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Behind the Desk of a Teaching Minor
Juliana Dold

Juliana Dold is a current sophomore at ÐÔ°®ÌìÌÃ, majoring in Psychology and minoring in Teaching. She currently manages the social media accounts for the T.E.A.C.H club and wants to work as an early elementary school teacher. We sat down with her to talk about her experience in the education department so far.

Q: Why did you decide to minor in teaching?
A: I have always wanted to be a teacher, and this program is the best next step to get me there.

Q: What have your experiences been like in the program?Ìý
A: I have loved every class I've taken in the education department. The faculty is filled with amazing people who have so much knowledge to share; it is so exciting to take classes and learn from them.

Q: What environment do you strive to create in your classroom?
A: My main goal will be to create a welcoming environment that fosters a healthy relationship with learning. It is so important to provide a safe space where students feel free to ask questions and are comfortable to say they don't quite understand something. Classrooms should be a provided space that is inherently good, especially for those students who may not have a safe space outside of school.

Q: What has been the most valuable thing you’ve learned?Ìý
A: Mainly that as a teacher, all you can do is your best. There will likely be more difficult days than easy ones, but as long as you keep trying, things can improve. Also, students will be much more willing to learn once there is an established relationship! There should always be time to create connections within the classroom, even when it feels like there are too many other things to do.

Q: Who is your favorite education professor and why?
A: My favorite professor would have to be either Dr. Smith or Dr. Noor. Dr. Smith is extremely kind and open to discussion; meeting one-on-one with her feels like talking to a friend, and she is evidently very caring about her courses and the education department. I have taken two classes with Dr. Noor. She is so knowledgeable and passionate about schooling. I have learned so much from her and enjoy listening to everything she has to say.

Q: Anything additional you want to include about the minor in your blog?Ìý
A: ​​Even if a career in education isn't in your future, I feel like anyone remotely interested in education or teaching should take a course. Education courses are so interesting and the topics they cover are especially important today; taking a course or two is only beneficial!

Q: What are your future plans? Does education fit into that?Ìý
A: After getting my undergraduate degree, I'm hoping to do ÐÔ°®ÌìÌÃ's M.A.T. program. From there, I'd like to be an elementary school teacher. If there's something after that, I would hope to still be involved with the education field in some way.

Q: Do you have any advice for anyone considering a minor in teaching?
A: DO IT!! The education department has, in my opinion, the best courses to offer at ÐÔ°®ÌìÌÃ. And it doesn't hurt to have a minor or two when you graduate.

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