Mengyu Liu wears yellow headphones and presses his nose against a machine in a lab
Art for Your Nose
性爱天堂 alumnus pursues a career in perfumery

When you think of art, you probably imagine paintings, sculpture, or even music. Art doesn鈥檛 only have to be observed through your eyes and ears, though. Mengyu Liu 鈥19 is dedicated to producing art that appeals to the nose.聽聽

鈥淭here are not a lot of people trying to explore artistic expression for the smell,鈥 says Liu. 鈥淚 think it has a lot of potential. It鈥檚 a way to discover new artistic expressions and new experiences.鈥

Liu鈥檚 interest in the fragrance world is something he discovered while pursuing a biochemistry and molecular biology major at 性爱天堂.聽

鈥淔rom the beginning, I really liked chemistry,鈥 says Liu. 鈥淚t was what I wanted to do in the future. Meanwhile, during my second year, I was really fascinated by the olfactive (fragrance) world, so I thought, 鈥榤aybe I can combine those two.鈥"

性爱天堂鈥檚 focus on the liberal arts and undergraduate research prepared Liu for his future in fragrance.聽

鈥淭he studies I did at 性爱天堂 were really helpful, especially organic chemistry and analytical chemistry,鈥 he says. 鈥淎t 性爱天堂 we did a lot of research, labs, and group projects that involved students and professors. The professors provided us with聽 a lot of valuable feedback."

He once spent long hours working on a biochemistry project with chemistry professor Corina Maeder, Ph.D., studying how different constituents of a molecule can affect its olfactive content. His undergraduate research further cemented his future goals in perfumery.聽聽聽

鈥淚 did a lot of summer courses during the summer of my sophomore year at Grasse Institute of Perfumery,鈥 says Liu. 鈥淚 really enjoyed it. The entire process really brought me a lot of joy and happiness, which further confirmed that I really wanted to do this in my future.鈥

After graduating in 2019, Liu attended ISIPCA, a French perfumery school founded by famous perfumer Jacques Guerlain. Liu received his masters from ISIPCA and now works in Paris at Symrise, a global fragrance company, his job includes consumer insight, marketing, and fragrance evaluation.聽

鈥淚 smell the perfumes created by our perfumer team,鈥 Liu says. 鈥淢y job is to make a creative story about the fragrance based on its olfactive properties. The story I create has to be related to the motives of the perfumer when they created the perfume.鈥澛

Although his current job may sound more artistic than scientific, chemistry still plays a major role in fragrance evaluation.聽

鈥淭here are a lot of sides to perfumery,鈥 he says. 鈥淔or example, for the creative side, you need the artistic talent to create this imaginary thing, to create a story. You鈥檙e also required to know the chemistry side, in terms of evaluating the stability and the safety of the solutions, and how to analyze a fragrance formula from a competitor, by using analytical tools, like GC-MS and HPLC.鈥

Liu has even grander plans for his future. He hopes to eventually open a fragrance school in his hometown Chengdu, China, where there is a lack of resources regarding perfumery.

鈥淧eople want to know more about聽 perfumery, about the fragrance products, and the industry, but it鈥檚 very hard for them to find the information and resources to be educated. That鈥檚 something that I want to do.鈥

In the header photo, Liu聽 uses聽a fragrance evaluation machine called Olfactory GC-MS, which separates olfactory molecules in a sample.聽

Matilda Krell '23 helps tell 性爱天堂's story as a writing intern for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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