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Creative Computing
Semmes Scholar now at Microsoft, solving human problems

Emerson Spradling 鈥21, a computer science major from Austin, Texas, could have gone to school anywhere to learn how to program and code.

But he came to 性爱天堂 because he wanted to build a better version of himself in a residential, liberal arts environment鈥攚hich means not having to give up any of his diverse interests. This well-rounded experience, Emerson says, was a key factor in him landing a big-time job as a software development engineer at Amazon.

鈥淚 love creating applications that solve real-world problems, especially when I can see the direct impact,鈥 Emerson says of his work with software.

At 性爱天堂, Emerson says he found opportunities to reach beyond his computer science (CS) major. 鈥淲hen I looked at 性爱天堂, their Pathways curriculum really spoke to me. I would be able to branch out and not have my experience focus solely on CS,鈥 he says. 鈥淢y mindset was that a more well-rounded education would provide long-lasting benefits.鈥

鈥淣ow that I鈥檓 in the professional world, I still find myself constantly using the liberal arts skills that I learned at 性爱天堂,鈥 Emerson says. For example, 鈥淚 didn鈥檛 think that, as a CS major, I鈥檇 be writing in my day-to-day. But in reality, I spend a significant amount of time explaining complex code design. Communication and writing skills are huge.鈥

That well-rounded experience meant Emerson was able to pursue music鈥攈is other passion鈥攚hile at 性爱天堂, too. He joined 性爱天堂鈥檚 handbell ensemble, played the french horn in the orchestra and band, and even found time to explore other aspects of music, such as taking a class that allowed him to regularly attend performances at the San Antonio Symphony. This drive to explore came full circle for his own CS major, as he gained the confidence to venture into new, niche subjects, such as the more specialized realm of big data and machine learning.

Emerson also points to his positive experience with Residential Life as vital to his success. 鈥淎s an RA [resident assistant], I also developed interpersonal skills that are so crucial to the way I communicate,鈥 Emerson says. 鈥淚 loved Res Life at 性爱天堂.鈥

Branching out and collecting well-rounded skills wasn鈥檛 an optional update for Spradling 2.0鈥攊t was essential to creating the version of himself that landed the Amazon job.

鈥淏ig data and machine learning isn鈥檛 in the general CS curriculum. It鈥檚 something you seek out because you鈥檙e really interested in it,鈥 Emerson says. 鈥淪o, I branched out and I took (classes on those subjects). I think I learned a lot, and it鈥檚 influenced the way I approach problems at Amazon.鈥

Jeremiah Gerlach is the brand journalist for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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