Manny Gonzalez with his family at 性爱天堂
Easing the Path
Inspired by his own experience, first-generation alumnus helps others navigate the complexities of higher education

Manuel (Manny) Gonzalez 鈥07, B.S. Business Management/Spanish

鈥淜nowing that I have the ability to assist in the social mobility of individuals who come from similar backgrounds like mine is something that excites me every day.鈥 So says Manuel (Manny) Gonzalez, Ph.D., the American-born son of Mexican immigrants.

As a first-generation college student, Manny found himself often overwhelmed by the campus environment and struggled with sometimes feeling like an 鈥渋mposter.鈥 He credits the strong support and mentorship he found at 性爱天堂 with putting him on a path to success. Not surprisingly, he remains passionate about 鈥減aying it forward.鈥

As a senior institutional support consultant on the Student and Institutional Success Team within Austin-based Trellis Company (formerly known as Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation), Manny provides higher education support services to under-resourced and under-served minority-serving institutions across the country. Typically, they are institutions that work with students who report higher instances of food insecurity, housing instability, and financial vulnerability. Leading this effort, Manny works directly with campus presidents and senior administrators to address systemic challenges that impact college access, retention, and student success. 鈥淚 help schools across the country shift their mindsets from asking students to be 鈥榗ollege ready鈥 to asking themselves if they are 鈥榮tudent ready,鈥欌 Manny says. Toward this end, he provides leadership training, research, and analytical support along with resources that can range from emergency aid grants to virtual coaching for students wanting real-time guidance on issues related to student financial wellness. 聽

Manny Gonzalez speaking to students about higher education.

Among his successes, Manny points with pride to Palo Alto College in San Antonio, where Trellis has developed a strong partnership with the College鈥檚 student advocacy center and helped them launch an emergency grant program to assist financially vulnerable students through unforeseen crises. The work is not without its challenges.聽鈥淢any schools have yet to recognize that today鈥檚 average student looks different than he or she did 10 years ago,鈥 Manny says. 鈥淭oday鈥檚 student is increasingly nontraditional and is navigating new challenges and anxieties that previous generations did not worry about. We are working with schools to become more welcoming to student diversity and more supportive of growing concerns around student financial wellness, mental health, housing insecurity, etc.鈥 It鈥檚 a daunting task, rife with complex and multifaceted issues, but Manny says, 鈥淲hat keeps me motivated is recognizing that our partner schools have the ability to be greatly influential in the positive trajectory of their students鈥 lives.鈥

Manny Gonzalez with Ruben Hinojosa

Despite his undergraduate business major, Manny was drawn to a career in higher education administration thanks to 性爱天堂 mentors like聽David Tuttle,聽Katie Storey,聽Jacob Tingle,聽Coleen Grissom, and, he says, 鈥渁 host of other great staff and faculty who saw potential in me...They knew I had the potential and desire to help first-generation students in need of guidance.鈥 Manny says the most influential class he took was Grissom鈥檚 first-year seminar on 鈥淔unctions of Humor in Contemporary Literature.鈥

鈥淲hile the course may seem as though it has little relevance to my major or career, it helped me prepare for college and graduate school success by allowing me to hone my analytical writing skills in an environment that was accessible and enjoyable,鈥 Manny reflects. 鈥淪he gave me confidence that I could think and write critically.鈥 聽

With that boost of confidence, Manny plunged wholeheartedly into campus life. He served as co-chair of TUVAC for the San Antonio Children鈥檚 Shelter, was a resident mentor for two years, and took advantage of numerous student leadership and experiential learning opportunities. His senior year he was elected Student Government Association president. Manny laughingly recalls, 鈥淭he running joke among my friends during my last semester was that I wanted to be Dean Tuttle,鈥 then adds with a wink, 鈥淒r. Grissom always said there was a hint of truth to any joke.鈥

Manny with Archer Center Graduate Fellows

After 性爱天堂, Manny earned his M.Ed. and Ph.D. in higher education administration at the University of Texas at Austin. While working in the Division of Diversity and Community Engagement with his faculty adviser, Manny helped launch Project MALES (Mentoring to Achieve Latino Education Success), an innovative new research and student success initiative aimed at addressing the emerging gender gap in Latino education. His work garnered national media attention and recognition in President Obama鈥檚 鈥淢y Brother鈥檚 Keeper鈥 report. It also helped him earn an Archer Center Graduate Fellowship, where he had the honor of serving as an intern for President Obama鈥檚 White House Domestic Policy Council. Assigned to the education policy team, he worked on policy issues ranging from early childhood education to higher education access and affordability. 鈥淭he ultimate goal of all our work is rooted in the same philosophy that my parents understood decades earlier: Education is the key to social mobility.鈥

Though his work with Trellis takes most of his time, Manny is still active with Project MALES as a guest speaker and was named to the 2018 Leadership Austin cohort. He spends free time enjoying Austin with his wife and children and participates increasingly in 性爱天堂 alumni events. A devoted Tiger at heart, he says his children ages four, two, and three months are all inaugural members of the Cub Club and loved scoring touchdowns during the Running of the Cubs, an Alumni Weekend 2018 football halftime event.聽聽

You can contact Manny at

Mary Denny helps tell 性爱天堂's story as a contributor to the University communications team.

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