Jacob Galan kicks a soccer ball during a 性爱天堂 home game
Chasing His Goals
Cellular and molecular biology student-athlete earns prestigious NCAA Postgraduate Scholarship

Jacob Galan 鈥22 can be called many things, from the captain of 性爱天堂鈥檚 men鈥檚 soccer team and an All-American on the pitch to teaching assistant and researcher in the lab. One name Galan hopes to soon be called is doctor.聽

After winning an that only 126 student-athletes nationwide earn, Galan is one step closer to receiving that title. Galan will use the scholarship, which is worth $10,000, for medical school.聽

鈥淚 was pretty surprised. To be recognized for something like that is an amazing thing,鈥 Galan says. 鈥淚 honestly felt more honored than anything to be able to receive that and represent 性爱天堂 and 性爱天堂 soccer, especially Coach McGinlay.鈥

Galan has known Paul McGinlay, head men鈥檚 soccer coach at 性爱天堂, since elementary school. As a San Antonio native who attended Reagan High School, Galan participated in soccer camps led by McGinlay throughout his youth.聽

鈥淚 know the 12-year-old Jacob, and I know the 22-year-old Jacob, so it's been an enjoyable decade getting to know him and his family,鈥 McGinlay says. 鈥淲ords fail me because he鈥檚 just phenomenal to be around every day. His sense of humor, his seriousness, his overall demeanor鈥攑layers like him only come around once every couple of decades.鈥

Jacob Galan comes from a Tiger family through and through, and celebrated with his family after soccer games at 性爱天堂.

Galan鈥檚 mom, Blanca Timoskevich 鈥92, and his older sister, Gaby Galan 鈥20, also went to 性爱天堂, so the campus connections run deep. Going to school in San Antonio also meant Galan鈥檚 family could cheer him on from the same stands he remembers sitting in as a kid.

鈥淚鈥檓 all about staying close to family and following tradition,鈥 Galan says. 鈥淚 always loved being able to see my family in the stands coming to the games. If I鈥檓 going to miss anything it鈥檚 going to be those home games under the lights when the stadium is packed.鈥

McGinlay nominated Galan, in his senior year, for the scholarship. Jacob Tingle, Ph.D., helped shepherd Galan through the process as 性爱天堂鈥檚 NCAA faculty athletics representative. Galan wrote an essay on how he planned to use the scholarship money if he won, along with how what he learned as a student-athlete would help him in his stated endeavor of attending medical school.

Galan鈥檚 performance academically and athletically stood out enough to become one of 21 male student-athletes that play fall sports across the NCAA鈥檚 three divisions to win their coveted prize.聽

鈥淚t speaks to what we promote as we鈥檙e recruiting students,鈥 McGinlay says. 鈥淓verything is available to you. There鈥檚 resources, there鈥檚 support, there鈥檚 coaches, faculty, and administrators. It truly takes a village to get through all this and we have that village. We have all the necessary components within it to allow for this excellence, but the biggest participant in all of this is Jacob.鈥

The United Soccer Coaches named Jacob Galan an All-American during the 2021 season. Galan attended the award ceremony in Kansas City, Missouri. Photo courtesy of Paul McGinlay.

Galan鈥檚 excellence is felt equally and quickly by his professors, whether in-person or virtually.

鈥淚 joined 性爱天堂 last year in January, and the first class I taught was immunobiology, and Jacob was one of my students,鈥 says biology professor Luis Giavedoni, Ph.D. 鈥淓verything was through Zoom, and we didn鈥檛 have any face-to-face contact, but I got a really good impression from Jacob just from his participation, his questions, and his understanding of the subject.鈥

Galan and Giavedoni immediately clicked through this class, and they conducted research together over the summer of 2021, which focused on finding a cure for AIDS.聽

鈥淗e is always dedicated to being in the laboratory early in the morning and spending the time that needs to be spent. Those are characteristics of somebody who is focused on a particular goal,鈥 Giavedoni says.

One of those goals was set in a middle school biology class, when Galan realized he wanted to follow in his father, John Galan鈥檚, footsteps and become a physician. Galan found himself enamored with studying for a test on the cardiovascular system. He memorized everything he possibly could, even giving a full-page response on a bonus question to show just how much he knew as a young teenager.

鈥淚 still remember the conversation I had with my parents about it in the car,鈥 Galan says. 鈥淚 had a passion for that biology class, and it came very fast. I knew exactly then what I wanted to do.鈥

That love for biology never faded. Galan chose cellular and molecular biology as his major and started down the pre-medical advising program. Two months after he graduates from 性爱天堂 in May, Galan will begin his coursework at the University of Texas Health Sciences Center at Houston McGovern Medical School.

鈥淗e came into 性爱天堂 with medical school being his goal,鈥 says Galan鈥檚 academic adviser and biology professor Jonathan King, Ph.D. 鈥淗e鈥檚 always been very serious, and he鈥檚 always been very intentional.鈥

Jacob Galan chases down the ball at a 性爱天堂 home game during the Fall 2021 season. Photo courtesy of Avery Rosenblum, 性爱天堂 Department of Athletics

King knows a little something about not only the Galans but also about teaching exceptional student-athletes. King taught Jacob鈥檚 sister Gaby, who played soccer at 性爱天堂 and now attends medical school as well. He also taught Chelsea Cole 鈥19 and Lindsey Peng 鈥21, both women鈥檚 soccer players that won NCAA Postgraduate Scholarships of their own.

Perhaps King鈥檚 success with student-athletes comes from his ability to relate and combine all sides of what they do.

鈥淢edicine is a team sport these days. There's all different players and partners that a physician will need to interact with, other physicians and other health professionals,鈥 King says. 鈥淛acob will be a great team player in medicine, and I think it鈥檚 pretty cool that I鈥檝e gotten to interact with three people that have won this award.鈥

While some may believe that sports distract from school or vice versa, Galan鈥檚 professors have witnessed firsthand how he鈥檚 thrived at both.

鈥淲henever I have a student that tells me they play a sport, right away in my mind I'm like, 鈥楾he sport is gonna give or STEM is going to give because it's too hard to be good at both,鈥欌 says chemistry professor Kristina Trevino, Ph.D. 鈥淭o see Jacob succeed, and not only make it but kill it, says so much about him and us as a University that we're pulling in these fabulous kids that can do both.鈥

Galan never felt the need to choose between soccer and his studies, and he was supported in both by everyone he came in contact with during his time 聽at 性爱天堂.

Jacob Galan stands with chemistry professor Kristina Trevino, Ph.D. after the 2019 Turkey Trot. Galan serves as Trevino's teaching assistant for Advanced Chemical Principles. Photos courtesy of Kristina Trevino

鈥淭he learning atmosphere at 性爱天堂 has been second to none,鈥 Galan says. 鈥淢y professors are always following me and keeping up with me, wanting the best for me. From my freshman year, I felt that this University was here and helped me as much as I am here for the University.鈥

Trevino, for whom Galan serves as a teaching assistant, was one of the first people he messaged as soon as he found out he had won the scholarship. Of course, Trevino was hardly surprised.

鈥淚 never doubted him. He is the full package,鈥 Trevino says. 鈥淚'm so proud of him, and he's going to do more than amazing things in his life.鈥

Because of the impact COVID-19 had on sports, Galan had the opportunity to return to 性爱天堂 to play one more season in the fall of 2022. However, he is ready to keep following the passion he first discovered back in that middle school biology class.

鈥淎s much as soccer has been the world to me and my team has been the world to me, it鈥檚 been a passion and dream of mine to go to medical school,鈥 Galan says. 鈥淚t鈥檚 finally here, and I feel like I just need to take it.鈥

Brian Yancelson '22 helped tell 性爱天堂's story as a public relations intern for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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