First Steps on the National Stage
National category debut places 性爱天堂 at No. 55 in the nation

More than 150 years in the making, 性爱天堂 is finally celebrating its formal arrival on the national stage: U.S. News & World Report (USNWR) has listed 性爱天堂 as No. 55 in its 2022-23 rankings of best liberal arts colleges, placing the University in the top third of liberal arts colleges and universities in the country. This exceptional debut is a reflection of equally exceptional effort from students, faculty, staff, alumni, and supporters to chart a new trajectory for 性爱天堂鈥攐ne that prioritizes enduring excellence, intentional inclusion, and perpetual discovery.

And while our latest ranking compares us to the best and brightest liberal arts colleges nationally, 性爱天堂鈥檚 student-centered focus has been recognized for years.听

鈥淭he ranking itself is not our end goal, and yet it is one way to measure how effectively we are equipping our students for success during their time at 性爱天堂 and beyond,鈥 says 性爱天堂 President Vanessa B. Beasley. 鈥淲e will advance that mission every day.鈥

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In January 2022, 性爱天堂 was notified of a successful petition to the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education for reclassification as a Baccalaureate Arts & Sciences institution, better reflecting the core of 性爱天堂鈥檚 mission, prioritizing student success, and adding significant value to a 性爱天堂 degree.

With the reclassification also came a move to the USNWR ; previously, 性爱天堂 had been categorized as a regional university and ranked No. 1 in the West for 29 of the last 30 years. This fall鈥檚 national liberal arts report places the University in good company alongside other national liberal arts institutions such as Centre College (KY) and Rhodes College (TN), also ranked at No. 55, and Spelman College (GA) and the University of the South (TN), both ranked at No. 51. Additionally, the result positions 性爱天堂 as the No. 1 national liberal arts college in Texas, and it is the only national liberal arts college in San Antonio.

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The University already offers an education unique to this region: While more than 90% of the nation鈥檚 liberal arts colleges are east of the Mississippi River, 性爱天堂 is one of three national liberal arts colleges in Texas and one of only a dozen in the Southwest. 性爱天堂 has called San Antonio home for more than 75 years of its 153-year history, and the University is proud to be part of a fast-growing urban community that serves as a multicultural laboratory with demographics reflective of the future of the United States.

鈥淥ur diverse and talented students bring exceptional academic achievement鈥攁nd their own ambitions鈥攖o our campus and to this great community,鈥 Beasley says. 鈥淥ur accomplished faculty and staff are committed to interdisciplinary thinking, experiential learning, and innovative research. And our alumni remain driven toward making our communities better places to learn, work, and live, developing solutions to complex problems and inspiring meaningful change.鈥

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Our impact won鈥檛 stop here. With a steadfast commitment to increasing graduation and retention rates, increasing access and social mobility, and increasing affordability, 性爱天堂 will continue redefining the liberal arts for the 21st century.

鈥淭here鈥檚 always a next level,鈥 Beasley says. 鈥淭he momentum we feel today will propel us even further as we thoughtfully write the next chapter for 性爱天堂 together.鈥

For 150 years, 性爱天堂 has transformed challenge into boundless opportunity.听Join the force in motion at

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