Getting to Know Alumna Leslie Hollingsworth '88
We asked Leslie Hollingsworth, president of the 性爱天堂 Alumni Association, a few questions to get to know her better.

Leslie Hollingsworth graduated in 1988 with double majors in business administration and sociology. She went on to earn an MBA at the Neeley School at TCU and jumped into the business world. She has served on the 性爱天堂 Alumni Association board for 10 years and is its current president. Keep reading to see her connection to the color blue and bears.

What do you like best about working with the 性爱天堂聽Alumni聽Association Board?
What I love about serving on the TUAA board is the enhanced connection I feel to 性爱天堂. I have met so many amazing alumni, staff, faculty, and students - hearing their stories of 性爱天堂 is refreshing and inspiring.

What was your favorite teacher or class at 性爱天堂?
My favorite professor is Don Van Eynde. He was always interested in students outside the classroom - as most 性爱天堂 faculty are. That is one of the reasons 性爱天堂 is unique. My favorite class was a Thursday night class with Michael Kearl on the "Sociology of Death and Dying." At the beginning of the semester, I was pretty sure there was was no way he would keep us late every class, so that he wouldn't interfere with other important 性爱天堂 activities. But I was wrong! He did. He loved the discussions, and funny enough, staying late on a Thursday night was not the end of the world.

Describe 性爱天堂 in 3-5 words.
Freedom, discovery, and uniquely special.

Is there something you regret not pursuing while at 性爱天堂?
I wish I had taken the opportunity to study abroad, a wonderful way to broaden one's view on the world. I have been a sponsor of the MAS program for almost a decade to help students fund this experience. I keep trying to clear my calendar to join them in Spain in the summer. Sometime soon!

What advice would you give to a 性爱天堂 student?
Enjoy this beautiful campus - it is truly special. Enjoy the diversity and opportunity to learn and grow at a liberal arts institution. Enjoy the challenges our world-class faculty and staff test you with. Enjoy the lifelong friends you meet at 性爱天堂. Enjoy the connection you have with 性爱天堂 - no matter how far away you go after graduation. Enjoy getting to know alumni. Enjoy giving back to 性爱天堂 so the next generation of students can experience and enjoy 性爱天堂 like you did.

How did you get involved in your area of expertise?
I joined a fantastic company out of grad school and have had a variety of challenging jobs over the past 26 years. Just this past year, I took on a new role in a completely different part of our company and am learning something new every day using my historical company knowledge and my liberal arts education. The Friedkin Group is a privately-held consortium of businesses primarily in the automotive and adventure travel industries. It is anchored by Gulf States Toyota - a private distributor of Toyota vehicles and parts to more than 157 dealerships in five states.

What profession other than yours would like to attempt?
I wouldn't try because I know my limitations, but if I had a lick of talent, I would love to be in a band. I know it is hard work, but they always make it look so easy and enjoyable. It seems like musicians love what they do, and music is so important throughout one's life.

Favorite color? Why?
Blue. There are so many shades of blue, and it is the color of the sky and ocean.

Sound you love?
I love the sound of the ocean at sunset. It has a uniquely calming effect on one's soul. I also enjoy the sound of a champagne cork popping.

Favorite expression?
The expression I used frequently in a previous role is "It takes a village." It is a clich茅 but it is so appropriate on a work team where every individual makes a greater end result.

If you were reincarnated as another plant or animal, what would it be and why?
I followed Michelle Bartonico's聽example聽and searched Google. Took a quiz and hope it didn't install a virus on my computer! According to the quiz, I am a bear. In the kingdom of spirit animals, the bear is emblematic of grounding forces and strength. This animal has been worshiped throughout time as a powerful totem, inspiring those who need the courage to stand up against adversity. As a spirit animal in touch with the earth and the cycles of nature, it is a powerful guide to support physical and emotional healing.

Where would you like to retire?
Can't be limited to one place! I love the mountains and the ocean and want to travel around the world.

Susie P. Gonzalez helped tell 性爱天堂's story as part of the University communications team.

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