A collage of a portrait of Betsy Tontiplaphol (left) and Tontiplaphol teaching an English class (right)
Betsy Tontiplaphol Wins the 2023 Z.T. Scott Award
性爱天堂 English professor honored for her poetic teaching and advising

Betsy Winakur Tontiplaphol, Ph.D., professor and chair of 性爱天堂鈥檚 Department of English, is the 2023 recipient of the Dr. and Mrs. Z. T. Scott Faculty Fellowship, the University鈥檚 most prestigious faculty award, which recognizes excellence in teaching and advising.

A San Antonio native, Tontiplaphol鈥檚 18 years at 性爱天堂 have been defined by her commitment to student success and to designing and delivering well-crafted learning experiences.

鈥淚 was deeply honored to win this award,鈥 Tontiplaphol says. 鈥淚t means a lot because I know that 性爱天堂 is my forever academic home, and the work I do at 性爱天堂 that is most important to my career is teaching. [This award] really reflects the value I place on preparing and executing teaching every day.鈥澛

Tontiplaphol came to 性爱天堂 in 2005 after finishing her doctoral program at the University of Virginia. She says that although she never expected to find herself living in her hometown as an adult, she was so glad to be able to secure a position at 性爱天堂, where she attended countless events as a child.聽

Tontiplaphol鈥檚 research focuses on the relationship between English poetry and 19-century culture, especially material culture, a scholastic interest that has manifested itself in her courses on British Romantic poetry; Victorian poetry; lyric form and tradition; and 19th-century literary medievalism, Orientalism, and British women's fiction. She鈥檚 also known for her upper-division, single-author seminars on Jane Austen and John Keats, which guide students through the works of these writers and any historical, political, philosophical, or personal issues that may have influenced their writing.聽

Colleagues inevitably compare her teaching to poetry, the subject that happens to be the nearest and dearest to her. 鈥淟ike great poetry,鈥 one colleague notes, her teaching is 鈥渕eticulously planned, composed, condensed, artfully arranged, and charged to the utmost with meaning.鈥

鈥淭hat's such a really lovely and moving comment that a colleague offered to describe my teaching,鈥 Tontiplaphol says. 鈥淎nd I think it means so much to me, not just because I love poetry and I associate it with meaning and beauty, but because one of the things that I try to emphasize to my students is that poetry is something made. It's not just something that happens鈥攊t's something that's put together.鈥

Just as a good poet knows when to switch up their diction and syntax to change the rhythm of their poem, when planning her courses, Tontiplaphol knows when to account for how her students will contribute to the rhythm of her teaching.

鈥淚 like to think before I start a class about what the movement of the class will be, how the questions will develop and expand and move from point A to point B to point C,鈥 Tontiplaphol says. 鈥淎nd, of course, I want my students to be involved in shaping that movement and progression. But I also want it to feel purposeful and conscious, as though we're deciding where to go and building on the questions that we've asked rather than taking a more scattershot approach. But there's still a place for a kind of freer verse, a place in the classroom for really wonderful, free conversations that just kind of move and hop around.鈥澛

Betsy Tontiplaphol, Ph.D. (back left), and Claudia Stokes, Ph.D. (back right), guide discussion in their co-taught 鈥淛ane Eyre and Her Afterlives鈥 seminar, one of many team-taught courses that Tontiplaphol has been a part of during her time at 性爱天堂.

And it鈥檚 this balance between free and artfully measured teaching that makes Tontiplaphol鈥檚 students feel both challenged and supported inside and outside the classroom.聽

鈥淒r. Tontiplaphol鈥檚 style of teaching benefits all types of learners,鈥 says Zoe Grout 鈥22, an English major with minors in religion and geosciences who names Tontiplaphol鈥檚 鈥淛ohn Keats鈥 and 鈥淧oetic Package鈥 seminars as two of her favorite courses from her time at 性爱天堂. 鈥淪he carefully crafts guided questions, packets, and activities to create a framework for discussion, which helps those of us who need a little more structure contribute in a fully engaged way. But her willingness to open up for free discussion lets us embrace the directions our minds take us as we read and reconsider what we鈥檝e read.鈥

Grout, who is currently pursuing a dual master鈥檚 degree in information studies and English at the University of Texas at Austin, claims, like many of Tontiplaphol鈥檚 former students, that 鈥渢he dynamics of her classes really taught me how to be an English major.鈥

And what exactly does being an English major entail? The ability to discuss your thoughts on texts or concepts effectively not only in class discussions but also in essaysa skill that sometimes takes a lot of bravery and vulnerability. And Tontiplaphol keeps this in mind when offering feedback on her students鈥 papers. Any written assignment graded by Tonitplaphol is always accompanied by in-text comments and a summary at the end with her constructive criticism and reasoning for the grade she gives.

鈥淚 think of those spaces, the margins of the paper and the note [I leave the students] at the end, as conversation spaces. You've just written this thing for me, and now I'm going to write back to you,鈥 Tontiplaphol says. 鈥淚 think of it as a continuation of the in-class dialogue, or for some students, depending on what works best for them, a substitution for office hours. Sometimes students are more comfortable having those conversations there.鈥

In addition to creating spaces for dialogue in the margins of a page, Tontiplaphol also finds it imperative that her students engage with course materials outside of the bounds of the classroom. Pre-pandemic, Tontiplaphol would celebrate the end of each of her upper-division courses by inviting her students over to her house for festivities individual to each course. For example, as part of her Keats seminar, Grout and her fellow classmates came together to watch and discuss the film Bright Star, which dramatizes the professional and personal life of John Keats.

鈥淕oing to a professor鈥檚 house for an end-of-course party always felt like a quintessential college experience, one I鈥檇 heard about but never expected,鈥 Grout says. 鈥淏ut getting to take one of our class discussions into Dr. Tontiplaphol鈥檚 abode, on couches instead of plastic chairs and with cookie platters instead of metal water bottles, I felt a sense of camaraderie. What鈥檚 more, I got the distinct impression that these conversations don鈥檛 have to be classroom-exclusive. We don鈥檛 check our English major brains at our front doors, and we shouldn鈥檛. This type of critical thinking extends to our living rooms, where we watch movies and eat and talk with our family, our friends, and sometimes our professors.鈥

And though she recently hasn鈥檛 been able to continue these end-of-the-semester celebrations at her house, Tontiplaphol鈥檚 group projects, like presentations comparing and contrasting Jane Austen movie adaptations with the original texts, still bring her students together in a special way, allowing them to bond over discussions of iconic films that have touched their lives like they would with friends for a movie night.聽聽

鈥淚 feel like a class is an experience that you don't get back,鈥 Tontiplaphol says. 鈥淚'll reteach the class, and other students will maybe take another class with me, and they'll certainly take other English classes, but at this time, in this space鈥攚e won't get that back. A class is a temporal experience, and I like to make it feel special.鈥澛

Kennice Leisk '22 is the content coordinator for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing. She majored in English and Latin and minored in creative writing and comparative literature at 性爱天堂.

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