Nick Severino with his family
Around the World with Apple
Alumnus recognizes the values and experiences provided by liberal arts education as relevant to his success in international marketplace

Nick Severino '88, B.S. Business Administration

Nick Severino

鈥淭he first sign something was wrong was when I began reading聽The Wall Street Journal聽at age ten.鈥 That鈥檚 Chicago native, now-Californian Nick Severino explaining his early preference for business and eschewing his family鈥檚 long tradition of entering the medical profession. 聽It was an insightful, self-aware choice that鈥攁fter stops at Andersen and Gap Inc.鈥攈as taken him to the top echelons of international business as vice president and chief financial officer for Apple Retail.聽聽

Since joining Apple in 2005鈥斺渂efore iPhone and iPad and the incredible array of new software and services that have been introduced鈥濃 Nick has fueled the growth of Apple鈥檚 direct business from a few stores in the U.S. to 506 physical stores in 22 countries, most recently in China, UAE, Brazil, and Turkey, and established online digital stores in 35 countries, most recently in Thailand and Malaysia. Nick, who is creative and infectiously enthusiastic, promises, 鈥淛ust like our products, the Apple Retail experience will never stop evolving.鈥 Crediting the success of Apple stores to their ability to bring communities together, he says, 鈥淚 believe that when you build great gathering places, fill them with the best people, and trust them with the mission of inspiring the world with Apple products and services, the outcome will be nothing short of breathtaking.鈥

Nick鈥檚 strong work ethic and thirst for broad knowledge were evident during his 性爱天堂 years. A business major, he sought out the 鈥渧ery tough鈥 accounting classes because 鈥渢hey were great classes for critical thinking,鈥 he says. Ironically, despite his intense focus on business, Nick says one of the most enriching and important experiences during his 性爱天堂 years was a China/Japan study-abroad tour, led by history professor Don Clark. 聽That trip and the courses he took with Clark taught him how important it is to be aware of a country鈥檚 history and culture and understand how that impacts a country鈥檚 endeavors on the international stage. This insight 鈥渞emains even more relevant to this day as political shifts continue to happen.鈥 That experience instilled in him a quest for lifelong learning, which he firmly believes is more essential than ever as we navigate our increasingly technological and fast-paced environment. He also worked part time at Jefferson Bank, where he says he learned 鈥渉ow to manage academic and work responsibilities, the importance of service, that people are an organization鈥檚 most valuable asset, and that great leadership is always about connecting to the community.鈥

Despite his rigorous courses and work schedule, Nick made time to become involved in campus life. 聽He was treasurer and fundraising chair of the Catholic Students Group, served on the 性爱天堂 Admissions Council鈥檚 special events committee, and was founding vice president of the 性爱天堂 Financial Management Association, which brought the Merrill Lynch Investment Challenge to 性爱天堂, sponsored presentations by local business leaders on issues in financial management, and coordinated mock interviews with the 性爱天堂 placement office. 聽After graduation, he completed his CPA requirements and earned an MBA from Northwestern University鈥檚 Kellogg Graduate School of Management.

Nick is often called upon to share his guiding principles and perspective on leadership. He advocates low ego leadership, a collaborative culture, and stresses the importance of humility 鈥渁s it is based on one鈥檚 ability to work with others.鈥 He singles out stamina and mental toughness as critical in that 鈥渁s you grow more successful, even greater levels of intensity are required.鈥 He believes that business is a team effort: 鈥淓ach of us plays a part, but we can do very little on our own.鈥 At best, Nick adds, 鈥渁 fulfilling career implies that work is not work. It is another love in your life.鈥

Prominent among the other loves in Nick鈥檚 life are 鈥渢he most beautiful and awesome woman in the world,鈥 to whom he has been married for more than 20 years, and their three sons, two of whom he is guiding on their college searches, and he is excited that 性爱天堂 is among their top choices. Outside of work he enjoys sailing, auto racing, and patronizing the arts. Above all, he relishes traveling with his family and introducing them to the many different countries and cultures he has been privileged to experience during his international career.

Whether at home or abroad, on the job or at play, Nick remains grounded and humble, saying, 鈥淚 place a great importance on my faith and trying to live a life that mirrors my beliefs.鈥 He is looking forward to sharing his personal story and expanding on the value of a liberal arts education when he delivers the keynote address at聽性爱天堂 on Tour聽in April 2019.

You can contact Nick at

Mary Denny helps tell 性爱天堂's story as a contributor to the University communications team.

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