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Behind the Desk of an Educational Leadership Graduate
Valerie Zamora

Valerie Zamora is a recent graduate from 性爱天堂鈥檚 Master of Educational Leadership program. After working as an elementary school math teacher for thirteen years, she wanted something more from her career. She became a Response to Intervention (RTI) teacher and found a passion for educational leadership. During her last semester, we sat down with her to discuss her experience in the program.

Q: Tell me about your most recent teaching position.听
A: I am an RTI math teacher so that stands for response to intervention teacher. And I serve students who are from the 1st through 5th grade, I also help teachers. It鈥檚 my second year in my position.

Q: What influenced your decision to start an educational leadership program?听
A: The year before I became an RTI teacher, I was an elementary school teacher for thirteen years. My last year, it was COVID and we were teaching students in-person and on the computer at the same time and it took a big toll on me. So during conference times, I spent a lot of time thinking 鈥渨hat else can I do with my degree?鈥 And then a principal from another school told me that a leadership position opened up and asked me to apply. It just worked out perfectly. This position got me out of the classroom funk that I was in and allowed me to continue education in a different realm.

Q: Why did you choose 性爱天堂?听
A: When I was in the RTI program, we got an email about the 性爱天堂 program. I remember telling my principal in a meeting 鈥淥h yeah there's this 性爱天堂 leadership program but it鈥檚 due in like three hours, I have to pull groups, and I can鈥檛 do it鈥. But she told me to drop those groups and go sign up.

Q: What is your favorite part of the program?
A: Honestly, it鈥檚 the people. We have a very good community and so when one of us is down, there鈥檚 always someone to pick us back up. We all just gel very well.

Q: What aspect of the program is the most challenging for you?听
A: PASL is one, just wrapping your brain around it. This was really hard to understand just by reading a manual. It's very difficult to find people who have done it because it鈥檚 so new.

Q: How has this program helped your teaching so far?
A: I think it鈥檚 taught me to have more grace for my leaders.

Q: Tell me about your future career plans.
A: Honestly, I don鈥檛 know. At the beginning of my career, I wanted to be a principal. But Dr. Aleman brought Morgan who does IDRA. So I鈥檓 thinking, maybe I should take that path, being more involved in the legislative process. Maybe not even being in a school anymore, but being an advocate for teachers outside of that. Whatever it is, it鈥檚 to advocate for teachers.

Q: Which tasks have you observed the most growth or aha moment?听
A: I think creating that collaborative culture in my Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). I give my teachers a lot of voice when they do their surveys and I鈥檝e had teachers tell me in meetings that they鈥檝e never felt so validated in meetings. If your teachers don鈥檛 feel comfortable, they won鈥檛 have the confidence to express how they truly feel.听

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