cabral drawing on whiteboard for student
Electoral Geometry
性爱天堂 professor, student using math to identify gerrymandering

There鈥檚 no 鈥渟ilver bullet鈥 to fight gerrymandering, the practice of manipulating electoral districts for partisan advantage.

But thanks to nonpartisan mathematics, 性爱天堂 mathematics professor E. Cabral Balreira and senior Alice Von Ende-Becker 鈥19 are getting pretty close.

Von Ende-Becker, a mathematics, art history and economics triple major, spent the past semester working on a research project with Balreira to examine a potential link between gerrymandering and Texas elections. The pair produced a project, 鈥淲ho Chooses Who,鈥 an examination of electoral data from 36 U.S. Congressional races in Texas in years 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2018. Using a combination of tools including programming software MATLAB, map ensembles, and concepts such as the efficiency gap, Von Ende-Becker and Balreira have already yielded results:

鈥淭here鈥檚 something interesting going on in Texas,鈥 Balreira says. 鈥淚n 2012, 2014, and 2016, where there was relatively low turnout, one party controlled most of the elections. That鈥檚 expected. But after voter turnout rose significantly in 2018, there was almost no change in representation, compared to what the numbers would project.鈥

This research, first launched in fall 2018, is partially funded through a grant from the Metric Geometry and Gerrymandering Group (). This nonpartisan, Boston-based initiative, led by researchers from Tufts University and MIT, aims to apply geometry and computing to U.S. redistricting, with the belief that gerrymandering of all kinds is a fundamental threat to U.S. democracy.

Through the MGGG grant, Balreira is also training to become an expert witness for future gerrymandering court cases, which involves a heavy slate of research. So, when word broke in the that Balreira had gotten the grant鈥攁nd was looking for students to join his project鈥擵on Ende-Becker answered the call.

鈥淯ntil I saw this article in the Trinitonian, I鈥檇 never heard of math being applied to the gerrymandering problem,鈥 Von Ende-Becker says. 鈥淭hat鈥檚 the moment I was excited I was a math major, because that was the moment I knew I could do something about this problem.鈥

Alice Von Ende-Becker and E. Cabral Balreira at whiteboard

With Balreira, Von Ende-Becker used a dizzying array of complex mathematical and geometric concepts to start sifting through Texas鈥 electoral data. The significance鈥攁nd irony鈥攐f this type of research, Balreira adds, is that courts have typically been hesitant to use mathematics to prove gerrymandering simply because of the huge variety of mathematical techniques related to the subject: There have been more than 40 mathematical concepts introduced in U.S. gerrymandering court cases to date, just dealing with the issue of 鈥渃ompactness鈥, or the shapes of districts, alone. This makes courts hesitant to settle on any one method of proving gerrymandering鈥檚 existence in the first place.

鈥淪ome of these formulas, these methods, will give you different results when you鈥檙e talking about gerrymandering,鈥 Balreira says.

Ultimately, Balreira and Von Ende-Becker have settled on the 鈥渆fficiency gap鈥 as a launching point for future research. This method uses a count of 鈥渨asted votes鈥 (votes 鈥渨asted鈥 on a winner who didn鈥檛 need them, or on a loser that could have been spent in a more competitive district) to produce a comparative rating for individual districts. The higher the efficiency gap, the more gerrymandered the district.

鈥淭his method isn鈥檛 perfect, but it鈥檚 a start,鈥 Balreira says. 鈥淭his gives you a number, a rating鈥攖he way we rate quarterbacks in football, for example鈥攁nd if we鈥檙e being honest, courts are made up of people, and people like these types of 鈥榬atings.鈥欌

Using this comparative data, Von Ende-Becker and Balreira compiled a 鈥済errymandering index鈥 for Texas鈥 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2018 elections. This index is essentially a series of box plots that group districts in order from left to right based on how much they favored one party to the other. The boxes that are in the middle represent the competitive races.. This gives viewers an easy examination of how many of Texas鈥 races were expected to be competitive based on statewide turnout, compared to the actual results of those elections.

If that sounds confusing, imagine learning this from scratch in one semester.

鈥淭his was challenging,鈥 Von Ende-Becker laughs, but with a trace element of trauma that any exhausted student researcher will recognize. 鈥淭here were definitely meetings where I walked out where I was stressed and concerned about whether I was going to be able to get my work done. But that鈥檚 what made this so enjoyable, were those moments when we were able to make a breakthrough, to get a result. That made this work worth it.鈥

Alice Von Ende-Becker at whiteboard

And while Von Ende-Becker had the math chops to handle this type of project, Balreira says the research will also have a huge effect on her interdisciplinary experience moving forward.

鈥淲e focus on interdisciplinarity at 性爱天堂. I do geometry, I do dynamical systems, I focus on the pure math of this research. We鈥檙e looking at maps and seeing grids, blocks, statistics,鈥 Balreira says. 鈥淏ut with Alice, she鈥檚 taking more than just math classes. She can think beyond the numbers to see the applications of this research. She comes with a different background, a different point of view. So if Alice learns enough math from me, and she鈥檚 taking political science classes, economics, the humanities: The student at 性爱天堂 becomes this 鈥榗ommunication鈥 between the classical fields. And that鈥檚 where this research, at 性爱天堂, can really move forward.鈥

In the fall, for example, Balreira hopes to take the numbers from Von Ende-Becker鈥檚 project and launch the next phase of his research with political science professor Katsuo Nishikawa, an expert on voter turnout.

鈥淭hrough this research, Alice becomes the translation between Katsuo and me,鈥 Balreira says. 鈥淚t鈥檚 exciting to know that through Alice, we鈥檝e created a person who can go out into the world and take on these complex problems.鈥

And as stressful as this gerrymandering project was for Von Ende-Becker, she鈥檚 just as excited to have made an impact on the political world from within the cozy confines of a math lab in Marrs McLean Hall.

鈥淚 never thought something like gerrymandering would overlap with math,鈥 Von Ende-Becker says. 鈥淭his is the type of opportunity鈥攖o work on something like this鈥擨 never imagined I鈥檇 get when I came to 性爱天堂.鈥

The MGGG, which is funding Balreira鈥檚 training to become an expert witness, is a nonpartisan group dedicated to promoting fair electoral practices. While the group may participate in cases brought or defended by partisan entities, affiliation with this group should not be understood as aligning with a particular political party, cause, or organization.

Jeremiah Gerlach is the brand journalist for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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