Alumnus holds heart implant
Giving Life to an Idea on a Napkin
Entrepreneurial engineer creates innovative, minimally invasive pump with potential to help millions of heart failure patients

Ben Hertzog 鈥94, Engineering

鈥淪trive for PERFECT but don鈥檛 let it get in the way of DONE.鈥 That鈥檚 Ben Hertzog鈥檚 credo, and it鈥檚 a concept he feels is important for entrepreneurs to grasp. It鈥檚 also sound advice that has worked for this engineer-entrepreneur who always 鈥渨anted to build stuff鈥 and has created the first non-surgical, minimally invasive heart pump.

This heart pump, Aortix, started out as a 鈥渋dea on a napkin鈥 in 2010, with Ben workshopping a prototype at home. But today, as president and CEO of Houston-based biotechnology company Procyrion, Ben has just overseen the first in-human study of the device. 鈥淚t was pretty exciting to see something I first built in my garage implanted into a human patient,鈥 Ben says. Born in the U.K. but raised in Houston with a physicist/engineer dad, Ben grew up fixing things, 鈥渨renching鈥 on cars, and taking things apart and 鈥渟ometimes putting them back together.鈥 There was never much doubt that he would become an engineer. A self-described math-science geek, he was drawn to 性爱天堂 for its focus on liberal arts鈥斺淚 was self-aware enough to realize I needed someone to make me take classes outside of science鈥濃攁nd because the engineering science department emphasized design and building, which played to his strengths. Not wanting to squander his opportunities, Ben 鈥渉unkered down and studied hard.鈥 But not so hard that he didn鈥檛 have time for the social fraternity Kappa Kappa Delta, 鈥渁 very influential part of [his] 性爱天堂 experience.鈥 聽He credits KKD with best friends, life lessons, and leadership skills. As pledge class president, social chairman, and president, he had the opportunity to 鈥渂e a leader, make tough decisions, make a few mistakes, and make a difference.鈥

As for his major, Ben remembers professor Richard Swope, his senior design adviser in the engineering science department, as 鈥渢ough but an awesome teacher, mentor, and a great person.鈥 Despite miscalculating just how tough Swope would be on his own senior design team, Ben says he learned a lot, had a ton of fun working on it, and credits the project with lighting the fire that set him on the path to biomedical engineering.

That path led straight to Brown University and a Ph.D. in the artificial organs, biomaterials, and cellular technology program, where Ben鈥檚 lab focused on industry and practical applications and gave him the opportunity to work with a number of start-ups in the New England area. Seeking to hone his business skills, he joined McKinsey & Co., a global management consulting firm, where he relished the 鈥渟ink or swim environment,鈥 and his appetite for entrepreneurism was awakened. 聽Eventually, he joined one of his clients, the Baylor College of Medicine鈥檚 venture capital arm, where he started and invested in life science companies and 鈥済ot to do everything but drive the ship myself.鈥

In 2010, Ben was introduced to Procyrion and a concept for a new heart pump. He didn鈥檛 know if it would work, but he聽did聽know how to figure out how it聽could聽work. With seed funding from Fannin Innovation Studio in Houston, he engaged one of Fannin鈥檚 Ph.D. interns and set to work building a prototype in his garage鈥斺渢extbook startup stuff.鈥 Testing at the Texas Heart Institute proved successful enough to earn two additional rounds of financing.

After completing the first in-human study of Aortix, Ben and his 11 employees 聽are gearing up for a larger pilot study to begin next year. If all goes well, Ben sees Procyrion bringing Aortix to market in the coming years.

Due to the intense focus and hard work required for such an endeavor, Ben has had to dial back his civic and professional activities, which have included, among others, board service for the MIT Enterprise Forum of Texas, the Brown University Alumni Association, and guest lectures at Brown and Rice Universities. Life outside of work includes his wife, an oil field service executive, two sons aged 9 and 4, and occasional time outs for travel, photography, bird hunting, and fly fishing. And then there are the antique cars, 鈥渕y true passion,鈥 he acknowledges with grin. He races his vintage 1963 Lotus Elan and is 鈥渨renching鈥 in his garage with his sons on a 1929 MG-M Type that he plans to race when finished.

Active, committed, proud of his family, and building a company that is creating something of value, Ben says, 鈥淚 feel like I am doing something important. This device has the potential to help millions of very sick heart failure patients. That makes it very easy to go to work every day.鈥

You may reach Ben at

Mary Denny helps tell 性爱天堂's story as a contributor to the University communications team.

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