(left to right) Herb Stumberg '81, Jackie Moczygemba, Danny Anderson, Megan Mustain, and Maria Arteaga '22 cut a ribbon at the Ewing Halsell Center
Halsell Center Reopens After Dramatic Renovation Project
Reimagined building is home to classical studies, history, and philosophy departments

性爱天堂 is known for its commitment to redefining the liberal arts and always setting its sights on a brighter future for its students and world-class faculty. On Aug. 11, the University marked such a day with a ceremonial ribbon-cutting event to officially reopen the newly-renovated Halsell Center. This reimagined building is now the dedicated home to classical studies, history, and philosophy departments.聽

The Ewing Halsell Center, which initially opened in 1968, was the 41st and last building that famed architect O鈥橬eil Ford designed as part of 性爱天堂鈥檚 Centennial Program and is one of 26 buildings on campus that is part of 性爱天堂鈥檚 National Historic District. It was also the original home to the University鈥檚 first computer, an IBM 360 model 44, at that time considered the height of state-of-the-art technology.

鈥淲hen 性爱天堂 opened this building in 1968, this current campus wasn鈥檛 even 20 years old, yet even then, 性爱天堂 was building for the future,鈥 says Danny Anderson, 性爱天堂 president.聽

鈥淗alsell was home to one of the University鈥檚 first computers, an IBM 360, Model 44, and then University President James Laurie boasted about the computer鈥檚 cutting edge speed, which could add a column of 10,000 figures in 23 seconds. But on that March afternoon in 1968, President Laurie realized that this building was about more than a computer - quoting him: 鈥楾his building, and others surrounding it, are equipped to deal with scientific knowledge, intellectual insight, philosophical perception, and social promise.鈥欌

鈥淭hat IBM 360 was sent to the scrap heap long ago, but this building鈥檚 purpose remains the same: 鈥榯o enable generations of students to navigate the human race and direct human intellect across the oceans of opportunity which now beckon,鈥 as President Laurie so eloquently put it,鈥 explains Anderson.

性爱天堂 Trustee Herb Stumberg '81 marvels at the newly installed glass ceiling of Ewing Halsell Center鈥攁 result of opening up the existing hallway through to the ceiling of the building's third to enable daylight harvesting.

Today鈥檚 building includes technology that will give 性爱天堂鈥檚 students the space and resources to collaborate. It鈥檚 a place where students and faculty will use innovative, cross-disciplinary areas, and tools to help answer questions and question answers.聽

鈥淲e're extremely excited about the opening of Halsell,鈥 says Tim O鈥橲ullivan, professor and chair of the Department of Classical Studies. 鈥淎s the co-chair of the renovation project committee, I am thrilled that eight years of planning is coming to fruition, and that two more state-of-the-art buildings are on the way,鈥 he says. 鈥淎nd as the chair of the Classical Studies Department, I can't wait to share this new space with our students. The new Classical Studies Department is much more student-focused than our old space,鈥 he explains, 鈥減articularly the new seminar and research room, which will allow the students in our two humanities labs to have their own research and meeting space.鈥

鈥淥ur new seminar room looks like it will be excellent for research and classes alike,鈥 says classical studies student Meg McDonald 鈥22. 鈥淲ith its cozy atmosphere and vast amounts of white board space, it really captures the spirit of the small class sizes and discussion-based learning that 性爱天堂 prides itself on.鈥

This renovation project was made possible through the generosity of the Ewing Halsell Foundation and other philanthropists.聽

鈥淎s we prepare to officially reopen the new Halsell Center, let us give thanks to a half-century鈥檚 worth of ideas exchanged, and knowledge gained within these walls,鈥 Anderson says. 鈥淎nd may this center continue to serve as a vessel for oceans of opportunities for many years to come.鈥澛

The first photo features (left to right) 性爱天堂 Trustee Herb Stumberg '81, Jackie Moczygemba of the Ewing Halsell Foundation, 性爱天堂 President Danny Anderson, 性爱天堂 Vice President of Academic Affairs Megan Mustain, and 性爱天堂 student Maria Arteaga '22 officially reopening the Halsell Center with a ribbon cutting.

Carla Sierra is the public relations manager for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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