a curated stack of food-related books with spices and a tomato
Food Matters
First-year experience course covers food issues

When economics professor Nels Christiansen was handed a reflective essay titled 鈥淲hy I Eat Meat,鈥 written unapologetically, he wasn鈥檛 quite sure what to make of it. Hadn鈥檛 the point of the assignment been for students to evaluate their food decisions? Hadn鈥檛 they just finished reading articles arguing against mass production, and listened to guest speakers discuss harmful ranching practices? Hadn鈥檛 the student learned?

It was in his blood, the student argued. It was a part of his family. He grew up with it; he needed it as an athlete; and frankly, he thought it was downright delicious.

For classmate Hannah-Elyse Konyecsni, a first-year from Austin, Texas, family food culture couldn鈥檛 have been more different. Growing up vegetarian and spending time as a vegan, Konyecsni鈥檚 interest was piqued by one course in particular on the first-year experience lineup.

鈥淔ood Matters.鈥 Two words, many meanings. Konyecsni selected the course as her first choice, and by the time classes began in August, she was excited to share her point of view on food. What she didn鈥檛 anticipate, however, is how much the course would affect this point of view and steer her down an academic path she would not have otherwise imagined.

As part of the Pathways curriculum, 性爱天堂鈥檚 first-year experience (FYE) has been redesigned to introduce students to a topic of widespread or enduring significance through extensive engagement. Six-hour courses are co-taught by a pair of professors; each class meets five days a week to hone written and oral communication skills as well as evaluate a diverse array of information from sources across disciplines.

For Food Matters, the array of information spanned nonfiction books, journal articles, documentaries, and guest lecturers鈥攏ot to mention the unique perspectives each student brought to class. The course began with The Omnivore鈥檚 Dilemma by Michael Pollan before moving through Salt, Sugar, Fat; Tomatoland; Sweetness and Power; and Closing the Food Gap. Each book brought an opportunity to discuss topics from target marketing to agricultural economics to social justice.

鈥淭here鈥檚 something about being able to say we鈥檙e going to spend an entire semester talking about a four-letter word that interacts with your personal life on a day-to-day basis that can also be studied from virtually any academic discipline,鈥 says psychology professor Carolyn Becker, one of six professors who co-taught the Food Matters FYE. 鈥淚t makes for a 聽unique experience at 性爱天堂, especially among other liberal arts colleges.鈥

Konyecsni鈥檚 experience went from 鈥渨anting to be a forensic pathologist since fourth grade鈥 to a better, more holistic understanding of how significantly food impacts her life and the lives of others. 鈥淎fter reading the books in this course and spending time with my classmates, I鈥檓 leaning more toward environmental studies and working with environmental policy, conservation, and animal rights,鈥 she says. 鈥淭hese kinds of things are right up my alley.鈥

In the spirit of productive collisions, students weren鈥檛 the only ones evaluating their perspectives. Librarian Jeremy Donald, who co-taught a section of Food Matters with history professor Anene Ejikeme, came to the course curious about how society gets its information about food.

鈥淲e identify ourselves as 鈥榝oodies鈥 or people who have a niche interest in food, but it isn鈥檛 until we see what people from other cultures or other regions are doing with food that we start to question the information that鈥檚 all around us,鈥 Donald says. 鈥淚nformation literacy is about asking questions you hadn鈥檛 originally thought to ask.鈥

Christiana Ellard, a first-year student-athlete from San Antonio, began asking questions almost immediately. Describing her upbringing as sheltered鈥斺渁 meat and carbs type鈥濃擡llard was struck by the diversity in the course, both in the reading material and among her classmates.

鈥淕oing into the course, I was curious how the debates would happen and how the conversations would take place, we all came from so many different backgrounds,鈥

Ellard says. 鈥淚 started to see so many different global aspects of food and how food affects our country鈥檚 government and other countries around the world politically and economically.鈥 聽

Ellard kept a food blog as part of course requirements, and she used it to express her thoughts on food matters. 鈥淎s a first-year, all of this new information can be a bit overwhelming,鈥 Ellard says, 鈥渂ut after learning it all, nothing is the same any more. Now, when I look at a package I see the marketing tactics, or when I eat a tomato I wonder if it was grown or harvested by slaves.

鈥淚鈥檓 going to look for organically grown, local products instead of eating something shipped from across the nation or produced in a way that harms animals,鈥 Ellard continues. 鈥淢y opinion about the types of food I eat hasn鈥檛 changed, but I am definitely a lot more educated.鈥

Ellard鈥檚 experience aligned perfectly with the goals of the course, which included building awareness of how decisions about food concern local, regional, national, and global issues. 鈥淧eople grossly underestimate the number of food decisions they make in the day,鈥 says Becker, who taught one section of the course alongside political science professor Keesha Middlemass. 鈥淢ost people make well over 200.鈥

Hannah-Elyse Konyecsni '19 and Zoheb Hirani '19 discuss food and wellness issues with professors Carolyn Becker and Keesha Middlemass.

Becker鈥檚 hope was for students to begin understanding food decisions and their connections to a complicated world. 鈥淎s students go through this course, they begin to see the complexity of food across time and place,鈥 she says. 鈥淭hey鈥檙e reading material from psychology, history, economics, political science, sociology, and biology, and as the class moves on, you can see the light bulbs going off. They鈥檙e saying, 鈥榃ait a minute. There鈥檚 a connection here.鈥欌

Zoheb Hirani, a first-year from Missouri City, Texas, knew these connections would play a major part in his 性爱天堂 education. Coming to the University with an interest in biochemistry and pre-medical studies, Hirani was eager to expand his horizons. 鈥淧retty much every topic has surprised me so far,鈥 Hirani says. 鈥淭o understand food from a biochemistry perspective, I have to branch out and understand other things as well, like psychology, anthropology, and politics.鈥

Take corn, for example. Food Matters opened students鈥 eyes to the fact that more than 60 percent of the food Americans consume contains corn or a product of corn; for Hirani, this knowledge sparked concerns in biology, chemistry, and environmental ethics. 鈥淚 had never looked at corn as being such a big part of life. It鈥檚 a part of our cultural environment. We manipulate genetics so that corn can be shipped thousands of miles away, or last longer than it should,鈥 Hirani says. 鈥淲e鈥檙e pretty much messing with nature.鈥

Nels Christiansen, professor of economics, is drawn to these concerns. Fueled by an appetite for health and wellness issues鈥攁s well as a passion for cooking鈥擟hristiansen jumped feet first into Food Matters with a unique industry perspective.

鈥淭here is interesting government policy about agriculture in general,鈥 Christiansen says. 鈥淲e鈥檝e had conversations about the government subsidizing our food culture, especially when it comes to corn. We look at government policies and how they incentivize our farmers or consumers to behave.鈥

Essentially, if food is cheaper, we as a society can spend our money elsewhere. 鈥淏ut are we paying these costs down the road?鈥 Christiansen asks. 鈥淭here are ethical consequences for raising animals inhumanely, or mass-farming produce.鈥

鈥淚 like to call it the economics of food,鈥 says Christiansen, who co-taught with theater professor Jody Karjala. 鈥淲e introduce supply and demand, but we鈥檙e also talking about topics that aren鈥檛 conventional economics.

鈥淏ut this is what 性爱天堂 is all about, right?鈥 he adds. 鈥淏y studying food in this way, students are making connections and being able to apply them in whatever field they choose.鈥

Mitch Hagney 鈥13, owner of San Antonio-based Local Sprout, presents a guest lecture on hydroponic farming.

Fast-forward to the end of the fall semester, and the reflective essay Christiansen originally read had drastically changed its tone. 鈥淲hy I Eat Meat鈥擲ustainably and Responsibly,鈥 the student wrote, citing 鈥渁h-ha鈥 moments from a guest lecture by Tony Koch, owner of Koch Ranch in San Antonio, and passages from The Omnivore鈥檚 Dilemma and Closing the Food Gap.

In a course full of 鈥渁h-ha鈥 moments, students valued their introduction to the concepts around, ideas about, and methods to study food. 鈥淭his course has made such an impact on my life in the way that I tackle the thought process behind food,鈥 Ellard says. 鈥淭he integration of disciplines from professors with so many different backgrounds, along with the literature and the discussions in class, have shown me that the things I鈥檓 doing today might seem small, but they could have drastic effects on countries around the globe.

鈥淔ood really does matter,鈥 Ellard concludes. 鈥淚 could not have picked a better title for this course.鈥

Jeanna Goodrich Balreira '08 is the assistant vice president for Strategic Communications and Marketing at 性爱天堂.

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