photo of Maeve Armand standing next to a display board
Behind the Desk of a Teaching Minor
Maeve Armand

Maeve Armand is a senior at ÐÔ°®ÌìÌÃ, majoring in History and minoring in Teaching. She is incredibly involved on campus, from being a resident assistant to a member of Alpha Chi Lambda sorority. She also served as Co-President of the T. E. A. C. H. club from 2022-2023 and works as a Visitors Associate at the Witte Museum. We sat down with her to discuss her experiences in the program.

Q: Why did you decide to minor in teaching?
A: I decided to minor in teaching when I was still in high school. I had ÐÔ°®ÌìÌà MAT interns in my social studies classes and was inspired by them to pursue education as a career.Ìý

Q: What have your experiences been like in the program?Ìý
A: My experiences have been overwhelmingly positive! I think this program has not only taught me the basics of how to teach, but also how I can best learn.Ìý

Q: Do you know what subject and/or age group you want to teach?
A: I would like to teach high school World or U.S. History.

Q: What environment do you strive to create in your classroom?
A: I strive to create a welcoming and comfortable environment in my future classroom.Ìý

Q: What has been the most valuable thing you’ve learned?Ìý
A: The most valuable thing that I have learned is that there is always room for further growth and development.Ìý

Q: What has been your favorite class?Ìý
A: My favorite class has been Natural Environment and Well-being with Drs. Allen and Crim.

Q: Who is your favorite education professor and why?
A: My favorite education professor is Dr. Breidenstein! She has been a teacher, role model, and mentor. I'm so thankful to have been able to learn from her.Ìý

Q: What are your future plans? Does education fit into that?Ìý
A: I plan to earn my MAT at ÐÔ°®ÌìÌà this year after graduation.Ìý

Q: Do you have any advice for anyone considering a minor in teaching?
A: Just go for it!Ìý

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