This course will expose students to the unique economic, geologic, and cultural history of Iceland. The economic aspects will focus on the role of financial markets and monetary institutions in economic booms and crashes using Iceland as a case study, possible solutions to public good problems such as the Icelandic fishing quota, business practices which often prioritize protection of the environment and social responsibility, and the role of international trade in development of a small country. The geological history will emphasize Iceland's plate tectonic setting, volcanism, glacial history and related hazards, geothermal energy, and the effects of climate change. The cultural portion will explore the fundamental role of literature in a country with virtually no illiteracy, and the role of the sagas in the transmission of culture, language, and the law in the country with the oldest parliament in the world. The course includes an excursion to Iceland for 12-14 days in late May-early June. (Also listed as ECON 3415 and INTL 3415.) (Offered occasionally.)
4 credits
Upper Division