing that several VPs and directors at hospital systems he wanted to work for all had degrees from 鈥渢his same small school in Texas called 性爱天堂,鈥 Storey says.

鈥淚鈥檇 never heard of 性爱天堂 before I started this sort of networking,鈥 Storey says. 鈥淎fter I visited, I was in love with it.鈥

Graduating with a Master of Science in Health Care Administration, Storey also developed the same relationships with 性爱天堂 faculty and fellow students that he would later form with the entire chain of employees at Christus St. Patrick.

鈥淎t 性爱天堂, the focus is on teaching. The relationships I developed with my classmates鈥 well, we still text every week,鈥 Storey says. 鈥溞园焯 is a gem.鈥

The HCAD program鈥檚 required residency gave Storey a chance to start making an impact in the real world right away.

鈥淭he HCAD program there, with what they鈥檙e looking for in applicants, it鈥檚 inherent that you want to help others,鈥 Storey says. 鈥淲ith that required residency, you know what鈥檚 expected of you at all times.鈥

With Christus St. Patrick in the midst of disaster recovery and preparation for future emergencies, Storey kept his team focused on the big picture: meeting the complex needs of Lake Charles鈥 booming population. 鈥淗ealthcare is changing constantly,鈥 Storey says. 鈥淎nd with providing healthcare, so much focus is now on preventative care, not just when someone is sick.鈥

While Storey has moved to a new position at Baylor Scott & White Health in Dallas-Fort Worth, he leaves behind a number of medical initiatives for his team in Lake Charles, from research partnerships with schools such as Louisiana State University to a program that brings medical screenings straight to schools, which makes it easier for busy parents and children to access care.

鈥淵ou get into a healthcare career because you can see the direct impact of your work,鈥 Storey says. 鈥淚f there鈥檚 a need, you can develop a program for it right away.鈥

Jeremiah Gerlach is the brand journalist for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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