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Decades Interview with Eric Reichle '04
Reconnect with a member of the Class of 2002

B.S., Business Administration, University of Notre Dame, 2001
M.S., Health Care Administration, 性爱天堂, 2004
COO, Medical City Dallas

Eric Reichle '04 has always done it his way. That is to say, non-traditionally.

The son of an optometrist, Eric observed first hand the unique challenges and tremendous impact that could be made in health care and was intrigued by the field from a young age. He first tried to break into hospital management with an undergraduate degree. Quickly realizing the need for a master鈥檚, he researched programs and found the 性爱天堂 program widely regarded to be among the very best. It proved an excellent choice. 鈥溞园焯 introduced me to health care management and opened doors to professional opportunities that I could never have accessed without the alumni network,鈥 he says. 聽

His first unconventional move was to select accounting firm Ernst & Young in lieu of a hospital for his residency, a decision he based on the impressive individuals in the firm and the breadth of experience he could gain there. The choice 鈥渃hallenged me from day one to develop leadership skills and effectively manage my time. I viewed my experience at E&Y as a second graduate degree and it taught me to never stop learning.鈥澛

From Ernst & Young, Eric joined HCA鈥檚 Strategic Resource Group, an internal strategy and management consulting division, where he worked closely with HCA senior executives to develop corporate initiatives and help execute market鈥揵ased strategies. When he learned of a position in HCA鈥檚 international division with six private hospitals in London, he approached a senior executive about it. Originally turned down as 鈥渘ot experienced enough,鈥 Eric sought an opportunity to do a project for the division鈥檚 president, who eventually called him for an interview. His decision to accept the job in London was 鈥渙nce again not the most popular choice.鈥 鈥淎 number of people I highly respect suggested that I not take the job because I would be 鈥榦ut of sight, out of mind.'" But take it he did.

In London, Eric expected to find a 鈥渨ell functioning, integrated, and high-quality" national health system. What he encountered was 鈥渁 system just as disjointed and conflicted as the one I just left.鈥 But the experience did make him more open to new ideas and realize that there are many different ways to address the challenges in hospital management.聽

The London sojourn also allowed Eric and his family鈥攚ife, Lara, and two young children鈥 the opportunity to travel to new parts of the world. He counts (Mallorca), Spain, (Bordeaux), France, and the Cornwall coast in the UK among their favorite European destinations. 鈥淢y guilty pleasure is food,鈥 he says, 鈥渁nd when we are able to combine travel to new parts of the world with amazing food, it does not get much better for me.鈥

After three years in London, Eric received a call from HCA鈥檚 COO asking him to interview for the COO position at Medical City Dallas. Totally surprised by the call, Eric admits, 鈥淚 had to confirm that he knew who was on the other end of the phone.鈥 While he had wanted to stay in London longer, Eric says the job was 鈥渙ne I couldn't pass up."

Back in the U.S. since January, Eric talks about the current state of American health care. 鈥淥ur incentives remain misaligned and hospitals face significant headwinds including government payers that do not cover the cost of care, a population that is increasingly unhealthy, and a tight labor market for the highly skilled caregivers that define our hospitals. The upside to the current health care environment is the recognition that it聽颈蝉听possible to provide high-quality, patient-centered, and cost effective care. The winners will find that balance while mitigating the headwinds through innovative approaches to care.鈥

Energized by the prospect of facing those headwinds, Eric notes, 鈥淓very step I have taken in my career presented a significant variation from what I did before and often starts with me thinking, 鈥榃hat did I get myself into?鈥 From my residency, where I was meant to give experienced health care executives advice, to jumping into a foreign country, to landing in one of HCA鈥檚 largest facilities without operational experience, I seem to enjoy running head first into steep learning curves.鈥

AVISO is written and produced by members of the Health Care Administration Alumni Association in partnership with the Office of Alumni Relations.聽

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