• I听am from Portugal and completed my Ph.D in Economics at the University of Rochester in 2009. My dissertation was听about Dynamic Labor Supply and Strategies. Concluding my Ph.D, I spent one year working at ITAM in Mexico City, and I arrived at 性爱天堂 in 2010.

    My research has continued my focus on dynamic implications of labor supply decisions, exploring its effects on contemporaneous earnings, and it's role of insurance against future income shocks. Together with my co-authors, we also explore the effects of taxation in this dynamic environment and it's strong implications to the measurement of labor supply elasticities.

    I also work on Sports Economics with topics that include optimal coaching听strategies, competitive balance in sports competitions, and forecasting success. My most recent research explores penalty kick data to test and evaluate economic theories such as the Minimax Theorem, and the presence of a 1st Mover Advantage.

    Ph.D in Economics, University of Rochester

    • M.A. in Economics, University of Rochester
    • Diploma (B.A.) in Economics, Universidade Cat贸lica Portuguesa


    听听听"Optimal Strategies in the Penalty Kick game in soccer: a model that allows players to wait" (International Journal of Sport Finance, Vol.19, No.3, 2024).


    听听听 听

    听听听鈥溾 .



    听听听鈥溾 .听

    听听听鈥溾 听


    Working Papers

    听听听鈥淕ender Differences in the Determinants of Choking Under Pressure: evidence from penalty kicks in soccer鈥.

    听听听鈥淭he Determinants of Choking under pressure in Sports鈥




    听听听鈥淢inimax Theorem: evidence from Penalty Kicks under distracting strategies鈥.

    听听听鈥淒eviations from optimal coaching strategies in the NBA鈥

    In the Media
    • El Confidencial (2022)
    • 听(2018)
    • 听(2018)
    • 听(2018)
    • 听(2014)

    Book Review
    • (Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Vol.40, No.2, 2018).

    My research focuses are in Macroeconomics and Sports Economics.

    • Macroeconomics听
    • Sports Economics
    • Economic Growth听
    • International Trade
    • Money, Credit and Banking
    • Co-Editor of the