KRTU News in San Antonio
A Remembrance - Rande Spector
Rande Spector wouldn't have thought of herself as such, but she was an absolute inspiration (and in my personal opinion, a total bad-ass).

Modest, kind, enthusiastic and thoughtful, the KRTU community was truly blessed to get to know Rande Spector and experience her enthusiasm for jazz and KRTU 91.7 FM. She had a zest for life, and once you got to know her, it was hard not to be postively affected by her energy. 

A long-time listener of KRTU 91.7 FM, Rande shared that she first developed a taste for jazz as a student in an undergraduate jazz appreciation course. As her interest in jazz grew, so did her support for the musicians that make it and the communities like KRTU, that share it with the world.

When Rande found out that KRTU was aiming to increase its terrestrial broadcast signal strength, she quickly became a champion of the Tower Initiative project. 

Never concerned with receiving recognition for the tremendous support she provided the project, she was excited to know that her passion for jazz and KRTU may encourage others to lend their resources toward ensuring the relevancy of jazz within a modern context while emphasizing its value and celebrating its diversity.

Rande passed away August 27th and she will be missed so much. And in her passing, her generosity will shine on. She has requested that gifts in her memory be made to KRTU 91.7 FM. 

Jeanette Reynolds helped tell ÐÔ°®ÌìÌÃ's story as a contributor for the University communications team.

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