Jennifer Chun with family
Getting to Know Alumna Jennifer Chun ’06
We asked alumna Jen Chun ’06 a few questions to get to know her better.

Jennifer “Jen” Chun came to ԰ knowing she wanted to be a medical doctor. Along the way, she enjoyed a photo scavenger hunt and biology classes. Now, she works with adult patients in a hospital but one day might be an Etsy crafter. She also has fond memories of the smell of chocolate. To learn more, keep reading.

What is your favorite memory from your time at ԰?

This is a tough question, because I have so many wonderful memories from my time at ԰. If I had to pick one to share, it would have to be the night of the photo scavenger hunt. During my sophomore and junior years at ԰, I participated in a themed floor which tackled in community service and had social events. One of those events was a photo scavenger hunt, where instead of searching for specific items we had to go out and get certain photos with our group. Some examples would be: create a human pyramid on the ԰ soccer field, get a picture with a cow statue, or the one I remember the best was to get a photo with a fireman. My group ended up somewhere near a downtown fire station ready to walk in to ask a fireman for a photo, when all of the sudden the alarm bells sound and the fire trucks take off. We look at each other and wonder what should we do. We decide that maybe there Is still one fireman left at the station, so we walk in where the fire trucks just left, make it in about 10 feet and alarms start going off! We ran out of there so fast! Nope, I guess they don't leave anyone behind. Ironically we ended up stopped next to a fire truck on our way back to campus and one of us jumped out of the car for a photo op!

Who was your favorite professor or class at ԰?

My favorite professor would have to be Jonathan King, and my favorite class was vertebral physiology. As a pre-med student, I could directly see how it would be applicable to my future career.

Is there something you regret not pursuing while at ԰?

I wish I had the time to take an art class where I got to create something, such as drawing or painting. I took an art history class which I loved, but did not have enough time with all my science classes, labs, and a double major in Chinese.  

Describe ԰ in 3-5 words.

How about 2 words?  Supportive community.

How did you get involved in your career?

I entered ԰ wanting to go to medical school and can say that the education and support I received prepared me for that. I went to medical school at Pennsylvania State University in Hershey, Penn. (Yes, like the chocolate brand, and sometimes the town did smell like chocolate.) From there, I did a family medicine residency at the University of Arizona in Tucson. For many years, I thought I wanted to be a primary care physician in the outpatient setting, but during residency I learned I really enjoyed inpatient medicine. I like the acuity of the patient's illnesses and seeing them get better in response to treatments quicker than you see in the outpatient setting.  

You are currently a hospitalist. Please describe what a typical day is like.

As a hospitalist, I only work in the hospital, taking care of adult patients. I usually get to work between 8 and 8:30 a.m. and start seeing my patients or "rounding," just like you see on “Scrubs” or “House,” but with much less drama. For each patient, I review labs, visit with them, go over test results, decide on any treatment changes or new tests that need to be ordered and of course write a note documenting my encounter. I typically have between 16-18 patients to see in a day. At some point during the day, I will be notified that I have a new patient to evaluate in the emergency department. This will be a patient that an ER physician has already evaluated and feels warrants admission to the hospital. I will go to the ER and evaluate this patient myself and most of the time admit them to the hospital. They will become part of my service of patient's that I care for during their hospital stay. I typically admit 2-3 patients from the ER in a given day.  After I have seen all my patients, I get to head home, usually around 5:30 or 6 p.m. I will field phone calls about my patients from the nursing staff until 9 p.m. Most of the time I will only get a few phone calls after I leave the hospital. After 9 p.m., I know one of my nighttime partners is caring for my patients. I do not have to take call or be called back to the hospital in the middle of the night, and our work schedule is typically working seven days in a row followed by seven days off.

What profession other than yours would like to attempt?

I would be a stay-at-home crafter and have my own Etsy shop.

What sound do you love? The sound you hate?

I love the sound of my 1-year-old giggling. A sound I hate is the alarm sound of a code blue at the hospital. That sound always makes me anxious!

What is your favorite color and why?

Purple is my favorite color, but I don't have a good reason as to why.

If you were reincarnated as some other plant or animal, what would it be and why?

I would say either a dog who lives in a good home or a dolphin. My dogs seem to have a pretty great life—getting to go for walks, lots of pets, toys, treats, a comfortable bed. It doesn't seem too bad. A dolphin, because there is an entire world in the ocean that we do not truly understand or get to see. We might catch glimpses of it while snorkeling or scuba diving, but I know there is so much more.  

Where would you like to retire?

Somewhere slightly remote in the mountains surrounded by trees.  A place where I can get up every morning, go outside and enjoy the crisp cool mountain air while drinking my tea and enjoy nature.

Susie P. Gonzalez helped tell ԰'s story as part of the University communications team.

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