Picture of Alumni of Aaron Einhouse '05 standing in a bar.
Getting to Know Alumnus Aaron Einhouse '05
We asked alumnus Aaron Einhouse ’05 a few questions to get to know him better.

A former student-athlete and finance major at ԰, you can now find Aaron Einhouse ’05 touring across the country, performing on your television screen, and planning his next country music record (his latest, It Ain’t Pretty, was released in May 2016). We asked Aaron a few questions to get to know him better.

How did you get involved in your career?
I started playing guitar and writing songs when I was a senior at ԰. I got a job in San Antonio when I graduated and started playing open mics at a place called Casbeers that used to be over on Blanco. It was a great dive bar with amazing enchiladas.

Eventually, I made my way up to San Marcos, Texas, where I heard there was a really good open mic at Cheatham Street Warehouse (CSW). I started going there religiously every Wednesday. Kent Finlay, the owner of CSW, ran the open mic and was very strict about playing original music and listening to the other people's songs. He had already helped a lot of songwriters get started: George Strait and Randy Rogers, to name a few.

One night, he pulled me aside and said he thought I wrote good songs and I should put a band together and start a career as a musician. I was already planning to do that, but that gave me a lot of confidence in my decision. Shortly thereafter my wife, who is also a ԰ grad (Melyn Duncan Einhaus ‘04), and I decided I should quit my job and start playing music full time.

What is your favorite part of the life of a musician?
I love seeing new places and meeting new people. I've never been able to sit still for long, and the constantly changing environment really fuels me and my creative energies. It's also nice, as a songwriter, to hear how my songs affect people and their lives. It's pretty mind-blowing at times how much music can affect people's lives.

Your least favorite part?
My least favorite part by far is being away from my wife and two little boys. We also have a little girl due in July, which is going to make it even harder. That aspect is very difficult at times. My wife is a trooper, to say the least, and she's had to bear a lot in order for me to be out on the road, and she has a business of her own as well. Same with my parents—they help us out a lot with the kids and allow my wife to keep her sanity.

What is your favorite memory from your time at ԰?
Hard to pick just one. I have so many great memories. I was a Lancer, so we partied a whole lot, and I have a ton of good memories from hanging with all those guys, a lot of which aren't suitable for print. Football was also a big part of my life at ԰. We went to the National Championship, and I loved playing the game and all those guys. I got a great education as well, despite my best efforts (or lack thereof). It was all a blast, and I really mean that. I had a great time at ԰.

Describe ԰ in 3-5 words.
That is hard to do.

What is your favorite song? Why?
Maybe the song that I wrote about my grandfather, “The Richest Man.” I recorded it on my first record as well as the last one I put out. He was a big deal to me, and that song is my interpretation of who he was and the things he taught me. It still gets to me emotionally when I'm singing it in a very quiet room.

What sound do you love?
I love the sound of complete and utter silence, when it sounds like a freight train. It's so rare.

What sound do you hate?
I hate that clicking sound an engine makes when it doesn't start. Makes me cringe.

What's your favorite expression?
The grass is always greener...

Least favorite expression?
Curiosity killed the cat.

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?

Who inspires you? Why?
Kurt Vonnegut, because of the way he writes about life and people, sort of like we are all buffoons and everything is nonsense. I think that's a great place to start.

Molly Bruni is a freelance writer and editor and the current editor of ԰ magazine. You can find her at .

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