Zachary Taylor and Tara Lujan portrait
Go With the Flow
2020 Stumberg champion Sapphire stays adaptable, learns from tough lessons

Whether you鈥檙e a casual hiker or an elite athlete, you can鈥檛 wait until thirst sets in to start hydrating.

But how do you accurately keep track of your water intake? You could purchase an expensive smart water bottle that tracks it for you. Or, coming soon, you could simply upgrade your existing bottle with a smart lid from Sapphire.

Sapphire, created by Tara Lujan 鈥22 and Zachary Taylor 鈥20, is a water bottle lid with patent-pending technology that tracks water consumption automatically and displays the amount of water you consume on a small screen on top of the lid. The lid also connects wirelessly to devices such as phones and smartwatches and will be compatible with major water bottle brands.聽

The product took home the $25,000 grand prize from 性爱天堂鈥檚 annual Stumberg Competition this fall. Lujan, a business administration major from Austin, and Taylor, who majored in computer science and now works as a software engineer at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, are both eager for their business to take its next steps forward.

鈥淚鈥檓 relieved,鈥 Lujan says of winning the competition, which is held over a preliminary spring round, a jam-packed summer accelerator phase, and then a final series of pitches in the fall. 鈥淭he first few days, it鈥檚 a weight off your shoulders. But now there鈥檚 a bigger weight: We had plans for whether we won or we lost, but now that we鈥檝e received this funding, we鈥檝e got to put it to work. People are watching us鈥攚e have to keep the ball rolling. We have to make 性爱天堂 Entrepreneurship proud.鈥

Hydration has always been a passion for Lujan, a former soccer player who knows what it takes to compete in 100-degree temperatures. But Taylor鈥攈imself a former cross country runner turned avid cyclist鈥攕ays Sapphire is more than a niche product.

鈥淭here are lots of niche, popular products in this space. But Sapphire isn鈥檛 competing with smart bottles,鈥 Taylor says. 鈥淲e鈥檙e the only retrofit solution in the market. So if you鈥檝e already got a $50 dollar bottle you love so much that when you dropped it down the Grand Canyon, you hiked for four hours to go get it back鈥攚e let you keep that bottle, we just make it better.

Tough Lessons, Tough Team

Students like Taylor and Lujan don鈥檛 typically cross paths in college. But at 性爱天堂, the entrepreneurship program has a habit of making creative pairings.

The duo originally met through an anthropology class. That鈥檚 where Lujan originally brought up her goal to solve hydration problems she encountered on the soccer field.聽

Tara Lujan on staircase

Lujan might not have originally known how to turn that idea into a tangible product. But at 性爱天堂, entrepreneurs have a deep pool of talent and brain power sitting next to them in classes. Enter Taylor, who had many of the design and software skills Lujan needed.

鈥淚 thought we鈥檇 have to hire out engineering and software skills,鈥 Lujan says. 鈥淏ut [Taylor] was someone who got a lot of that stuff done himself.鈥

And technical skills weren鈥檛 the only plus Taylor brought to the table. When he and Lujan met, Taylor was actually on his second run at 性爱天堂鈥攈e鈥檇 originally left the University as a sophomore to work on a startup that didn鈥檛 pan out.聽

At 性爱天堂, the mantra 鈥渟afe space to fail鈥 usually refers to students having the chance to learn from their mistakes in a sterile environment. But as Taylor will tell you, learning from mistakes in the real world is a different type of teacher entirely.

鈥淚 dropped out, moved to California, and failed big time,鈥 Taylor says. 鈥淚t hurt, and recovering was a long process. I came back to school, had to tighten my belt, and that鈥檚 not a fun experience. I hated that, and I didn鈥檛 want that type of experience again for myself or for Tara.鈥澛

Taylor even had prior experience pitching at Stumberg, where he鈥檇 previously failed to advance past the preliminary round with a different product.

鈥淭o be honest with you, I wasn鈥檛 excited about Stumberg 2020 at first, because I know how much work it involves,鈥 Taylor says. 鈥淚 have my full-time job, Tara is in school full-time. I knew we鈥檇 have to balance these commitments.鈥

In addition to all of Taylor鈥檚 technical skills and seasoned experience, Lujan saw a similar creative drive.

鈥淚f someone has that shared sense of entrepreneurial spirit鈥攏ot everyone just wakes up and says 鈥業鈥檓 starting a business today, let鈥檚 take a risk鈥欌攊f you find a partner like that, they鈥檙e going to be constantly checking in on you, pushing you, supporting you,鈥 Lujan says 鈥淭hat鈥檚 the environment at 性爱天堂 that I love.鈥

With the team now assembled, Taylor says, 鈥渨e needed a goal, a product, that we could both get excited about while staying balanced.鈥

Creating Something Unique

From the beginning, Lujan and Taylor had envisioned Sapphire as a 鈥渟mart bottle.鈥

But, as the team discovered, that market was already tapped. Creating something unique, Taylor says, would be the key to developing a product that would succeed both at Stumberg and beyond.

Zachary Taylor seated on staircase

鈥淭racking hydration is not a hard problem, but it is a nuanced one,鈥 Taylor says. 鈥淪ome companies put sensors into the fluid, others use capacitive methods, so there鈥檚 a lot of different ways to accomplish the same goal. But with Sapphire, we decided to build something that鈥檚 different in how it determines the water level.鈥

The product鈥檚 unique tech鈥攁nd the accompanying software that pairs with your phone and smart watch鈥攎eans not just an improved product, but a more versatile one as well.

鈥淲e don鈥檛 rely on the physical properties of the fluid, so people can use this with different substances besides water, such as milk,鈥 Taylor says. 鈥淲e can track anything.鈥

This feature also made the product itself more flexible. 鈥淲e started thinking, why make an entire bottle?鈥 he explains. 鈥淲e can be the first smart lid. And that鈥檚 both a design and a business choice. Now we can make one really good product that fits multiple bottles instead of having to custom-make different products.鈥

It also means the group will potentially be able to license the product to existing companies, rather than having to scale up independently, resulting in, as Taylor puts it, 鈥渦s pulling our hair out before we鈥檙e 25.鈥

Armed with a plan, the group ordered sensors and electronics and started putting Sapphire together.聽

The team was fortunate enough to have completed much of the product鈥檚 ideation, development, and prototyping before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, but Lujan says she and Taylor still had to get creative to keep Sapphire moving forward in summer 2020.

鈥淓veryone thinks working on your startup at 性爱天堂 means, ok, you go to the MakerSpace at the Center for the Sciences and Innovation, you sit on your laptop, research some stuff,鈥 Lujan explains. 鈥淏ut now, working in a pandemic has actually freed up different parts of our time that actually makes us more efficient. I鈥檓 doing work during the day when Zach has his full-time job, but he is talking with me online in the evenings.鈥

The team also benefited from a $5,000 infusion of seed money from the Stumberg Competition鈥檚 opening round. All finalists get this funding in the spring, plus a spot in the summer accelerator program, which comes with ten weeks of additional funding for team wages and invaluable business and advising crash courses. So, since Sapphire couldn鈥檛 get back to the MakerSpace in summer 2020, the team was able to purchase their own 3D printer and do prototyping in-house.聽

But money isn鈥檛 the only type of support the group got from 性爱天堂鈥檚 entrepreneurship program this summer. They still had to hone their pitch for the finals, which meant figuring out how Sapphire would pivot its business from direct-to-consumer to a licensing model.

鈥淵ou can鈥檛 come to the Stumberg judges all wishy-washy and promise them all these different plans,鈥 Taylor says. 鈥淵ou do need different plans, and believe me, we have plans A-Z for this product. But you have to pick one to pitch.鈥

Support System

Fortunately, teams like Sapphire have the support of an expanding entrepreneurship community program director Luis Martinez 鈥91 has built over the better part of the past decade.

In addition to in-house staff and faculty who are industry practitioners, the Sapphire team also relied on advice and wisdom from past Stumberg winners PATCH, Quick Sip Coffee, and LuxTurn.

鈥淭hey all reached out and asked us to practice our pitch to them,鈥 Lujan says. 鈥淲e probably changed our presentation 10 times within a week鈥檚 span, just from all their feedback.鈥

Sapphire also took advantage of 性爱天堂鈥檚 Venture Mentoring Service (VMS), which connects entrepreneurs to San Antonio mentors who help them promote the long-term growth and sustainability of the venture through objective business advice.聽

Through VMS, Lujan and Taylor were paired with strategic business consultant Max Koslovsky and management-computing guru Kay Jones.

鈥淭his is a really competitive, really talented, really sharp team, and they have a great product,鈥 Jones says. 鈥淚鈥檓 excited for them and I feel really excited about their direction.

Koslovsky feels Sapphire has a future even if they hadn鈥檛 won the Stumberg competition.聽

鈥淥ne of the things I am very proud of is the fact that we discussed next steps for the project regardless of the competition鈥檚 outcome,鈥 he says. 鈥淚 believe their focus and commitment to making this project happen regardless of outcomes is proof of their work ethic and passion.鈥澛

鈥淭hey鈥檝e been a phenomenal help with us,鈥 Lujan says of Jones and Koslovsky. 鈥淵ou get super actionable, unbiased advice from them. They told us to loosen our vision, enough to consider different possibilities.鈥


Right now, Lujan鈥檚 vision is set on honing the Sapphire prototype and preparing for beta testing.

鈥淲e want our product in the hands of users so we can get more feedback,鈥 Lujan says. 鈥淓ven if the feedback is not good, that鈥檚 OK. I want improvements.鈥

The group is also meeting with potential investors鈥攁 nerve-wracking conversation for any young entrepreneur. Fortunately, Taylor鈥檚 past experiences help them navigate these opportunities, he says, 鈥渂ecause it鈥檚 a conversation I鈥檝e had before.鈥

Ultimately, the path ahead leads to the Sapphire product in the hands of consumers. Whether that happens through a licensing deal or another pivot, Lujan says she can鈥檛 believe how far the product has come.

鈥淪eeing our product in peoples鈥 hands is going to be fantastic,鈥 she says. 鈥淎s an entrepreneur, you have an idea, but making your product and seeing it work well鈥攖hat鈥檚 everything.鈥

Jeremiah Gerlach is the brand journalist for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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