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Letter from the HCAA President - December 2017
Heidi Pandya '00, M'05

Happy Holidays to All ÐÔ°®ÌìÌà HCAD Alumni!

How quickly it feels like yet another year has gone by. I hope all of you have been able to take some time to slow down and enjoy friends and family as we head into the end of the year.  

As I look back at 2017, I am so energized by the activities of our HCAD Program and our alumni. Alumni Weekend was another great success. We kicked off Alumni Weekend with our annual Momentum Award celebration where we honored Malisha Patel ’04, FACHE for her accomplishments in health care. Malisha has not shied away from the challenges and opportunities she has been faced with in her career. Listening to her successes and the gratitude she has for those who have supported her was an inspiring note on which to end the evening.

This year, our Momentum Award evening was graciously hosted by our outgoing Board Member, Ashley Hixon ’00, FACHE. I want to thank Ashley not only for her generosity in hosting the evening but for her many years of dedication to our Alumni Board and the HCAD Program. Ashley served on our HCAD Alumni Association Board from 2005, as President of the Board in 2013-2015 and led the planning for our 50th Anniversary Gala. Though her time on the Board has come to an end, she continues to support the HCAD Program through her participation in the Annual Giving Committee. Many thanks to Ashley for her dedication to the Board and HCAD Program!

Over Alumni Weekend, our Board meeting kicked off with a thought provoking roundtable discussion on leadership with Jody Rogers. His messages carried through to our Board meeting as we spent a significant amount of time discussing how we can best lead the Board to grow our alumni connectivity and engagement. I am excited by the Board discussion as we made the commitment to increase the connectivity events as we start 2018. Event planning for early 2018 networking activities in Austin, Oklahoma City and Houston are already well underway and we are in the process of identifying additional event locations that coincide with visits from our HCAD Professors.  

As you’ve seen in my other messages, our goal is to build HCAD alumni chapters across the U.S. and improve our communications to keep us connected. A change you’ll see as we move into 2018 is that our Dean Duce Award event has moved from March to October as we work to develop our Alumni Weekend events. We will still have a networking event in Chicago during ACHE so look for that communication in early 2018.

All of these events are supported by the generosity of our Alumni. The success of our inaugural Annual Giving campaign led by Mary Stefl and Kevin Ormand ’98, along with the support of many of our alumni on the Committee, will allow for the students to continue to attend events such as ACHE, Case competitions and local networking events for increasing alumni events we are planning. Thank you to all who made their 2017 donation and are already planning for their 2018 annual giving.  

I wish you a very happy and safe holiday season. As always, don’t hesitate to reach out if there is anything you’d like to discuss.

Warm regards,

Heidi Pandya ’00, ’05
President, HCAD Alumni Association Board
Vice President, Strategic Planning – Medical City Healthcare

AVISO is written and produced by members of the Health Care Administration Alumni Association in partnership with the Office of Alumni Relations. 

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