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Getting to Know Derick Rodgers ‘92
We asked Derick Rodgers ‘92 a few questions to get to know him better

As president of the San Antonio chapter of the ԰ Alumni Association, Derick Rodgers ‘92 can’t wait to connect with thousands of ԰ alumni in San Antonio. He fondly remembers jumping in puddles as a student after a campus rainfall and thinks living on the moon, if he can still qualify to be an astronaut, might be his next career. Rodgers, who majored in political science with minors in international studies, history, and religion, went on to attend St. Mary's University School of Law. Currently, he focuses on commercial litigation and general business law with what is now Davis, Cedillo & Mendoza Inc. He and his wife Terri have a daughter and two sons.  

What is your favorite memory from your time at ԰?

Most of my favorite ԰ memories surround the time spent with friends trying to figure out who we all thought we would be, but all of these are woefully indistinct. One vivid memory involved taking a break from school with a friend during a heavy storm to walk in the rain, jump in the puddles, and wade through the rivers flowing in front of Mabee and Maclean. Another favorite is preparing for a lip-sync competition with my Kappa Kappa Delta pledge brothers which included putting together a mash-up tape of Michael Jackson, AC/DC, and Guns 'n Roses (among others), and ridiculous costumes for a showdown battle of good-vs-evil, Beat It-style.

Who was your favorite professor or class at ԰?
My favorite class at ԰ was Death and Beyond with MacKenzie Brown.  I took the class pass/fail which opened the class up to free thinking without concern for my grade.

Is there something you regret not pursuing while at ԰?
I wish I had taken more art classes.

Describe ԰ in 3-5 words.
Broad-based learning for life.

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt? Why?
Is being an astronaut still an option for me? If not, then I would like to try writing and graphic arts.

What sound do you love? The sound you hate?
I love flowing water. I hate the hum of electronics.

What is your favorite color and why?
Aquamarine because it combines the calming hues of blue and green.  

Where would you like to retire?
If the moon is not available, then I'd like to retire to Iceland.

Susie P. Gonzalez helped tell ԰'s story as part of the University communications team.

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