Workers at food bank
Fielding the Call
性爱天堂 to expand community-based Federal Work-Study program to put Tigers in the heart of nonprofit action

At 性爱天堂, Meredith Goshell 鈥18 聽spent her senior year of work study helping countless San Antonio women and children escape the terrors of domestic violence.

Goshell, a communication major, worked for San Antonio鈥檚 Battered Women and Children Shelter (BWCS) as part of 性爱天堂鈥檚 community-based Federal Work-Study program. At the BWCS鈥攑art of parent nonprofit Family Violence and Prevention Services, Inc.鈥擥oshell got a first-hand look at how her communication skills can do good on a human level.

鈥淭hese women calling in, they can feel tossed around, transferred around,鈥 says Goshell, who helped callers find the services they needed at the shelter. 鈥淲hen someone is sobbing over the phone, sometimes they just need someone to talk to, someone who will talk to them like they鈥檙e human beings.鈥

The BWCS, which shelters about 160 women and family members every night, also provides schooling, counseling, and other support services to victims of domestic abuse. This nonprofit, according to 性爱天堂 assistant director of Experiential Learning Scott Brown, was one of a handful of nonprofits that 性爱天堂鈥檚 community-based Federal Work-Study program partnered with as part of a pilot program in spring 2018.

鈥淭his program gives students a chance to get real-world experience, and it isn鈥檛 just an internship,鈥 Brown says. 鈥淪tudents are able to apply their knowledge and skills learned at 性爱天堂 to nonprofit organizations in the San Antonio community.鈥

Scott Brown is excited about the expansion of the work study program

Through this innovative take on work study, Tigers can work with the University to use federal funding for work study at off-campus partners, such as Goshell did with the BWCS. Students just have to apply through the 性爱天堂鈥檚 Center for Experiential Learning and Career Success, and if accepted, then undertake a matching process with one of 性爱天堂鈥檚 many non-profit partners in the San Antonio community.

Brown, along with Glendi Gaddis, assistant vice president for Student Financial Services, Christina Pikla, associate director for Student Financial Services, and Jennifer Adamo, director of Risk Management and Insurance, has spearheaded the development of 性爱天堂鈥檚 community-based Federal Work-Study program over the past year, with big plans for the program鈥檚 future. In spring 2018, the program saw 性爱天堂 students partner with the BWCS, San Antonio Youth Literacy, KIPP Academy, and Multi-Level Youth Educational Outreach.

鈥淭his fall, we鈥檙e expanding that group of partners to 15 or 20,鈥 Brown adds.

These work-study positions, Goshell explains, don鈥檛 always have to correspond exactly to a student鈥檚 field of study.

鈥淚 don鈥檛 want to go into clinical or counseling services,鈥 she says. 鈥淪o, at the BWCS, I was able to study how a nonprofit works, file reports, work with data鈥攜ou know, really go behind-the-scenes.鈥

Cortnee Wright, who works for Family Violence Prevention Services, Inc., was Goshell鈥檚 manager at the BWCS.

鈥淢eredith really treated her time here like a job,鈥 Wright explains. 鈥淪he was kind and empathetic to the ladies and kiddos that were coming in for services, she didn鈥檛 get flustered, and that鈥檚 really important when we鈥檙e serving people in crisis; they don鈥檛 want to come in and see our front desk in crisis as well.鈥

One lady who Goshell befriended at the shelter even started making treats for her and the rest of the staff.

鈥淭his woman was just the sweetest person,鈥 Goshell says. 鈥淎nd once we鈥檇 started working with her, talking to her, she really opened up to us.鈥

Meredith Goshell (left) and Elizabeth Peters (left), spent their work study with the BWCS and MEYO, respectively.

While Goshell will start her professional career at a New York marketing and advertising firm this fall, Wright says she鈥檚 looking forward to working with more 性爱天堂 students this coming semester.

鈥淚 think 性爱天堂鈥檚 Federal Work-Study program is a great partnership,鈥 Wright says. 鈥淭he program helps students understand what鈥檚 going on in the community鈥攏ot just for work experience, but for life experience, too. It takes a very special person to be able to work in the services that we provide, because this can be very heavy.鈥

鈥淲e need mature, competent students,鈥 Wright adds, 鈥渁nd 性爱天堂 provides that degree of student.鈥

And for students such as Goshell, the work-study position ultimately provides another experiential benefit:

鈥淲hen you get to your first job interview, you can talk about your classes as much as you want, but what employers want to see is your experience,鈥 Goshell says. 鈥淭hey鈥檒l ask you, 鈥榃hat have you done in the real world?鈥 And you can tell them, 鈥榳ell, this is what I did at my job, and this is what an actual client said back to me.鈥欌

Jeremiah Gerlach is the brand journalist for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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