Student teaches at computer
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Women in Computing Tech Camp keeps area middle school girls on path to tech careers

As keyboards chatter, mouses click, and waves of code stream down screens, Sarah Fordin 鈥19 works to keep 20 middle school girls plugged in to their computers.

Fordin is one of six computer science majors leading the 性爱天堂 Women in Computing (TUWIC) tech camp, an annual student-run event that encourages area girls to keep pursuing tech fields鈥攅ven when the rest of the world might be pushing them away.

鈥淲hen you show girls that there are women in tech, in computer science, all of a sudden, they can see themselves doing that too,鈥 Fordin says. 鈥淎t 性爱天堂, we have people going on to NASA, MIT, Microsoft, Google鈥攁nd these girls say, 鈥榦h, you weren鈥檛 much different from where we鈥檙e starting out.鈥欌

Tucked away in a quiet computer lab at 性爱天堂鈥檚 Marrs-McLean Hall, Fordin and her fellow volunteers give their middle school campers a taste of what a career in tech might feel like. The camp, held over three weekends each spring, leads participants through logic games, practice with algorithms, and other computing-related building blocks, culminating in learning to use the coding program Scratch. By the end of the process, campers get to display their creativity in building small games, which they present to their parents.

But for all the code, processes, and software, the biggest programming obstacle the tech camp tackles, says TUWIC president Morgan King 鈥20, is a simple set of stereotypes.

鈥淏y the time you hit middle school, you鈥檙e seeing movies and TV shows with hackers, nerds, and people in tech, all where the person behind the computer is a guy,鈥 King says. 鈥淎nd this is where you start to see these stereotypes develop. As a girl, you start to feel more self-conscious鈥bout being the only girl in a class, or in your computer lab.鈥

These stereotypes can manifest past middle and high school, Fordin adds.

鈥淧eople see a girl in their class and assume, 鈥極h, she鈥檚 not as good with coding,鈥 or 鈥榶ou can focus on making the presentation pretty.鈥 You get shoved into these gender roles,鈥 Fordin notes. 鈥淚t鈥檚 hard to keep reminding people, 鈥楴o, I can do everything you can do.鈥欌

And it鈥檚 one thing for Fordin鈥攁n accomplished computing whiz who聽co-founded her own business as a 性爱天堂 sophomore鈥攖o shake off these stereotypes. But, Fordin asks, imagine asking a middle-schooler to handle the same sort of gender-based pressures.

鈥淭hat鈥檚 why this tech camp is so important,鈥 Fordin says. 鈥淔or these girls, seeing that, yes, they are capable of succeeding in this field, that lets them push back.鈥

Sarah Zbidi 鈥19 is another computer science major leading the TUWIC tech camp. Zbidi, whose mom was a software instructor, learned by 鈥渕essing around鈥 with computers as a kid.

鈥溞园焯免檚 computer science department does a really good job of reaching out to women and making sure they鈥檙e included,鈥 Zbidi says. 鈥淏ut that doesn鈥檛 happen everywhere.鈥

As Zbidi and Fordin float between different workstations, this can-do energy seems to snowball. As more and more campers ask questions, more and more breakthroughs and 鈥渁-ha鈥 moments resound through the room.

鈥淭he best part of this experience is helping these girls, step-by-step, then seeing that light bulb go off in their heads when they figure it out,鈥 Zbidi says. 鈥淭hey have this sudden moment of realization: 鈥楬ey. I can do this.鈥欌

TUWIC tech camp isn鈥檛 all coding鈥攖he event includes space for more conventional 鈥渃amp鈥 activities such as tye-dying shirts and jamming to music. The 性爱天堂 volunteers also spend time showing the girls what a college campus is like: describing the classes, residential life, internships, and experiential learning that define life at 性爱天堂.

But at its core, the tech camp gives girls a chance to see technology as a tool, not an obstacle, to achieving these dreams.

鈥淲hen we were working with Scratch, we had one camper keep telling us, 鈥榯his is so fun!鈥 She couldn鈥檛 get over how excited she was,鈥 Zbidi says. 鈥淲hen you find something they鈥檙e interested in, these middle school girls can be some of the most fun, creative, and excited people.鈥

As a new wave of hands pop up from the computer lab desks, Zbidi and Fordin hustle back to work.

Zibdi adds, 鈥淏ut you have to cultivate that.鈥

Jeremiah Gerlach is the brand journalist for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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