On the Grind
Stumberg $25,000 grand prize a shot of caffeine for 性爱天堂 startup Quick Sip coffee

Jacob Hurrell-Zitelman 鈥20 didn鈥檛 come to 性爱天堂 to fail.

But before launching his wildly successful specialty coffee startup, Quick Sip鈥攁nd taking home the $25,000 grand prize at 性爱天堂鈥檚 Stumberg Venture Competition this October鈥攖hat鈥檚 exactly what happened to the aspiring entrepreneur.

鈥淐oming to 性爱天堂, I tried starting a clothing company, a marketing company, looked at opening a bar鈥攏othing worked,鈥 Hurrell-Zitelman says. 鈥淏ut when you have no answers鈥攁nd nobody around you has answers鈥攖hat鈥檚 what entrepreneurship is all about. It means you have a chance to create something novel.鈥

In Quick Sip, Hurrell-Zitelman, a business marketing and management double major from San Antonio, has created a powerhouse. Quick Sip is a specialty cold brew coffee startup with five employees that offers two flavors: Native, an Ethiopian flavor with hints of chocolate and berries; and Texican, a Mexican chiapas bean coffee with nutty cinnamon notes. The team even has their own brewing, manufacturing, and bottling facility, right here in the Alamo City.

鈥淐offee has strong roots in Ethiopia, but I also wanted us to be proud of the culture here in San Antonio, and from Mexico,鈥 Hurrell-Zitelman says of his products.

We鈥檒l spare you coffee鈥檚 entire origin story here, but let鈥檚 look closer into Quick Sip鈥檚 bean-to-brew journey.

Hurrell-Zitelman, who was originally headed into NYU to study finance, chose 性爱天堂 because 鈥渋t felt like home.鈥

鈥淭his was the big-city experience I would have gotten in New York, but I really noticed the staff here were way more engaged in students鈥 success,鈥 Hurrell-Zitelman explains. 鈥淭hat鈥檚 not something I saw anywhere else.鈥 In addition to his startup and business-focused academics. Hurrell-Zitelman had the opportunity to play alto saxophone in 性爱天堂鈥檚 jazz band, while also launching a competitive athletic career on 性爱天堂鈥檚 varsity swim team.

Since the end of high school, Hurrell-Zitelman says he was destined to be an engineer. But after one economics course, he started watching videos on entrepreneurs such as NBA owner Mark Cuban and investor and media mogul Gary Vaynerchuk. Immediately, Hurrell-Zitelman was hooked on the idea of becoming an entrepreneur himself. He dabbled in the clothing industry and social media marketing his freshman year, failing to gain traction in either area.

鈥淚鈥檇 never had the experience of not knowing an answer,鈥 Hurrell-Zitelman says. 鈥淚 was told by some pretty important industry people I had no idea what I was doing, and had no right to even try.鈥

But Hurrell-Zitelman kept looking for inspiration, and he eventually found it. 鈥淢ark Cuban鈥檚 first business in college was a bar,鈥 Hurrell-Zitelman explains. 鈥淚 couldn鈥檛 start a bar being underage, so I started exploring the idea of creating a coffee bar. I wanted it to be high quality; I had a basic idea of the product I could make, but I was still missing the funding to start it.鈥

Without funding, Hurrell-Zitelman started with 性爱天堂鈥檚 powerful alumni and entrepreneurial network. 性爱天堂 Entrepreneurship Director Luis Martinez 鈥91 introduced the young student to local coffee guru James Mireles, founder and owner of Texas-California powerhouse Pulp Coffee. Mireles, who works out of a space with hydroponic farmer and agripreneur聽Mitch Hagney 鈥13, opened Hurrell-Zitelman鈥檚 eyes to the challenges鈥攁nd opportunities鈥攐f muscling his way into the coffee scene.

鈥淗ad that connection never happened, I would never have become passionate enough about specialty coffee to start a business,鈥 Hurrell-Zitelman says.

Armed with that passion, Hurrell-Zitelman launched Quick Sip.

He started the business in March 2017, the spring of his first year at 性爱天堂, by teaching himself how to brew and bottle specialty coffee. Hurrell-Zitelman even raised money for production by selling another coffee company鈥檚 bottles on 性爱天堂鈥檚 campus out of his own backpack. With this small fund, Hurrell-Zitelman started producing 10 gallons of his own brew per week, making his first sales in August 2017.

At 性爱天堂, Quick Sip became a campus sensation. The business garnered a contract with Aramark to sell coffee as an on-campus vendor, and upped its production to 15 gallons a week, then 20. Bottles kept flying off the shelves, word spread, and Hurrell-Zitelman knew he had stopped failing: 鈥淪eeing people buy my product every week, that was the moment where I said, 鈥業 can do this,鈥欌 Hurrell-Zitelman says. 鈥淧eople like what I鈥檓 making.鈥

And students weren鈥檛 the only ones taking note. Hurrell-Zitelman decided to enter his startup into 性爱天堂鈥檚 Stumberg Venture Competition, a multi-stage contest that鈥檚 handed out more than $200,000 of seed money to 性爱天堂 startups over the past five years.

In March 2018, Quick Sip emerged from the Stumberg prelims as one of the event鈥檚 five finalists. This netted the company $5,000 in seed money and a spot in 性爱天堂鈥檚 summer accelerator program. This unique program gives five startups free, on-campus housing and 10, 40-hour workweeks of $10/hr pay per employee.

鈥淭hat鈥檚 another thing I love about 性爱天堂鈥攈ad I not been afforded the summer accelerator stipend to work on my startup, I would have just been another student with an internship,鈥 Hurrell-Zitelman says. 鈥淓very hour I spent working would have been an hour away from my business.鈥

With this extra time, Hurrell-Zitelman didn鈥檛 just focus on continuing to push out bottles as fast as possible鈥攈e strategically explored how his company could grow. 鈥淚 had to make some tough decisions,鈥 Hurrell-Zitelman says. 鈥淚 took complete ownership of my company, reorganized our staff, and prepared us to expand.鈥

This staff included Hurrell-Zitelman鈥檚 dad, Ronnie Zitelman, who helped the team with facility and equipment management and health regulations; Selena Davila 鈥21, who鈥檚 known Hurrell-Zitelman since their teenage years at Communications Arts High School in San Antonio, sold Quick Sip bottles out of her high school backpack before coming to 性爱天堂. Payton Green 鈥20 and Connor McClure 鈥21, both marketing majors, also came on board and started doing 鈥渇antastic work鈥 with the company鈥檚 social media.

Flanked by vice president Deneese Jones (left) and entrepreneurship director Luis Martinez, (L-R) McClure, Davila, Green, Hurrell-Zitelman and father Ronnie Zitelman celebrate the Stumberg win.

With a new team, ramped-up production, and contagious energy that could only come from a startup built around caffeine, Quick Sip blew the judges away at the Stumberg Finals in October, emerging with the $25,000 grand prize.

That shot of investment has already quickened the company鈥檚 pulse. Forget 20 gallons per week: Hurrell-Zitelman says Quick Sip has already doubled that to 40. And with the increase in production comes a chance to change the packaging.

Aside from the Quick Sip鈥檚 original, iconic 鈥渂eer-style鈥 bottle, the product now also comes in kegs, as Hurrell-Zitelman has started selling Quick Sip directly to large, commercial offices.

鈥淣ot every company wants their employees chugging energy drinks,鈥 Hurrell-Zitelman laughs. 鈥淲e鈥檙e framing Quick Sip as a safer, healthier alternative鈥攁nd cold brew coffee is the movement behind that.鈥

Quick Sip also plans to expand operations to bigger retailers in San Antonio, but has eyes on reaching South Texas, and outwards towards 鈥渢he coffee meccas鈥 of the East and West coasts.

鈥淐offee is turning into the next 鈥榗raft beer鈥 market,鈥 Hurrell-Zitelman says. 鈥淵ou walk into Central Market and see that wall of beer? That鈥檚 the future of coffee: There鈥檚 more to it than three or four big brands. And when that wall goes up, Quick Sip鈥檚 going to be there.鈥

Regardless of how far Quick Sip鈥檚 bottles travel in the future, Hurrell-Zitelman says he鈥檚 always going to value his early stumbles at 性爱天堂.

鈥淵ou can鈥檛 just learn entrepreneurship in the classroom鈥攜ou have to be out in the field, trying to start your own business,鈥 Hurrell-Zitelman says. 鈥淚n other programs, it can be impossible to fail because they limit how far you take entrepreneurship. But at 性爱天堂, I was able to fail until I got the right answer.鈥

Jeremiah Gerlach is the brand journalist for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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