Jerheme Urban speaks to huddled football players
Academic Audible
性爱天堂 football shines in the classroom under new initiatives from coach Jerheme Urban '03

For speedy 性爱天堂 wide receiver Chris Stewart 鈥21, a fast start can be the difference between hitting paydirt or getting bogged down in tight coverage.

And, thanks to 性爱天堂 football鈥檚 series of academic initiatives, Stewart鈥檚 academic career is off to a fast start, too. Stewart is part of a football team that鈥檚 risen its cumulative GPA from 2.817 to 3.012 over the past four years, along with improved team retention rates and academic progress rate, according to athletic department officials.

Stewart, a finance major from Conroe, Texas, chose 性爱天堂 over multiple Ivy League schools for this academic rigor.

鈥淚 got to stay in Texas, and still go to a prestigious school? Perfect fit,鈥 Stewart says. 鈥溞园焯 was right under my nose and I didn鈥檛 even know it.鈥

性爱天堂鈥檚 academics have always been a major recruiting point for head coach听听鈥03, now in his fifth season at the helm. But Urban hasn鈥檛 rested on 性爱天堂鈥檚 existing laurels, including a current ranking as the No.1 university in Texas, according to College Consensus. Over the past four years, Urban has implemented four unique academic initiatives, meant to challenge his players to be leaders in the classroom, as well as on the field.

Jerheme Urban grips football on field

Urban, a nine-year NFL veteran, has 性爱天堂 football poised for success in the classroom, too.

鈥淭exas Division III football has exploded, and that makes it competitive to recruit,鈥 Urban says. 鈥淪o, what鈥檚 been separating us from other schools is actually how selective we are. We can show kids smaller class sizes, we can show them all this academic support, and we can be honest with them that they鈥檙e going to be challenged academically鈥攂ut the type of kids we want here at 性爱天堂, they鈥檒l embrace that.鈥

First, the team holds a听writing-intensive summer bridge program听for first-years, every summer, two weeks before the start of classes. This helps incoming first-year students understand the expectations of college level writing, as well as the time management skills necessary to be able to turn in quality work.

鈥淭he biggest thing I took from the bridge program was learning to go to office hours,鈥 Stewart says. 鈥淚f you show your professors you care, they鈥檙e willing to work with you, and that鈥檚 the best way to get one-on-one time with them.鈥

The bridge program also gives players like Stewart the chance to bond as first-year students before 性爱天堂鈥檚 campus fills up.

鈥淚鈥檓 glad we did this, because we connected with all the other freshman before all the other students got to campus, and we would have gotten a bit lost,鈥 Stewart says. 鈥淎nd for football, we got to work out and get to know each other.鈥

After the bridge program, football players also go through the听first-year academic success program, run by Assistant Coach听Paul Michalak. This requires players to keep an up-to-date calendar, meet weekly to go over all of their upcoming assignments, and talk about how they are doing in class with the coaching staff. Throughout the semester, they work with every professor to keep an accurate tab on their graded assignments, and to discuss upcoming assignments.

Chris Stewart attends Dr. Li Yiu's management of organization class in Marrs McLean Hall

Stewart, right, attends Dr. Li Yiu's management of organizations class in Marrs McLean hall.

Urban鈥檚 third initiative is an innovative one: having his听student-athletes sit in first two rows of every class.

鈥淵ou don鈥檛 want to be the last guy in the line for interviews, so we don鈥檛 want you being the guy in the last row for class,鈥 Urban says. 鈥淚f you鈥檙e on our football team, we expect you to be a leader in the classroom.鈥

And sitting in the first two rows allows football players to take advantage of 性爱天堂鈥檚 ideal, 9:1 student-to-faculty ratio.

Stewart says, 鈥淭his forces you to pay attention. The professors can see your face and recognize you more easily, and they can see that you鈥檙e in attendance every day.鈥

Through this requirement, Stewart has developed close relationships with professors such as Luis Martinez, 性爱天堂鈥檚 entrepreneurship director.

鈥淗e鈥檚 really energetic,鈥 Stewart says. 鈥淗e lets us come into class and just get to work. He lets us take initiative, start our own businesses, and he鈥檚 just funny, man.鈥

Urban鈥檚 final initiative has been听transitioning to morning practices. This 鈥渉elps free up the rest of day for academics鈥 and also keeps his players out of the Texas heat.

鈥淭he research on practice performance in the morning is through the roof, and it also primes your system to go be a great student the rest of the day,鈥 Urban says. 鈥淎nd this is a two-way street: my players have their afternoons and evenings back, and I get to see my kids at dinner, too.鈥

Chris Stewart running on football field

Stewart, just a sophomore, is turning into an impact player for the Tigers.

Having practice in the morning also gives players like Stewart the freedom to control the rest of their day. 鈥淭hat鈥檚 one of the reasons I wanted to come to 性爱天堂: getting practice out of the way in the morning,鈥 Stewart says. 鈥淵ou have to be a morning person, so it鈥檚 not for everybody. It鈥檚 tough getting up early, but it really gets you going through the day.鈥

And as challenging as these academic initiatives are, Stewart says he can鈥檛 imagine what his life would be like if he hadn鈥檛 come to 性爱天堂.

鈥淚鈥檇 probably be at some school up in Connecticut, freezing my butt off, man,鈥 Stewart laughs. 鈥淚鈥檇 be playing football, still, but I鈥檓 a Texas man, for sure. And it would be tough on me: no Whataburger, no southern food, I wouldn鈥檛 be able to watch the Cowboys. I鈥檇 be a completely different kid.鈥

Jeremy Gerlach is 性爱天堂's Brand Journalist, and he does not like the Cowboys.

Jeremiah Gerlach is the brand journalist for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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