• Willis Salomon teaches a variety of courses at all levels in both the English Department and in interdisciplinary programs such as Humanities 1600, Humanities 2301, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, and Women鈥檚 and Gender Studies. He has published articles and book chapters on topics as diverse as literary theory, Early Modern rhetoric, psychoanalysis and poetry, post-1968 American cultural politics, and the novels of Saul Bellow. His current research involves scientific and philosophical ideas in Early Modern poetry.

    • Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
    • M.A., University of California, Berkeley
    • M.A., Arizona State University
    • B.A., University of Pittsburgh
    • 鈥淏iography, Elegy, and the Politics of Modernity: Saul Bellow鈥檚 Ravelstein.鈥 In A Political Companion to Saul Bellow
    • 鈥淧articularism and Comic Moral Judgment in the Fiction of Saul Bellow.鈥 The Saul Bellow Journal
    • "The Energy of Renaissance Rhetoric." Advances in the History of Rhetoric
    • "Poetry and Emotion: Psychoanalysis and the Ontology of Lyric." Analecta Husserliana
    • "Deconstruction, Postcoloniality, and Objective Interests.鈥 Semiotics
    • Early Modern English: Poetry, Prose, and Intellectual Backgrounds
    • Interdisciplinary Humanities, Greco-Roman to Modern
    • Literary and Cultural Theory
    • Gender and Sexuality Studies
    • Argumentation