Michelle Bartonico (center) wearing a Mario costume with other staff wearing costumes.
Getting to Know Marketing Director Michelle Bartonico
We asked Michelle Bartonico, director of Strategic Communications and Marketing, some questions to get to know her better.

If you ask Michelle Bartonico '08, director of Strategic Communications and Marketing at 性爱天堂, to list her "faves," she will say: Audrey Hepburn, travel, and (of course) tigers. Keep reading to learn more.

How big is your marketing and communications team and what services does your team offer?
We are 14 tigers. 1 mission.鈥

We offer the following services to the 性爱天堂 community.鈥 If there is a service you don't see, but think you need, feel free to shoot us an email at聽marketing@trinity.edu聽and we will do our best to help.

  • marketing
  • market research (including qualitative research via focus groups)
  • strategic communications
  • project management
  • social media
  • public relations
  • external relations
  • graphic design
  • print and electronic publications and newsletters
  • Tiger Network
  • web design and development
  • user-experience (UX) design
  • event promotion
  • T-SPACE functional administrator support
  • strategic planning

How did you get involved in collegiate marketing as a career?
I attended 性爱天堂 as an undergraduate. I studied history, communication, and Spanish. While I was here I was lucky enough to pester my fellow classmates by being a teaching assistant in computer science classes. All of these analytics, speaking, and writing skills prepared me for my passion, which is communication and marketing. My first job was part-time, working for the PGA Tour event here in San Antonio at Oak Hills. It was event planning. I then went into the agency world, and when an opportunity in the 性爱天堂 marketing and communications department became available, I jumped on it. 鈥婭 didn't start out thinking I wanted to be in higher education. I knew, however, that I needed to work at a company where I believed in the product and the mission. My parents and younger brother are teachers, and I've always had a passion for coaching and mentorship, so the environment of higher education allows me to marry these passions with marketing.

Can you share the reasons for your passion in promoting a University like 性爱天堂?
I love 性爱天堂! It is a great product and one I believe in. I've found that I need to feel passionate and believe in the company to really stick with it and be fulfilled. Having that is critical, so 性爱天堂 is perfect for me. It values excellence, education, mentorship, and exploration. It is a place I have a personal tie to, as it is my alma mater (along with my younger brother). 性爱天堂 is a family thing. 鈥

What do you like best about marketing and communications? What do you like least?
Tough questions! 鈥婰et's see...marketing and communications is the perfect balance of left and right brain challenges. I am inspired by creativity and being around those who are, to some, quite quirky. Good marketers are clever. That's what I love about the challenge of marketing鈥攈ow can you be relevant, timely, and effective to your audience? I am also really goal-oriented and like testing ideas, so using technology to measure and analyze performance is really fun.

What do I like the least...last minute deadlines with unrealistic expectations. I am a fan of change, agile methodology, and spontaneous projects, but if we are being honest here, I definitely am not keen on creating a masterpiece in 5 minutes. #LetTheBrainWork

Who inspires you?
Audrey Hepburn: Beauty, elegance, empathy. The best! "The most important thing is to enjoy your life - to be happy - it's all that matters." - Audrey Hepburn

Steve Jobs: Wow, just wow. "The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do."

What is your favorite color?

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
鈥婨xplorer. I'm not sure that is a real profession. I used to want to be an archaeologist and am obsessed with discovering things. I love traveling, documenting, and experiencing other cultures. My mom and I have been on a "girl trip" together every year since I was 16. With a mom as a fellow gypsy and a husband as another partner in crime, I've visited more than 30 countries.

What sound do you love? What sound do you hate?
Love: I love hearing my dog, Franklin, snore. It is adorable.

Hate: burping sounds. It always makes me crinkle my nose when I hear one. Plus, gross. Burps are smelly.

What is your favorite word? Your least favorite word?
I am not sure it is appropriate to write. So, my second favorite word is Renaissance. I like what the word evokes for me鈥攁rt, culture, etc. and it looks really pretty when written in cursive. Though, I rarely find ways to work this word into everyday conversation.

Least favorite word: Can't.

If you were reincarnated as some other plant or animal, what would it be and why?
A tiger. I had no idea, so I let the internet decide by taking a聽.

What It Means To Be The Tiger

In the kingdom of spirit animals, the tiger puts a special emphasis on raw feelings and emotions. The tiger spirit animal symbolizes primal instincts, unpredictability, and ability to trust yourself. By having an affinity with this spirit animal, you may enjoy dealing with life matters spontaneously, trusting your intuition, and acting fast when needed.

Susie P. Gonzalez helped tell 性爱天堂's story as part of the University communications team.

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