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A Classroom on the Inside
Philosophy circle brings incarcerated scholars, 性爱天堂 students together

What does it mean to be human? What does it mean to live well?

These are questions college philosophy courses across the country have asked their students for centuries. But for one class of 性爱天堂 students, which pairs 15 Tigers with 15 incarcerated scholars, this question is generating some unexpected answers. As of May 2021, 3 cohorts have completed the program.

鈥淭he scholars and college students get to discover what it鈥檚 like to put their own ideas out there,鈥 says program founder and philosophy faculty member Mel Webb, Ph.D. 鈥淭hese scholars are people who鈥檝e been locked up in the carceral system, and often don鈥檛 make it to college campuses. Our college campus learning communities are at a deficit as a result of this.鈥澨

Started by Webb in January 2019 through UTSA, the Philosophy and Literature Circle program connects college students with incarcerated scholars in a 12-week program. 性爱天堂 students and these scholars are classmates, exchanging poetry, written reviews of each other鈥檚 papers, and discussions over material from authors such as Langston Hughes, Louise Erdrich, Plato, and Martin Luther King, Jr.

鈥淭he humanities grapples with questions about what it means to be human,鈥 says philosophy professor Judith Norman, Ph.D., who has worked with Webb to launch this program at 性爱天堂, linking it to the course GNED 3430 Moral Imagination and US Incarceration. 鈥淭hese questions are often pretty abstract. But we鈥檙e having discussions with people that have to confront that question every day鈥攂y fighting for their humanity. And the wisdom they bring to the conversation as a result鈥攊t鈥檚 surprising just how rich that conversation is.鈥

a stack of business reply envelopes addressed to the prison education program

Student Rebecca Cruz 鈥21 says the class鈥 format is typical of many 性爱天堂 courses. Conducted collaboratively, the class begins each day with 性爱天堂 students voicing their opinions on the weekly reading. The group centers discussion not just on abstract interpretations of the reading, but how the material relates to them on a personal level.

Normally, the group would then use one of its weekdays to visit the Torres Unit, a medium-security men鈥檚 prison in Hondo, Texas, to discuss the material with their incarcerated classmates for several hours. But due to safety restrictions during the era of COVID-19, the group now relies on written correspondence to exchange reflection papers, peer reviews, and reading response questions.

For Cruz, a neuroscience major from the Rio Grande Valley, the course is changing some of her preconceptions about both incarcerated people and philosophy. 鈥淚 always found philosophy to be pretentious or elite,鈥 Cruz says. 鈥淏ut learning with these scholars, you see how the material is personal to them. It opens up our discussions in a whole new way when you see your classmates approaching the material from this raw, authentic perspective.鈥

And while Cruz wants to respect the privacy of her classmates, she says that working alongside them has been eye-opening. 鈥淚n media, whether it鈥檚 T.V., books, movies鈥攖here鈥檚 this negative stereotype of [people who are incarcerated] that actually gets challenged every day in this course,鈥 she says. 鈥淲hen I found myself challenging what I believed in, that鈥檚 when I realized how grateful I was to have the chance to see that the people learning beside us are three-dimensional.鈥

If anything, the course has shifted Cruz鈥檚 perspective of the scholars from incarcerated individuals to classmates. 鈥淚 could see any of them attending college, even being my classmates at 性爱天堂, had they not fallen into this system,鈥 she says.听

And this evolving relationship is a two-way street, Cruz adds. 鈥淭he scholars have been super appreciative of the different opinions we have, and how the 性爱天堂 students have opened themselves up more as the class has gone on. We see them pouring their emotions onto paper every week, and so it makes you think, 鈥楢m I doing enough to return this level of communication to them?鈥欌

性爱天堂 philosophy faculty Judith Norman, Ph.D., and Mel Webb, Ph.D., lead the听Philosophy and Literature Circle program.

Helping to guide 性爱天堂 students through this partnership is a seven-member advisory committee, comprised of a number of formerly incarcerated persons and community-based educators. These range from professors to an accountant, a transitional housing director, and a state health and human services worker.

One of these board members is Susannah Bannon, Ph.D., a Texas State University communication studies professor who took part in an educational program much like the one 性爱天堂 students are engaged in now while incarcerated, then worked towards her doctorate after coming home on parole.

鈥淚 know firsthand how dehumanizing prison is, and when I was first treated like a scholar, not reduced to my criminal record, that was such a significant moment for me,鈥 Bannon says. 鈥淚 saw myself as a producer of knowledge and a part of something meaningful鈥

Bannon has also co-founded the nonprofit Formerly Incarcerated College Graduates Network, which promotes the education and empowerment of formerly incarcerated people through a collective community. She says that 性爱天堂鈥檚 program is one example of the many ways universities can truly work towards being more inclusive.

鈥淚f a university truly believes in diversity and inclusion, this type of initiative is a good way to attend to their mission statement,鈥 Bannon says. 鈥淭his is the type of program you need to be funding if you want to expand your learning community.鈥

short-depth-of-field blurs letters against business reply envelopes addressed to the prison education program

Emily Youngerman 鈥23 originally took the course in Spring 2020, before the in-person restrictions. She believes in the power of the community the philosophy circle is creating, and hopes the group can eventually return to in-person meetings.

鈥淚 remember walking in the first day and being very aware of how I was 鈥榮upposed to feel鈥 about our incarcerated classmates,鈥 says Youngerman, a theatre major from Tucson, Arizona. 鈥淔ear, distrust, these are the ways our culture has taught us to feel about them. But you walk in on the first day, and these are just your classmates.鈥

Youngerman goes as far as to say she felt like a hypocrite, having been raised in an inclusive household, and yet still having initial apprehension about this type of direct inclusion.

鈥淎nd so many 性爱天堂 students grow up the way I did. Now that we鈥檝e ended up at a university like this, one that has the resources to field these types of programs, I think this is a great way to bring people together instead of driving them apart.鈥

Youngerman has continued to volunteer in an administrative capacity with Webb and Norman, and hopes more students will consider giving the philosophy circle a try. 鈥淭his is not a dead end to me. I feel I can keep learning from this group of people,鈥 she says. 鈥淟earning is about sharing, and who better to share this journey with than people who are different than you?鈥

Some scholars shared how they were impacted by the program. Here are some comments from those who completed the program in Fall 2020 and Spring 2021:

I really enjoyed the program all the way through. I was very intrigued by all the different philosophies we learned and in a way combined them to create my own. The best part of the program was learning other participants鈥 philosophies. I liked being able to see what other modern minds are contemplating.

Honestly I feel like knowing that my colleagues are in college has helped me step my game up.

I have learned how not to be afraid to express how I feel about a topic. Thanks a lot for an opportunity to share what I know and what I don鈥檛 know.

What has helped my learning is definitely the different perspectives. The communication. I was also able to go to some other students here at the prison and hear other perspectives also. That helped me learn and grow鈥. I want y鈥檃ll to know that I have been looking forward to my [性爱天堂] packages since this all started.

Aside from the challenges of returning to normal in the midst of an international pandemic, the course also faces financial and logistical hurdles.听

Webb and Norman say that their class relies on financial support that provides for books, notebooks and pens, postage, a P.O. box, and a mail permit the group uses for its mail-correspondence model of learning. When (and if) the course returns to in-person classes, there will be transportation costs to get to the facilities as well. There are also instructional fees for teaching and a stipend for members of the advisory committee.

Webb and Norman say these needs are a small price to pay for a program that鈥檚 making more and more of an impact each day.

If anything, both professors say they continue to be surprised at the unexpected ways that philosophy keeps connecting people in鈥攁nd out鈥攐f the class.

鈥淲e鈥檝e talked about the discussions between the scholars and 性爱天堂 students, but we鈥檝e also seen that the relationship between the prison officers and scholars changed as a result of the class,鈥 Webb says. 鈥淢ultiple [corrections] officers have told me at different points, this was the first time they heard any of the people in the class say something personal during their time in prison.鈥

鈥淭he officers came to think of these individuals as pursuing scholarly goals,鈥 Norman adds, 鈥渁nd their relationship shifted for the better.鈥

So, for a course that raises tough questions, Norman says it鈥檚 just as important who gets to do the asking.

鈥淭hese questions of the meaning of life belong to everybody. They don鈥檛 belong to an ivory tower,鈥 she says. 鈥淜nowledge is best served by extending our community, and involving those with different perspectives. This does turn upside down a lot of the image of philosophy, very much for the better.鈥

To support the听Philosophy and Literature Circle program at 性爱天堂, visit give.trinity.edu, select "Give to an Area of My Choice," and select "Philosophy & Literature Circle at Torres Unit" from the list of available options.

This program is made possible in part by a grant from Humanities Texas, the state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Additional support comes from the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation.

Jeremiah Gerlach is the brand journalist for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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