Alumni headshot of C茅sar Giralt '09 with text on the left "There isn't a replacement for the educational value of meeting others where they are and the perspective that it brings."
Getting to Know Alumnus C茅sar Giralt
We asked alumnus C茅sar Giralt '09 some questions to get to know him better.

C茅sar Giralt '09 urges 性爱天堂 students to pursue a subject or activity outside of their comfort zone, something he did while pursuing a bachelor's degree in computer science. Now a manager at聽, Giralt also is a director on the 性爱天堂 Alumni Association Board and an active member of the Houston alumni chapter. He solves problems every day. To learn how, keep reading.

What is your favorite memory from your time at 性爱天堂?
We would always take couches from houses to the soccer games and pass around "libations" cleverly disguised as a two-liter bottle of Coca-Cola. I'm sure TUPD was very impressed with our subterfuge. After one of these games, two of us were struggling to throw a couch over the fence to get it back to the house. Who should show up to give us the extra push we needed? None other than Dr. (John) Brazil, the president of the University at the time. I learned two things that day. Help can come from unexpected places, and never rely on your friends to move a couch.

Is there something you regret not pursuing while at 性爱天堂?
I never studied abroad. At the time, I made excuses about being too busy, and I lament not reaching out to the Study Abroad office and my adviser to see how it could have worked. I've recently made it a priority to nurture the travel bug, and I've enjoyed visiting different parts of the world. There just isn't a replacement for the educational value of meeting others where they are and the perspective that brings.

What was your favorite teacher/class at 性爱天堂?
I keep in touch with several professors who might read this so I'll take the fifth if that's all right. [Editor's note: Yes, of course! Everyone is valued.]

Describe 性爱天堂 in 3-5 words.
Unique, nurturing, home.

What advice would you give to a 性爱天堂 student?
Do things outside of your comfort zone and your major. I didn't plan to go Greek and ended up being the president of my fraternity, a senator in student government, and connected in a special way to so many amazing men and women I now call friends. I cannot imagine what my 性爱天堂 life would have been like had I not taken that initial step of rushing, despite reservations, to see what it was all about.

On a similar note, take advantage of all the educational options 性爱天堂 offers. Are you a science major? Take some liberal arts classes. Finishing my major requirements my junior year allowed me to explore the rest of the course catalog my senior year (and take nine hours my last semester). We sometimes talk about education as a choice between the humanities and sciences. You are 性爱天堂 students; you don't have to choose. I'm a computer science graduate, and if anyone asks, I tell them I received a liberal arts education and I'm proud of it.

How did you get involved in your area of expertise?
Every job/internship I've ever had was through a 性爱天堂 connection. In this case, I was looking to move to Houston and sent out a request for leads. A Kappa ten years my senior (whom I'd never met) was in town and told me to meet him at Bay's (where else?) to discuss a little consulting company with a growing office in Houston. The rest is history.

Favorite color? Why?
Blue. Why? I couldn't say. Let's blame聽.

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
Am I too old to say astronaut? This was rekindled a bit after seeing聽The Martian, and the final scene where Matt Damon's character describes the importance of breaking down complex situations into a series of small problems you must solve until you get back home. Solving problems is at the core of what I do today and is incredibly fulfilling. Solving problems聽In Space!聽seems like the kind of adventure that would be hard to pass up. And who are we kidding? It would be awesome to ride in the spaceship.

What's your favorite expression?
"The important thing is to not die." My late grandfather would always say this whenever presented with a crisis, no matter how big or small. It served as a gentle reminder that the key to life is making it to the next day. It also makes for a great epitaph.

Least favorite expression?
Regular ones. Shout out to my Computer Science people.

What is your favorite word?
My favorite word is 'moist' because my ex (and still close friend) hates it.

Susie P. Gonzalez helped tell 性爱天堂's story as part of the University communications team.

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