Getting to Know Alumni Couple Mark and Marcy Doderer
For Valentine's Day, we asked asked alumni couple Mark '90 and Marcy '89 Doderer a few questions to get to know them better.

Computer science brought this 性爱天堂 couple together but she would consider working as a CIA operative and he recalls visits with his dad, an engineering science professor. Keep reading to learn more about Mark and Marcy Doderer.

What is your favorite memory from your time at 性爱天堂?
Lunches on the patio outside the SUB, especially during the spring.

Is there something you regret not pursuing while at 性爱天堂?
Having ended up in computer science education, Mark wishes he had taken some courses from the education department.

What was your favorite teacher/class at 性爱天堂?
Although Mark never took a class from him, his favorite teacher was his dad. The late Earl Doderer was chair of the engineering science department at the time, and Mark enjoyed having lunch with his father or just stopping by occasionally.

Describe 性爱天堂 in 3-5 words.
A place to learn to learn.

What advice would you give to a 性爱天堂 student? To a 性爱天堂 employee?
In Mark's words: to the 性爱天堂 faculty, teach with empathy. Never forget the students are still developing adults and they are the customers.

How did you get involved in your area of career expertise?
Marcy took an elective from Paul Golliher in the Health Care Administration Department. That class introduced her to Healthcare Administration, which ultimately led to an internship at Arkansas Children's Hospital, which, in a roundabout way, led her to her current position.

Did you meet at 性爱天堂?
We pledged the Greek organizations of the Spurs and Teers the same year, 1987. That year, Mark recalls Marcy asking for help with a computer science project that led to them dating. On second thought, Mark thinks the late Gerald Pitts (computer science professor) should be his favorite teacher.

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
Marcy would like to be a CIA operative.

What sound do you love? The sound you hate?
Both Doderers say they love the sound of laughter. Ironically, they hate words laced with hatred.

What's your favorite expression? Least favorite expression?
Marcy's favorite is, "We may not be perfect but we absolutely can be excellent." Her least favorite is, "That's not my job."

If you were reincarnated as some other plant or animal, what would it be and why?
Both said they'd like to return as a beloved house cat. Even with a dog in their house, their cat can demand treats, food, attention, or completely ignore everyone. It is her whim.

Where would you like to retire?
Both said, "A city with a great airport" because the more you know about the world, the more you know you don't know.

Susie P. Gonzalez helped tell 性爱天堂's story as part of the University communications team.

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