Mark Bing treats a player of the Katy High School Football team
The Art of the Game
Medical doctor recognizes the impact of fine arts through scholarship in memory of Phil Evett

奥丑颈濒别听Dr. Mark L. Bing '72聽studied biology at 性爱天堂, he also explored art classes, taking the interdisciplinary path many 性爱天堂 students are familiar with. Though his career path steered him into the medical world, the art he dabbled in鈥攁nd, especially, one particular art professor鈥攍eft an impact on him. Bing has recently given $100,000 in support of an art scholarship in memory of Phil Evett, 性爱天堂 Professor Emeritus of art and noted sculptor. Evett died Aug. 5, 2016, at age 93.

Just as Bing鈥檚 studies were two-pronged, his giving also reflects his varying interests. He has 聽also substantially supported 性爱天堂鈥檚 football stadium, which comes as no surprise. The board-certified internal medicine specialist has been sports team doctor for the roaring Katy Tigers since 1982. He鈥檚 earned eight state championship rings and a spot on the Texas High School Football Hall of Fame.

But, Bing鈥檚 desire to commemorate his art instructor tells a less expected story, one that took him through the arts, language, literature, athletics, and eventually studying medicine abroad, before settling down back home in Katy. 鈥淚 did not take the ordinary path,鈥 Bing says. 鈥淏ut it led me to become who I am.鈥

portrait of mark bing

Bing did not know much about Evett鈥檚 life. Still, he admired him greatly. 鈥淧rofessor Evett was a very good man鈥攇entle and kind,鈥 Bing says. 鈥淗e brought your creative juices to the forefront.鈥

Evett was born in Swanscombe, Kent, England and studied at the Cambridge College of Art. During WWII, he served as a member of the Royal Air Force.

The flexibility of 性爱天堂鈥檚 pre-med track gave Bing an outlet to explore art and other subjects while still pursuing sports and medicine. Courses like Evett鈥檚 were a welcome contrast to Bing鈥檚 core biology classes, most of which were 鈥8 o-clockers,鈥 as he called them. Semesters in Evett鈥檚 art studio encouraged mental agility and hands-on study. Bing says, 鈥淚 wasn鈥檛 the best art student, but I had a pent-up need for sculpting.鈥

Art was a much-appreciated side pursuit to Bing鈥檚 focus on sports and medicine, a path that seemed inevitable. He grew up on the sidelines of the Katy High School football team, in the shadow of his late father, Dr. Lyndon Bing, who was a team physician for Katy High School from the early 鈥50s through the late 鈥80s. 鈥淎s a kid, I saw how fast my dad was,鈥 says Bing. 鈥淗e could fix a dislocated shoulder faster than anyone. He鈥檇 get a player x-rayed and have him back by the next quarter.鈥

Bing, too, was no stranger to practicing medicine under pressure, but he would soon be tested in a remarkable way. After graduating from 性爱天堂, he set out for Central America to pursue his medical education at Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala in Guatemala City. He provided primary care and delivered babies in the impoverished country.

On Feb. 4, 1976, at around 3 a.m., the ground beneath Mark Bing鈥檚 bed began to roll like waves. A 7.5-magnitude earthquake had just leveled the better part of Guatemala City, 10 miles north of Bing鈥檚 medical school. 鈥淚t was like a freight train rumbling,鈥 Bing says.

But Bing鈥檚 focus wasn鈥檛 on his own safety, but that of his patients. He says, 鈥淲e got out of bed and went to the hospital to calm down our patients.鈥

The hospital was constructed by U.S. Army in the 1940s, and it was physically unharmed by the quake. But for several days, he was sewing up patients under flashlights as the country responded to the devastation. The earthquake killed 23,000 people, injured 77,000, and left 1 million homeless. 鈥淚 saw lots of psychological trauma,鈥 he says, 鈥渄ue to the fact that [the patients] were safe鈥攏ot out there with their families who may聽not聽be safe. We just tried to help the people we could. It is still overwhelming.鈥

He completed his residency at Marshall University School of Medicine in Huntington, West Virginia, before returning to his hometown of Katy to practice medicine alongside his father.

Bing believes there is a lot to be learned living in a third-world country. Despite our increasingly global society, he still thinks we underestimate cultural exchange. 鈥淭he current interchange, especially with China, is a great thing,鈥 he says. 鈥淚t鈥檚 greatly undervalued.鈥

Bing鈥檚 own cultural exchange opportunity continues to shape his life and career to this day. He was immersed in the language and was reading novels in Spanish by the end of his stay. His 聽bilingual skills have attracted Spanish-speaking patients to his practice. 鈥淚 enjoy taking care of them a great deal,鈥 he says. 鈥淥ften in the case of my older Spanish-speaking patients, I鈥檓 able to translate when their families don鈥檛 speak as much of the language.鈥

One such family stands out. 鈥淭hey鈥檝e kept me grounded,鈥 Bing says. For decades, he has treated this family鈥檚 colds, bumps and bruises, and even aided in the birth of a child. 鈥淓very time I think I鈥檓 tired or ready to hang it up, they call me. You do what you can to help people not suffer.鈥

Nicolette Good graduated from 性爱天堂 in 2007 with a Bachelor of Arts in English and Music. In addition to being a traditional writer, she is a working singer/songwriter, as well as a staff musician for Home Street Music, a nonprofit that uses music to empower individuals who have experienced homelessness.

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