Lindsey Handley '10 looking at robots.
Coding Confidence
Lindsey Handley '10 teaches coding through online gaming and software

Late at night, hostile monsters roam through the dark. In addition to zombies, skeletons, and spiders, creepers lurk quietly in the hope of sneaking up on unsuspecting victims and exploding. Yet, before any damage is inflicted, a Minecraft player 鈥渕ods鈥 the creature鈥檚 artificial intelligence. Suddenly, the creeper is reprogrammed to defend the player鈥攏ot blow her up.

Written with code, modifications, or 鈥渕ods,鈥 allow players to take the sandbox video game Minecraft into their own hands. It is part of the genius of LearnToMod, a computer science education software built by Lindsey Handley and Stephen Foster at ThoughtSTEM, the startup they co-founded in 2012.

鈥淎nyone can write these smaller pieces of code that modify the game,鈥 says Handley, ThoughtSTEM鈥檚 COO. 鈥淥ur software makes it easy to put those pieces of code into the game, thereby teaching people to code through Minecraft.鈥

First launched in 2015, LearnToMod is designed for children ages 8 to 14. The software uses a series of tutorial videos that teach students how to construct Minecraft mods with a drag-and-drop programming interface. The mods are then transported to a private server where students can test their code and explore how it alters the game. The goal, Handley says, is to introduce coding to children in a familiar and fun environment.

LearnToMod鈥檚 innovative approach has caught the attention of the National Science Foundation (NSF), which has awarded ThoughtSTEM two Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grants totaling $900,000. The grants fund the salary of ThoughtSTEM developers and allow the startup to share LearnToMod, free of charge, with more than 2,500 educators worldwide. An estimated 60,000 students have used the software, and this number is constantly rising.

It is an exhilarating experience for Handley, who only learned to code as a Ph.D. student at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD). Handley, a chemistry major at 性爱天堂, studied biochemistry at UCSD, focusing on the proteins that regulate the blood coagulation process. Her lab work was satisfying, yet Handley and her husband craved something more entrepreneurial. The pair started ThoughtSTEM as a small tutoring operation that rapidly grew.

鈥淎s a graduate student in science, I had this feeling that I wasn鈥檛 in control of my own future,鈥 Handley says. 鈥淎s a Ph.D. student, you spend long days working hard in the lab and, to some extent, you鈥檙e just left hoping that someday your work will lead you to discover something worth writing a scientific paper about. Running this business was a way for Stephen and I to feel like we had control over our own success.鈥

At ThoughtSTEM鈥檚 office in San Diego, Handley wears many hats as the COO. One moment she is the accountant. The next, a project manager. No matter the day, though, there is one role Handley always shoulders proudly: educator.

鈥淲e are educators at our core,鈥 Handley says. 鈥淚 understand the plight of educators in terms of budgets, and so the NSF grants are really what allows any teacher to use our software for free.鈥

In addition to LearnToMod, ThoughtSTEM also conducts after- school programming, winter, spring, and summer camps, and weekend workshops. With a shrewd business sense, Handley is planning to grow ThoughtSTEM鈥檚 number of after-school program locations from 40 to 100 in the upcoming year. At any one time, a fleet of 10 to 15 instructors are deployed across the San Diego area teaching computer science.

To provide students with the best possible education, Handley is selective about the teachers she employs. She would rather hire a 鈥渇antastic educator and teach them how to code鈥 than have a great programmer who cannot teach. In a novel approach, ThoughtSTEM is offering free coding instruction to teachers and adults with teaching experience in exchange for service in the startup鈥檚 after-school programs. Handley believes a free coding education in exchange for a teaching commitment will entice many young adults interested in a career transition.

鈥淲hen I first started learning how to code, it was intimidating,鈥 Handley says. 鈥淐oding is always going to be a challenge, but it is a challenge that anyone can face and then succeed.鈥

As Handley prepares for more rounds of grant writing, she is excited about ThoughtSTEM鈥檚 future. The startup is revamping LearnToMod鈥檚 built-in game engine, Vox-L, where students can test their mods in-browser. The engine does not require Minecraft to operate, potentially saving teachers the cost of purchasing the game for each student. The software runs on Chromebooks, which lets students code in a Minecraft-like environment without relying on the internet, enabling those in rural areas to code and explore.

The work, however time-consuming it appears, is invigorating for Handley, and the end goal鈥攕tudents well-versed in computer science鈥攊s certainly worthwhile.

How does she navigate life as a COO?

Caffeine, laughs Handley, in the form of a tall, dark coffee.

Follow Lindsey on Twitter at聽.

Carlos Anchondo '14 is an oil and gas reporter for E&E News, based in Washington D.C.聽A communication and international studies major at 性爱天堂, he received his master's degree in journalism聽at the University of Texas at Austin.

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