man presenting with reach, centene, and trinity logo and text the future of healthcare a local and national perspective a reach symposium
2019 REACH Symposium Announced
Internationally-known Capitol Hill economist to give keynote address

性爱天堂's Department of Health Care Administration and the Centene Corporation are presenting some of the country's most prominent experts in health care delivery, policy, and administration at the 2019 REACH Symposium. This year鈥檚 symposium will discuss 鈥淭he Future of Healthcare: A Local and National Perspective.鈥 The symposium will begin at 7:30 a.m. Thursday, March 21, at 性爱天堂's Ruth Taylor Recital Hall.

Doug Holtz-Eakin, former director of the Congressional Budget Office, will deliver the lunchtime keynote. The former chief economist of the President鈥檚 Council of Economic Advisers, Holtz-Eakin is one of the nation鈥檚 top economists. He has served at the highest levels of government and is well-known on Capitol Hill and in Washington鈥檚 top think tanks.

The symposium is free, but tickets are required for entry: to reserve your spot. Holtz-Eakin鈥檚 keynote luncheon is $55 and requires separate registration.

Before Holtz-Eakin鈥檚 keynote address, the symposium will present two panels: The Healthcare Shift: Where Do We Go From Here?; and Consumerism in Healthcare: Opportunities and Obstacles. Both will be moderated by Alan Weil, editor-in-chief of Health Affairs.

The Healthcare Shift: Where Do We Go From Here?

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) became the law of the land nine years ago. If a lesson of both the ACA鈥檚 passage and the repeal-and-replace debate is that reform must be bipartisan, what does a solutions-oriented conversation look like, how do we get there, and what does this shift mean for the future of healthcare reform?

Featured Panelists:

  • Dr. Thomas E. Price, former secretary of Health and Human Services and orthopedic surgeon

  • Neera Taden, president and CEO of the Center for American Progress

  • Trine Tsouderos, regulatory center leader and managing editor for PwC鈥檚 Health Research Institute

Consumerism in Healthcare: Opportunities and Obstacles

Through interactions with other service industries, patient expectations about healthcare experiences have changed. Patients are increasingly prepared to interact with the medical industry as consumers rather than as passive patients. As there is an increasing demand for healthcare providers to provide care that is convenient, technology-enabled, and even price-transparent, this panel will examine the different opportunities and obstacles the healthcare industry faces when it comes to consumerism.

Featured Panelists:

  • Jelynne LeBlanc Burley, president and CEO of The Center for Healthcare Services

  • Michael Zucker, CEO and co-founder of FetchMD

  • Dr. Louis Profeta, emergency physician for the St. Vincent Hospital of Indianapolis

For more information about the REACH Symposium, contact 性爱天堂's Office of Conferences and Special Programs at 210-999-7601.

Molly Bruni is a freelance writer and editor and the current editor of 性爱天堂 magazine. You can find her at .

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